18-37 – Audit Office – Local Government Fraud Control Performance Audit

The NSW Audit Office has undertaken a sector-wide performance audit of fraud controls in councils. Councils’ fraud controls were assessed against the Audit Office’s Fraud Control Improvement Kit.The resulting report, Fraud controls in local councils, found that there is significant variation between councils in the strength of their fraud control systems and that many councils have substantial room for improvement.

18-35 – The new Model Code of Meeting Practice for Local Councils

The new Model Code of Meeting Practice for Local Councils in NSW (the Model Meeting Code) has been finalised and will soon be prescribed by the Local Government (General) Regulation 2005.

18-34 – Reminder of 1 December 2018 deadline for councils to finalise a refund sharing agreement to share in Container Deposit Scheme (CDS) kerbside revenue

Councils must notify the NSW Environment Protection Authority (EPA) that they have reached a refund sharing agreement with their Material Recovery Facility (MRF) operator before 1 December 2018 to enable the MRF to continue to claim refunds for eligible containers and to enable councils to receive a share of CDS revenue from their kerbside recycling stream.

18-33 – OLG Financial Reporting Workshops 2018-19

The Office of Local Government (OLG) is conducting a series of workshops commencing November 2018 and concluding May 2019 on impending Accounting Standards and the auditing of financial statements. A range of council revenue and lease contracts will be reviewed to enable councils to gain an understanding of the issues to consider in determining the impact of the new standards.

18-32 – Councils are invited to visit OLG’s trade exhibition display booth at the LGNSW Conference 21-23 October, Albury

Mayors, councillors and general managers are encouraged to visit the OLG trade exhibition display (stalls 32 & 33), to speak with staff or ask any questions they may have about OLG programs and initiatives. Information will be available on a range of topics such as joint organisations, the model code of conduct, model code of meeting practice, biodiversity and skills development.

18-31 – Special Variation and Minimum Rate Variation Guidelines and Process for 2019-20

The timetable for 2019-20 Special Variation and Minimum Rate Variation applications has been released. The Guidelines that apply to 2019-20 Special Variation and Minimum Rate Variation applications have been published.

18-30 – Changes to GIPA – IPC Advice

Development applications received or made before 1 July 2010 (as well as associated documents and records of decision) are no longer open access information within the definition under the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 (GIPA Act) and the Regulation. The new GIPA Regulation was made on 31 August 2018. It repeals and relaces the previous Government Information (Public Access) Regulation 2009.

18-28 – Annual Report Checklist

Council can use the checklist to ensure that it has included all of the information required under the Local Government Act 1993 (the Act), the Local Government (General) Regulation 2005 and other relevant legislation and guidelines in its annual report.

18-29 – New structure for NSW State Emergency Service

A key part of the new structure is the adoption of a new Incident Management Operating Model (IMOM). The IMOM is the structure supporting the operational command and control arrangements of the NSW SES. Under the IMOM, service delivery will be restructured from 17 regions to 5 zones with a ‘zone headquarters’ in each zone as well as staff located at other facilities across the state.

18-27 – Review of Privacy Code of Practice for Local Government

The Code was gazetted on 1 July 2000. The Code has the effect of modifying Part 6 (the public register provisions) of the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998 and the application of the Information Protection Principles as they apply to local government.