LOCAL GOVERNMENT DIRECTORY - EXPORT DATE: 11-12-24 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GENERAL PURPOSE COUNCILS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Albury City Council 553 Kiewa Street, , Albury NSW 2640 PO Box 323, , ALBURY NSW 2640 P 02 6023 8111 F 02 6023 8190 E info@alburycity.nsw.gov.au W http://www.alburycity.nsw.gov.au Area/sq.Km 306 Population 52949 Wards 0 ABN 92 965 474 349 Meetings 2nd and 4th Mon 6:00pm Councillors (9) Mayor Clr Kevin Mack Deputy Clr Jessica Kellahan Clr Stuart Baker, Clr Phillip Bullivant, Clr Raissa Butkowski, Clr Darren Cameron, Clr Alice Glachan, Clr Geoff Hudson, Clr Kylie King Senior Staff General Manager Mr Frank Zaknich Public Officer Ms Cate Stevens Auditors Crowe Horwath Auswild (Albury) Armidale Regional Council 135 Rusden Street, , Armidale NSW 2350 PO Box 75A, , ARMIDALE NSW 2350 P 1300 136 833 F 02 6772 9275 E council@armidale.nsw.gov.au W http://www.armidaleregional.nsw.gov.au Area/sq.Km 8621 Population 30594 Wards 0 ABN 39 642 954 203 Meetings 4th Wed 4pm Councillors (9) Mayor Clr Sam Coupland Deputy Clr Todd Redwood Clr Kay Endres, Clr Paul Gaddes, Clr Eli Imad, Clr Susan McMichael, Clr Dorothy Robinson, Clr Rob Taber, Clr Bradley Widders Senior Staff General Manager Mr James Roncon Public Officer Ms Simone Mooketsi Auditors Ballina Shire Council 40 Cherry Street, , Ballina NSW 2478 PO Box 450, , BALLINA NSW 2478 P 1300 864 444 F 02 6686 7035 E council@ballina.nsw.gov.au W http://www.ballina.nsw.gov.au Area/sq.Km 485 Population 43457 Wards 3 ABN 53 929 887 369 Meetings 4th Thur 9:00am Councillors (10) Mayor Clr Sharon Cadwallader (popularly elected) Deputy Clr Damian Loone Clr Michelle Bailey, Clr Simon Chate, Clr Therese Crollick, Clr Kiri Dicker, Clr Erin Karsten, Clr Simon Kinny, Clr Phil Meehan, Clr Eva Ramsey Senior Staff General Manager Mr Paul Hickey Public Officer Ms Kelly Brown Auditors Thomas Noble & Russell Balranald Shire Council 70 Market Street, , Balranald NSW 2715 PO Box 120, , BALRANALD NSW 2715 P 03 5020 1300 F 03 5020 1620 E council@balranald.nsw.gov.au W http://www.balranald.nsw.gov.au Area/sq.Km 21691 Population 2341 Wards 0 ABN 74 678 751 581 Meetings 3rd Tues 5:00pm Councillors (8) Mayor Clr Luigi (Louie) Zaffina Deputy Clr Dwaine Scott Clr Leigh Byron, Clr Iain Lindsay-Field, Clr Alison Linnett, Clr Tracy O'halloran, Clr Philip Pippin, Clr German Ugarte Senior Staff General Manager Mr Glenn Carroll Acting General Manager Mr Glenn Carroll Public Officer Auditors Millington SBS Bathurst Regional Council 158 Russell Street, , Bathurst NSW 2795 Private Mail Bag 17, , BATHURST NSW 2795 P 02 6333 6111 F 02 6331 7211 E council@bathurst.nsw.gov.au W http://www.bathurst.nsw.gov.au Area/sq.Km 3818 Population 42779 Wards 0 ABN 42 173 522 302 Meetings 3rd Wed 6:00pm Councillors (9) Mayor Clr Robert Taylor Deputy Clr Ben Fry Clr Warren Aubin, Clr Natalie Cranston, Clr Tony Gullifer, Clr Jess