11-01 – Revised Ministerial Investment Order

A revised Investment Order pursuant to section 625 of the Local Government Act 1993 has been issued. The Minister for Local Government signed the revised Order on 12 January 2011 and it was published in the NSW Government Gazette on 11 February 2011. It replaces the Order dated 31 July 2008.

10-34 Capital Expenditure Guidelines

The Guidelines have been issued pursuant to section 23A of the Local Government Act 1993. As such, councils must consider these Guidelines before committing to capital projects. It should be noted that councils are expected to undertake the processes outlined in the Guidelines, irrespective of the funding sources of projects.

10-33 – Alcohol Prohibited Areas – Amendments to the Local Government Act 1993

The NSW Parliament has passed the Local Government Amendment (Confiscation of Alcohol) Act 2010. The Act was assented to by the Governor on 7 December 2010 and its provisions commenced on that date. The purpose of this Circular is to advise councils of the effect of these amendments.

10-11 Release of Investment Policy Guidelines

The Guidelines have been developed to assist councils with the preparation of an investment policy and the prudent and appropriate management of council’s surplus funds.

09-39 Tendering Guidelines for NSW Local Government

Following consultation with the local government sector, the Division of Local Government, Department of Premier and Cabinet has developed the Tendering Guidelines for NSW Local Government.

09-36 – Release of revised councillor expenses and facilities guidelines

The purpose of this circular is to advise councils of the release of revised Guidelines for the payment of expenses and the provision of facilities for mayors and councillors in NSW.

09-21 Revised Borrowing Order

The Minister for Local Government has issued a revised Borrowing Order pursuant to section 624 of the Local Government Act 1993. The revised Order replaces the Order dated 27 September 1993. The revised Order, which is attached to this circular, retains the limitation on councils to borrow only in Australia and in Australian currency. All other limitations or restrictions have been removed.

09-25 – Land Under Roads

The Department has now determined that in accordance with AASB 1051 Land Under Roads, a council may elect to recognise or not to recognise as an asset land under roads acquired before 1 July 2008. Land under roads acquired after that date is accounted for under AASB 116.

09-11 Local Government Filming Protocol

The purpose of this Circular is to advise councils of the release of the revised Local Government Filming Protocol (the Protocol).

08-66 – Guidelines for fireworks events

Councils are advised that ‘Guidelines for Council when Notification of a Fireworks Event is Received’ have been developed by WorkCover and the Local Government and Shires Associations to provide councils with a standard framework when deciding whether to object to WorkCover in regard to a firework display of which council has received a notification.