14-02 – Approval of Internal Audit Bureau as an alternative provider of conduct reviewers

As Chief Executive of the Division of Local Government, and in accordance with clause 6.2(b) of the Procedures for the Administration of the Model Code of Conduct for Local Councils in NSW, I have approved the Internal Audit Bureau (IAB) as an alternative provider of conduct reviewers.

13-50 Building a New Local Government Performance Measurement Framework

The Division of Local Government, with local government sector representatives, has commenced work on a new Local Government Performance Measurement Framework and would like feedback on a Discussion Paper. A supporting survey will also be issued to General Managers for completion.

13-23 Model Asbestos Policy for NSW Councils – S23a Guideline

The ‘Model Asbestos Policy for NSW Councils’ has now been released as a guideline under section 23A of the Local Government Act 1993. This means that councils must consider the Policy when developing, adopting and implementing asbestos policies for their local government areas.

12-20 September 2012 Local government elections – Use of council resources and electoral material

With the upcoming local government elections in September 2012 this circular provides a reminder of the obligations of council officials in relation to the use of council resources and the potential for council publications to be considered ‘electoral material’.

12-19 – September 2012 Local Government Elections Caretaker Provisions

With the upcoming local government elections in September 2012 this circular provides a summary of the new caretaker provisions pursuant to the Local Government Act 1993 and the Local Government (General) Regulation 2005.

12-14 Candidate diversity strategy and thinking about becoming a councillor?

A guide for candidates, stand for your community, and other resources have been prepared by the Office of Local Government, in collaboration with Local Government NSW, to ensure candidates reflect the diverse communities they represent. The resources will also assist prospective candidates in making informed decisions about standing for local government elections in September 2016.

12-12 Amendments to the Local Government Act 1993

The purpose of this circular is to advise councils and other stakeholders of recent changes to the Local Government Act 1993.

12-09 Fair Valuation, infrastructure, property, plant and equipment

In July 2006, the former Department of Local Government mandated that NSW councils commence valuing infrastructure, property, plant and equipment at fair value, in accordance with Australian Accounting Standard AASB 116, "Property, Plant and Equipment". This valuation requirement was introduced using a staged approach. The first asset class to be revalued at fair value was water supply and sewerage services assets.

12-02 – Procurement from Disability Employment Organisations

The purpose of this circular is to inform councils of NSW Government policy and encourage councils to procure goods and services from disability employment organisations.

11-42 Developing a Council Community Events Policy – A Toolkit for NSW Councils

The purpose of this Circular is to advise that Developing a Council Community Events Policy - A Toolkit for NSW Councils is now available on the Division’s website at www.dlg.nsw.gov.au (see ‘Publications’ and ‘Directory of Policy Advice for Councils’ under ‘Events Management and Filming’).