Jennings, Clr Jaclyn Underwood, Clr Elaine West, Clr Sophie Wright Senior Staff General Manager Mr David Sherley Public Officer Mr Nicholas Murphy Auditors Intentus Chartered Accountants Bayside Council 444-446 Princes Highway, , Rockdale NSW 2216 PO Box 21, , ROCKDALE NSW 2216 P 02 9562 1666 F 0 E council@bayside.nsw.gov.au W http://www.bayside.nsw.gov.au Area/sq.Km 50 Population 170089 Wards 5 ABN 80 690 785 443 Meetings 2nd Wed 7:00pm (except in Jan) Councillors (15) Mayor Clr Ed McDougall Deputy Clr Heidi Douglas Clr Joe Awada, Clr Liz Barlow, Clr Ron Bezic, Clr Jerome Boutelet, Clr Janin Bredehoeft, Clr Christina Curry, Clr Fiona Douskou, Clr Soraya Kassim, Clr Scott Morrissey, Clr Michael Nagi, Clr Vicki Poulos, Clr Christopher Saravinovski, Clr Peter Strong Senior Staff General Manager Ms Meredith Wallace Public Officer Mr Fausto Sut Auditors Bega Valley Shire Council Zingel Place, , Bega NSW 2550 PO Box 492, , BEGA NSW 2550 P 02 6499 2222 F 02 6499 2200 E council@begavalley.nsw.gov.au W http://www.begavalley.nsw.gov.au DX 4904 Bega Area/sq.Km 6279 Population 34102 Wards 0 ABN 26 987 935 332 Meetings 3rd Wed 2:00pm Councillors (9) Mayor Clr Russell Fitzpatrick (popularly elected) Deputy Clr Mitchell Nadin Clr Tony Allen, Clr Simon Daly, Clr Peter Haggar, Clr Clair Mudaliar, Clr Peggy Noble, Clr Helen O'Neil, Clr David Porter Senior Staff General Manager Mr Anthony McMahon Public Officer Ms Iliada Bolton Auditors RSM Bird Cameron Partners Bellingen Shire Council 33 Hyde Street, , Bellingen NSW 2454 PO Box 117, , BELLINGEN NSW 2454 P 02 6655 7300 F 02 6655 2310 E council@bellingen.nsw.gov.au W http://www.bellingen.nsw.gov.au Area/sq.Km 1600 Population 12946 Wards 0 ABN 26 066 993 265 Meetings 1st Tuesday 09:00AM Councillors (7) Mayor Clr Steve Allan (popularly elected) Deputy Clr Ellie Tree Clr Jo Brotherton, Clr Jennie Fenton, Clr Dominic King, Clr Andrew O'Keeffe, Clr Graeme Shephard Senior Staff General Manager Mr Mark Griffioen Public Officer Mr Darryl Hancock Auditors Forsyths (Armidale) Berrigan Shire Council 56 Chanter Street, , Berrigan NSW 2712 P 03 5888 5100 F 03 5885 2092 E mail@berriganshire.nsw.gov.au W http://www.berriganshire.nsw.gov.au Area/sq.Km 2066 Population 8664 Wards 0 ABN 53 900 833 102 Meetings 3rd Wednesday 9:30AM Councillors (8) Mayor Clr Julia Cornwell Mckean Deputy Clr John Stringer Clr Renee Brooker, Clr Matthew Hannan, Clr Catherine Healy, Clr Katie Ngatokoa, Clr Renee Paine Senior Staff General Manager Ms Karina Ewer Public Officer Mr Matthew Hansen Auditors KPMG (Albury) Blacktown City Council 62 Flushcombe Road, , Blacktown NSW 2148 PO Box 63, , BLACKTOWN NSW 2148 P 02 9839 6000 F 02 9831 1961 E council@blacktown.nsw.gov.au W http://www.blacktown.nsw.gov.au DX 8117 Blacktown Area/sq.Km 247 Population 357479 Wards 5 ABN 18 153 831 768 Meetings 3rd Wed 6:30pm Councillors (15) Mayor Clr Brad Bunting Deputy Clr Bob Fitzgerald Clr Talia Amituanai, Clr