16-38 – 2016 “Hit the Ground Running” Councillor Workshops for councils with elections in September and October 2016 – promotional flyer and online registrations
A promotional flyer has been produced to provide information to General Managers and Councillors on the upcoming “Hit the Ground Running” Councillor Workshops.
Online registrations are now open for General Managers to enrol themselves and their Councillors to attend one of the workshops.
16-37 Local authority mandatory swimming pool inspection program reminder
Local authorities are required to develop and adopt a program for the inspection of swimming pools in their areas to ensure compliance with the requirements of section 22B of the Swimming Pools Act 1992 (the Act).
16-36 – Financial reporting obligations – AASB 124 Related party disclosures
As advised during the Code of Accounting Practice and Financial Reporting (Code) Update 24 consultation process, the Australian Accounting Standards Board has determined that, from 1 July 2016, AASB 124 related party disclosures will apply to government entities, including local governments. In the annual financial statements for 2016-17, councils must disclose related party relationships, transactions and outstanding balances, including commitments.
16-35 – More Phase 1 amendments to the Local Government Act commenced by proclamation
As notified in Circular 16-30, the NSW Parliament passed amendments to the Local Government Act 1993 (the LGA) in the Local Government Amendment (Governance and Planning) Act 2016. These reforms are known as the Phase 1 amendments.
16-34 – $5 million NSW Boating Now grant program open for boat trailer parking solutions
On 6 September 2016, Transport for NSW (TFNSW) announced that a $5 million Boat Trailer Storage Grants Program is available under the NSW Boating Now program to support the delivery of alternative viable storage facilities and solutions for boat trailers.
16-33 – 2016 Local Government Elections – Hit the Ground Running Councillor Workshops
In collaboration with Local Government NSW, OLG will again be providing support to councils and councillors to help them in their roles by conducting Hit the Ground Running councillor workshops following local government elections on Saturday 10 September, 2016.
16-32 – Oath or affirmation of office by councillors
As a result of the recent amendments to the Local Government Act 1993, councillors (including mayors) are now required to take an oath or affirmation of office. The prescribed words of the oath and affirmation are contained in the attachment to this Circular. Oaths or affirmations of office must be taken by each councillor at or before the first meeting of the council after being elected.
16-31 – End of Year Financial Reporting 2015-16
End of year financial reporting information has been updated for 2015-16. The Financial Data Return (FDR) 2015-16 has also been updated to reflect the changes within the Local Government Code of Accounting Practice and Financial Reporting (Update No. 24).
16-30 – Local Government Amendment (Governance and Planning) Act
The NSW Parliament has passed amendments to the Local Government Act 1993 (the LGA) known as the Phase 1 reforms, focussing mainly on improving council governance and strategic business planning.
Some of the amendments are now in force. Other amendments will be put in place over time.
16-29 – Changes to the online GIPA Tool for new councils – Update from the Information and Privacy Commission (IPC)
The formation of new councils will have implications for these councils’ management of their obligations under the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 (GIPA Act).