18-16 – Increase to companion animal registration fees in line with CPI
From 1 July 2018 cat and dog lifetime registration fees will increase in line with the Consumer Price Index as required by the Companion Animals Regulation 2008 and outlined in Circular to Councils 13-54.
18-15 – Commencement of the Crown Land Management Act 2016
Local councils will commence management of Crown reserves under the Local Government Act 1993 from 1 July, and must be ready to start the transition to the new requirements from that date.
18-14 – Auditor General’s report to Parliament on the 2016-17 financial audits of NSW Councils
Councils are encouraged to review the report and continue working towards strengthening governance, financial management and reporting in the local government sector. Councils are also encouraged to engage early and work with their auditors to continue to improve the quality and timeliness of financial reporting.
18-13 – Local Government Skills Strategy
The Local Government Skills Strategy (LGSS) is being rolled out to councils across the State following a successful pilot program.The program provides local councils with better access to quality professional training to help them meet the demands of a modern local government environment.
18-12 – Management of unsolicited proposals received by councils
The Guide defines an unsolicited proposal as “an approach to Government from a proponent with a proposal to deal directly with the Government over a commercial proposition, where the Government has not requested the proposal”. This may include proposals to build and/or finance infrastructure, provide goods or services, or undertake a major commercial transaction.
18-11 – Companion Animals Regulation 2008 Review
The Companion Animals Regulation 2008 (the Regulation) is undergoing statutory review by the NSW Government. The Regulation, which is made under the Companion Animals Act 1998, provides key information about how companion animals (pet cats and dogs) are identified, registered and managed in NSW.
18-10 – Final Code of Accounting Practice and Financial Reporting (update 26)
The final Code of Accounting Practice and Financial Reporting (Code) (Update 26) is available for preparing councils’ 2017/18 financial statements.
18-09 – Support for councils in relation to kerbside recycling and the impact of the Container Deposit Scheme (CDS)
The NSW Government will shortly release further information to councils to help negotiate agreements with Material Recovery Facilities (MRFs) in relation to sharing the proceeds from the kerbside collection of eligible CDS containers.
18-08 – Information about Rating 2018-19
Councils should incorporate these determinations into their 2018-19 rating structures and Operational Plan Statement of Revenue Policies.
18-07 – Council Crown Land Managers – General Manager and senior staff webinar
The Office of Local Government and the Department of Industry – Crown Land will be co-hosting a webinar for council General Managers and senior staff with public land management responsibilities from 10.30am to 12.00pm on Wednesday 21 March 2018. Webinar RSVP instructions are contained in the attachment to this Circular and will also be emailed through to councils separately.