Damien Atkins, Clr Susai Benjamin, Clr Peter Camilleri, Clr Dorothy Del Villar, Clr Jess Diaz, Clr Allan Green, Clr Julie Griffiths, Clr Carol Israel, Clr Mohit Kumar, Clr Pradeep Pathi, Clr Jugandeep Singh, Clr Moninder Singh Senior Staff General Manager Mr Kerry Robinson OAM Public Officer Mr Wayne Rogers Auditors PricewaterhouseCoopers (Sydney) Bland Shire Council 6 Shire St, , West Wyalong NSW 2671 PO Box 21, , WEST WYALONG NSW 2671 P 02 6972 2266 F 02 6972 2145 E council@blandshire.nsw.gov.au W http://www.blandshire.nsw.gov.au Area/sq.Km 8558 Population 5985 Wards 0 ABN 13 251 814 087 Meetings 3rd Tuesday 6:30PM Councillors (9) Mayor Clr Brian Monaghan Deputy Clr Lisa Minogue Clr Holly Brooks, Clr Malcolm Carnegie, Clr Rodney Crowe, Clr Jill Funnell, Clr Emma Henderson, Clr Tony Lord, Clr Liz McGlynn Senior Staff General Manager Mr Grant Baker Public Officer Mrs Alison Balind Auditors Morse Group (Dubbo) Blayney Shire Council 91 Adelaide Street, , Blayney NSW 2799 PO Box 62, , BLAYNEY NSW 2799 P 02 6368 2104 F 0 E council@blayney.nsw.gov.au W http://www.blayney.nsw.gov.au Area/sq.Km 1525 Population 7344 Wards 0 ABN 47 619 651 511 Meetings 2nd Mon 6:00pm Councillors (7) Mayor Clr Bruce Reynolds Deputy Clr Rebecca Scott Clr Iris Dorsett, Clr Craig Gosewisch, Clr Karl Hutchings, Clr John Newstead, Clr Michelle Pryce Jones Senior Staff General Manager Mr Mark Dicker Public Officer Mr Anton Franze Auditors Intentus Chartered Accountants Blue Mountains City Council 2 Civic Place, , Katoomba NSW 2780 Locked Bag 1005, , KATOOMBA NSW 2780 P 02 4780 5000 F 02 4780 5555 E council@bmcc.nsw.gov.au W http://www.bmcc.nsw.gov.au Area/sq.Km 1431 Population 78968 Wards 4 ABN 52 699 520 223 Meetings 4th Tuesday 7:30PM Councillors (12) Mayor Clr Mark Greenhill Deputy Clr Romola Hollywood Clr Margaret Buckham, Clr Mick Fell, Clr Nyree Fisher, Clr Brent Hoare, Clr Suzanne Jamieson, Clr Daniel Myles, Clr Sarah Redshaw, Clr Darren Rodrigo, Clr Suzie Van Opdorp, Clr Claire West Senior Staff General Manager Dr Rosemary Dillon Public Officer Mrs Jasmine Cooper Auditors UHY Haines Norton Bogan Shire Council 81 Cobar Street, , Nyngan NSW 2825 PO Box 221, , NYNGAN NSW 2825 P 02 6835 9000 F 02 6835 9011 E admin@bogan.nsw.gov.au W http://www.bogan.nsw.gov.au Area/sq.Km 14600 Population 2664 Wards 0 ABN 68 886 242 083 Meetings 4th Thursday 9:30AM Councillors (9) Mayor Clr Glen Neill Deputy Clr Karl Bright Clr Victoria Boag, Clr Richard Bootle, Clr Judy Elias, Clr Sam Issa, Clr Graham Jackson, Clr Douglas Menzies, Clr Emily Stanton Senior Staff General Manager Mr Derek Francis Public Officer Ms Stephanie Waterhouse Auditors Spencer Steer & Associates Bourke Shire Council 29 Mitchell Street, , Bourke NSW 2840 PO Box 21, , BOURKE NSW 2840 P 02 6830 8000 F 02 6872 3030 E bourkeshire@bourke.nsw.gov.au W http://www.bourke.nsw.gov.au Area/sq.Km 41600 Population 2695 Wards 0 ABN 96 716 194 950 Meetings 4th Monday 