16-14 – 2016-17 Youth Opportunities funding now open
Applications are now open for funding from the Youth Opportunities Grant Program for projects to be run in 2017.
The Youth Opportunities Grant Program provides one-off, time-limited grants of up to $50,000 to organisations and local councils for youth-led and youth-driven community projects that have a positive youth development focus.
16-13 – Taxation arrangements for new councils
Council finance staff in new councils should take action immediately, if they have not already done so, to ensure that the taxation issues associated with the new council are managed effectively. There are numerous taxation issues that a new council must consider and address early in its establishment.
16-12 – Arrangements for the sale and lease of swimming pools from 29 April 2016
As previously advised to councils, swimming pool barrier sale and lease requirements commence today (Friday 29 April 2016).
16-11 – Rating Information 2016-17
Councils should incorporate these determinations into their 2016/17 rating structures and Operational Plan Statement of Revenue Policies. The statutory limit on the maximum amount of minimum rates for 2016/17 has been determined.
16-10 – Model Asbestos Policy Update for NSW Councils
The November 2012 Model Asbestos Policy for NSW Councils has been updated by the Heads of Asbestos Coordination Authorities (HACA). The updated policy, dated November 2015, incorporates guidance on two new categories of asbestos, being ‘loose fill’ and ‘naturally occurring’.
16-09 – Phase in of new powers to help manage boat trailer parking
The Impounding Act 1993 will now be amended by the Impounding Amendment (Unattended Boat Trailers) Act 2015 from 1 July 2016, allowing councils and impounding authorities to ‘opt in’ to take impounding action against boat trailers parked for more than 28 days. To ensure that the effectiveness of the initial implementation is thoroughly assessed, the Office of Local Government (OLG) has invited three council areas where unattended boat trailers are of concern to participate in a program to pilot the new measures.
16-08 – Approval of investigation services suppliers specified under NSW Procurement’s Performance and Management Services Prequalification Scheme for referrals of councils’ code of conduct complaints
The Internal Audit Bureau (IAB) ceased operations in December 2015. It was previously approved as an alternative provider of conduct reviewers under clause 6.2(b) of the Procedures for the Administration of the Model Code of Conduct for Local Councils in NSW (Procedures).
16-07 – Special Schedule 8 Permissible Income Workpapers 2016-17
The structure of the Financial Statements has been updated for 2015-16 and as a result Special Schedule 9 has become Special Schedule 8 to fit in numerically with the Financial Statements.On 4 December 2015, the Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal (IPART) announced the 2016-17 rate-peg limit of 1.8%.
16-06 – Responsible Pet Ownership Grants Program – Year 3 (2016-17) – Call for applications
The NSW Government committed $900,000 over 3 years to the Responsible Pet Ownership Grants Program (2014-15 through to 2016-17). Applications for the third year of funding for the Program can now be made.
16-05 – Changes for properties sold or leased with swimming pools
All properties with a swimming pool or spa pool being sold or leased on or after 29 April 2016 will need a valid certificate of compliance, certificate of non-compliance or a relevant occupation certificate.