16-27 – Annual reporting requirements for councils with elections in September 2016

The annual report is a key point of accountability between a council and its community. The annual report outlines the council’s achievements in implementing its Delivery Program. The annual report must contain the council’s audited financial statements and notes, and any information required by the Regulation or the Guidelines. The annual report must be prepared within five months of the end of the financial year (i.e. by 30 November). A copy of the report must be posted on the council’s website and be provided to the Minister (achieved by sending an email including a link to the report on the council’s website to olg@olg.nsw.gov.au).

16-28 – Annual and end-of-term reporting requirements for councils with deferred elections

Councils with deferred ordinary elections will have adopted their 2016-17 Operational Plan by this stage and should continue to operate under this plan until 30 June 2017. The standard requirements to review the Community Strategic Plan and develop a new Resourcing Strategy and Delivery Program will be applied following the deferred election. For The Hills Shire Council, the first Community Strategic Plan must be endorsed by 30 June 2018. Councils will receive further advice on IP&R requirements, including timing for developing Operational Plans for 2017-18, in due course.

16-26 – Voting at the upcoming council elections on 10 September 2016

Ordinary local government elections in NSW are scheduled to occur on 10 September 2016 for councils that have not been merged and that are not subject to a merger proposal.

16-25 – Preparing for new Joint Organisations in each region

The NSW Government is pleased to have received 63 submissions and heard from local councils, regional bodies, peak sector bodies and agencies at 10 consultation sessions across the State, on the way forward for Joint Organisations (JOs). The Office of Local Government is leading this work in collaboration with the Department of Premier and Cabinet, local government sector and State agencies to build on lessons from the JO Pilot process, and deliver practical tools to make each JO a success.

16-24 – Section 355 committees

There have been several recent cases of section 355 committees failing to meet basic governance and accounting standards. This creates significant and ongoing risks for councils. Where councils delegate functions to section 355 committees, including the expenditure of council funds, it is important that the activities of these committees remain transparent and subject to critical oversight.

16-23 – Stand for your community guide and candidate diversity strategy publications

A guide for candidates, stand for your community, and other resources have been prepared by the Office of Local Government, in collaboration with Local Government NSW, to ensure candidates reflect the diverse communities they represent. The resources will also assist prospective candidates in making informed decisions about standing for local government elections in September 2016.

16-22 – The Local Government and Elections Legislation Amendment (Integrity) Act 2016

The NSW Parliament has passed amendments to the Local Government Act 1993 (the LGA) and the Election Funding, Expenditure and Disclosures Act 1981 (the Election Funding Act). The amendments are designed to promote confidence in the integrity of local government elections and the candidates who stand for election to councils, and to offer a more effective deterrent to misuse by councillors of their office for personal gain.

16-21 – 2016/17 Calendar of Compliance and Reporting Requirements

The Calendar includes key statutory and other reporting deadlines for general purpose councils. For new councils, some dates may have changed by Proclamation. The following items have been added to the Calendar since last year: − Local Government Elections (unless delayed). An on-line Calendar of Compliance and Reporting is currently being developed. Councils will be advised when the facility becomes available.

16-18 Council decision-making prior to the September 2016 local government elections

Clause 393B of the Local Government (General) Regulation 2005 limits councils’ ability to exercise some of their functions in the four weeks preceding the date of an ordinary local government election (the caretaker period).

16-19 – Preparation of non-residential rolls

Councils need to ensure that everyone eligible to vote in the upcoming local government elections has the opportunity to do so. Councils should include relevant information, including eligibility criteria and the process for making a claim for inclusion on the non-residential rolls on their websites.