9:00AM Councillors (10) Mayor Clr Lachlan Ford Deputy Clr Sally Davis Clr Sarah Barton, Clr Patricia Bates-Canty, Clr Kylie Baty, Clr Francis Kerr, Clr Scott Mcadam, Clr Maxime Nina, Clr Sam Rice, Clr Bob Stutsel Senior Staff General Manager Mrs Leonie Brown Public Officer Mrs Leonie Brown Auditors Spencer Steer & Associates Brewarrina Shire Council 57 Bathurst Street, , Brewarrina NSW 2839 PO Box 125, , BREWARRINA NSW 2839 P 02 6830 5100 F 02 6839 2100 E breshire@brewarrina.nsw.gov.au W https://www.brewarrina.nsw.gov.au/ Area/sq.Km 19164 Population 1670 Wards 0 ABN 22 664 205 362 Meetings 4th Friday 10:00AM Councillors (9) Mayor Clr Tommy Stanton Deputy Clr Vivian Slack-Smith Clr Mark Brown, Ms Belinda Colless, Clr Trish Frail, Clr Douglas Gordon, Clr Jason Morton, Clr Angelo Pedersen, Clr Angelo G Pippos Senior Staff General Manager Mr David Kirby Public Officer Ms Laura Gordon Auditors Spencer Steer & Associates Broken Hill City Council Administrative Centre, 240 Blende Street, Broken Hill NSW 2880 PO Box 448, , BROKEN HILL NSW 2880 P 08 8080 3300 F 08 8080 3424 E council@brokenhill.nsw.gov.au W http://www.brokenhill.nsw.gov.au Area/sq.Km 170 Population 17873 Wards 0 ABN 84 873 116 132 Meetings Last Wed. of month 6:30pm Councillors (10) Mayor Clr Thomas Kennedy (popularly elected) Deputy Clr Jim Hickey Clr Robert Algate, Clr Micheal Boland, Clr Ashley Byrne, Clr Alan Chandler, Clr David Gallagher, Clr Elaine Gillett, Clr Hayley Jewitt, Clr Darriea Turley AM Senior Staff General Manager Mr Jay Nankivell Public Officer Mr Razija Nu'man Auditors Dean Newbery & Partners Burwood Council 2 Conder Street, , Burwood NSW 2134 PO Box 240, , BURWOOD NSW 1805 P 02 9911 9911 F 02 9911 9900 E council@burwood.nsw.gov.au W http://www.burwood.nsw.gov.au Area/sq.Km 7 Population 39310 Wards 0 ABN 84 362 114 428 Meetings 4th Tuesday 6:00pm Councillors (7) Mayor Clr John Faker (popularly elected) Deputy Clr George Mannah Clr Sukirti Bhatta, Clr Pascale Esber, Clr David Hull, Clr Deyi Wu, Clr Alex Yang Senior Staff General Manager Mr Tommaso Briscese Public Officer Ms Tanya Whitmarsh Auditors Hill Rogers Spencer Steer Byron Shire Council 70 Station Street, , Mullumbimby NSW 2482 PO Box 219, , MULLUMBIMBY NSW 2482 P 02 6626 7000 F 02 6684 3018 E council@byron.nsw.gov.au W http://www.byron.nsw.gov.au Area/sq.Km 566 Population 33987 Wards 0 ABN 14 472 131 473 Meetings 2nd & 4th Thursdays Councillors (9) Mayor Clr Sarah Ndiaye (popularly elected) Deputy Clr Jack Dods Clr Elia Hauge, Clr Delta Kay, Clr Michelle Lowe, Clr Michael Lyon, Clr Asren Pugh, Clr Janet Swain, Clr David Warth Senior Staff General Manager Mr Mark Arnold Public Officer Ms Esmeralda Davis Auditors Thomas Noble & Russell Cabonne Council 99 - 101 Bank Street, , Molong NSW 2866 PO Box 17, , MOLONG NSW 2866 P 02 6392 3200 F 02 6392 3260 E council@cabonne.nsw.gov.au W http://www.cabonne.nsw.gov.au Area/sq.Km 6022 Population 13605 Wards 0 ABN 41 992 919 200 Meetings 3rd Tues 2:00pm Councillors (9) Mayor Clr Kevin Beatty Deputy Clr Jamie Jones Clr Peter Batten, Clr Marlene Nash, Clr Kathryn O'Ryan, Clr Aaron Pearson, Clr Andrew Pull, Clr Andrew Rawson, Clr Jenny Weaver Senior Staff General Manager Mr Bradley Byrnes Public Officer Ms Jolene Pearson Auditors Alan Morse & Co (Orange) Camden Council 70 Central Avenue, , Oran Park NSW 2570 PO Box 183, , CAMDEN NSW 2570 P 02 4654 7777 F 02 4654 7829 E mail@camden.nsw.gov.au W http://www.camden.nsw.gov.au DX 25807 Camden Area/sq.Km 201 Population 87068 Wards 3 ABN 31 117 341 764 Meetings 2nd Tuesday 6:30PM Councillors (9) Mayor Clr Ashleigh Cagney Deputy Clr Therese Fedeli Clr Eva Campbell, Clr Vince Ferreri, Clr Peter McLean, Clr Damien Quinnell, Clr Eliza Rahman, Clr Rose Sicari, Clr Abha Suri Senior Staff General Manager Mr Andrew Carfield Public Officer Ms Samantha Sharkey Auditors Price Waterhouse Coopers (Penrith) Campbelltown City Council Civic Centre, Cnr Queen & Broughton Streets, Campbelltown NSW 2560 PO Box 57, , CAMPBELLTOWN NSW 2560 P 02 4645 4000 F 02 4645 4111 E council@campbelltown.nsw.gov.au W http://www.campbelltown.nsw.gov.au DX 5114 Campbelltown Area/sq.Km 312 Population 164508 Wards 0 ABN 31 459 914 087 Meetings Tuesdays from 5.30PM & 7:00PM Councillors (15) Mayor Clr Darcy Lound Deputy Clr Karen Hunt Clr Seta Berbari, Clr Masood Chowdhury, Clr Josh Cotter, Clr Khaled Halabi, Clr Muhamad Khalil, Clr Cameron Mcewan, Clr Warren Morrison, Clr Margaret Oates, Clr Ashiqur (Ash) Rahman, Clr Jayden Rivera, Clr Theo (Tao) Triebels, Clr Isabella Wisniewska, Clr Adam Zahra Senior Staff General Manager Mrs Lindy Deitz Public Officer Mr Phu Nguyen Auditors Alan Morse & Co City of Canada Bay Council 1A Marlborough Street, , Drummoyne NSW 2047 Locked Bag 1470, , DRUMMOYNE NSW 1470 P 02 9911 6555 F 02 9911 6550 E council@canadabay.nsw.gov.au W http://www.canadabay.nsw.gov.au Area/sq.Km 20 Population 94150 Wards 0 ABN 79 130 029 350 Meetings 1st & 3rd Tue 6:00pm Councillors (9) Mayor Clr Michael J Megna (popularly elected) Deputy Clr Anthony Bazouni Clr Maria Cirillo, Clr Andrew Ferguson, Clr Charles Jago, Clr Eunbong (Sylvia) Lee, Clr David Mansford, Clr Mastourah Meuross, Clr Hugo Robinson Senior Staff General Manager Mr John Clark Public Officer Ms Melissa Lee Auditors PricewaterhouseCoopers (Sydney) Canterbury Bankstown Council Bankstown Civic Tower, 66-72 Rickard Road, Bankstown NSW 2200 PO Box 8, , BANKSTOWN NSW 1885 P 9707 9000 F 9707 9700 E council@cbcity.nsw.gov.au W http://www.cbcity.nsw.gov.au Area/sq.Km 110 Population 368045 Wards 5 ABN 45 985 891 846 Meetings 4th Tuesday 6:00pm Councillors (15) Mayor Clr Bilal El-Hayek Deputy Clr Karl Saleh Clr Saud Abu-Samen, Clr Sazeda Akter, Clr Khal Asfour, Clr Conroy Blood, Clr Christopher Cahill, Clr Barbara Coorey, Clr Rachelle Harika, Clr Wendy Lindsay, Clr Clare Raffan, Clr Harry Stavrinos, Clr David Walsh, Clr Jennifer Walther, Clr George Zakhia Senior Staff General Manager Mr Matthew Stewart Public Officer Mr Brad McPherson Auditors Carrathool Shire Council 9 - 11 Cobram Street, , Goolgowi NSW 2652 PO Box 12, , GOOLGOWI NSW 2652 P 02 6965 1900 F 02 6965 1379 E council@carrathool.nsw.gov.au W http://www.carrathool.nsw.gov.au Area/sq.Km 18933 Population 2796 Wards 2 ABN 86 008 844 676 Meetings 3rd Tuesday 10:00AM Councillors (10) Mayor Clr Darryl Jardine Deputy Clr Bev Furner Clr Mick Armstrong, Clr David Fensom, Clr Heather Lyall, Clr Craig McKeon, Clr Jamie Parsons, Clr Geoff Peters, Clr Nicholas Smith, Clr Anne-Maree Young Senior Staff General Manager Mr Rick Warren Public Officer Mr Robert Rayner Auditors Prosperity Advisers Group Central Coast Council 2 Hely Street, , WYONG NSW 2259 PO Box 20, , WYONG NSW 2259 P 02 4306 7900 F 0 E ask@centralcoast.nsw.gov.au W http://www.centralcoast.nsw.gov.au Area/sq.Km 1681 Population 339196 Wards 5 ABN Meetings 4th Tue 6:30pm Councillors (15) Mayor Clr Lawrie McKinna Deputy Clr Doug Eaton Clr Margot Castles, Clr Helen Crowley, Clr Kyla Daniels, Clr Corinne Lamont, Clr Kyle Macgregor, Clr John McNamara, Clr Trent McWaide, Clr John Mouland, Ms Belinda Neal, Clr Jane Smith, Clr Rachel Stanton, Clr Sharon Walsh, Clr Jared Wright Senior Staff General Manager Mr David Farmer Public Officer Mr Edward Hock Auditors Central Darling Shire Council 21 Reid Street, , Wilcannia NSW 2836 PO Box 165, , WILCANNIA NSW 2836 P 08 8083 8900 F 08 8091 5994 E council@centraldarling.nsw.gov.au W http://www.centraldarling.nsw.gov.au Area/sq.Km 53492 Population 1846 Wards 0 ABN 65 061 502 439 Meetings 4th Wednesday 09:00AM Councillors (9) Deputy Senior Staff General Manager Mr Greg Hill Administrator Mr Bob Stewart Public Officer Mr Greg Hill Auditors Morse Group (Dubbo) Cessnock City Council 62 - 78 Vincent St, , Cessnock NSW 2325 PO Box 152, , CESSNOCK NSW 2325 P 02 4993 4100 F 02 4993 2500 E council@cessnock.nsw.gov.au W http://www.cessnock.nsw.gov.au DX DX 21502 Cessnock Area/sq.Km 1965 Population 57521 Wards 4 ABN 60 919 148 928 Meetings 1st & 3rd Wednesday 06:30 PM Councillors (13) Mayor Clr Daniel Watton (popularly elected) Deputy Clr Mitchell Hill Clr Susanne Dixon, Clr Rosa Grine, Clr Tracey Harrington, Clr Jessica Jurd, Clr Quintin King, Clr Mitchell Lea, Clr Chris Madden, Clr Mark Mason, Clr Sophie Palmowski, Clr Sarah Pascoe, Clr Jay Suvaal Senior Staff General Manager Mr Ken Liddell Public Officer Mr Robert Maginnity Auditors Forsyths (Armidale) Clarence Valley Council 42 Victoria Street, , Grafton NSW 2460 Locked Bag 23, , GRAFTON NSW 2460 P 02 6643 0200 F 0 E council@clarence.nsw.gov.au W http://www.clarence.nsw.gov.au Area/sq.Km 10429 Population 51570 Wards 0 ABN 85 864 095 684 Meetings 4th Tuesday 2:00PM Councillors (9) Mayor Mr Ray Smith PSM Deputy Clr Greg Clancy Clr Lynne Cairns, Clr Shane Causley, Clr Peter Johnstone, Clr Debrah Novak, Clr Karen Toms, Clr Allison Whaites, Clr Cristie Yager Senior Staff General Manager Ms Laura Black Public Officer Mr Alex Moar Auditors Thomas Noble & Russell Cobar Shire Council 36 Linsley Street, , Cobar NSW 2835 PO Box 223, , COBAR NSW 2835 P 02 6836 5888 F 02 6836 3964 E mail@cobar.nsw.gov.au W http://www.cobar.nsw.gov.au Area/sq.Km 45579 Population 4729 Wards 0 ABN 71 579 717 155 Meetings 4th Thursday 5:00PM Councillors (12) Mayor Clr Jarrod Marsden Deputy Clr Michael Prince Clr Chris Deighton, Clr Peter Florance, Clr Miranda Fry, Clr Michael Haines, Clr Wayne Phillips, Clr Lillian Simpson, Clr Bob Sinclair, Clr Harley Toomey, Clr Nigel Vagg, Clr Kate Winders Senior Staff General Manager Mr Peter Vlatko Public Officer Mr Peter Vlatko Auditors Luka Group Coffs Harbour City Council Administration Building, 2 Castle Street, Coffs Harbour NSW 2450 Locked Bag 155, , COFFS HARBOUR NSW 2450 P 02 6648 4000 F 0 E coffs.council@chcc.nsw.gov.au W http://www.coffsharbour.nsw.gov.au Area/sq.Km 1174 Population 75503 Wards 0 ABN 79 126 214 487 Meetings 2nd & 4th Thursday 5 PM Councillors (9) Mayor Clr Nikki Williams (popularly elected) Deputy Clr George Cecato Clr Paul Amos, Clr Jonathon Cassell, Clr Cath Fowler, Clr Tony Judge, Clr Les Oxford, Clr Gurminder Saro, Clr Julie Sechi Senior Staff General Manager Ms Natalia Cowley Public Officer Mr Ross Clark Auditors Thomas Noble & Russell Coolamon Shire Council 55 Cowabbie Street, , Coolamon NSW 2701 PO Box 101, , COOLAMON NSW 2701 P 02 6930 1800 F 02 6927 3168 E council@coolamon.nsw.gov.au W http://www.coolamon.nsw.gov.au Area/sq.Km 2431 Population 4390 Wards 0 ABN 32 573 173 265 Meetings 3rd Thursday 3:00PM Councillors (9) Mayor Clr David McCann Deputy Clr Alan White Clr Jeremy Crocker, Clr Bronwyn Hatty, Clr Matthew Higginson, Clr Bruce Hutcheon, Clr Wayne Lewis, Clr Kathy Maslin, Clr Colin McKinnon Senior Staff General Manager Mr Tony Donoghue Public Officer Mr Tony Donoghue Auditors Auswild & Co Coonamble Shire Council 80 Castlereagh Street, , Coonamble NSW 2829 PO Box 249, , COONAMBLE NSW 2829 P 02 6827 1900 F 02 6822 1626 E council@coonambleshire.nsw.gov.au W http://www.coonambleshire.nsw.gov.au Area/sq.Km 9916 Population 4031 Wards 0 ABN 19 499 848 443 Meetings 2nd Wed 9:30am (except Jan) Councillors (9) Mayor Clr Danny Keady Deputy Clr Steve Butler Clr Karen Churchill, Clr Adam Cohen, Clr Paul Fisher, Clr Margaret Garnsey, Clr Pip Goldsmith, Clr Ahmad Karanouh, Clr Paul Wheelhouse Senior Staff General Manager Mr Paul Gallagher Public Officer Mr Paul Gallagher Auditors Spencer Steer & Associates Cootamundra-Gundagai Regional Council 81 Wallendoon Street, , Cootamundra NSW 2590 PO Box 420, , COOTAMUNDRA NSW 2590 P 1300 459 689 F 02 6940 2127 E mail@cgrc.nsw.gov.au W http://www.cgrc.nsw.gov.au/ Area/sq.Km 3981 Population 11244 Wards 0 ABN 46 211 642 339 Meetings 4th Tuesday 6:00pm Councillors (9) Mayor Clr Abb McAlister Deputy Clr Rosalind Wight Clr Logan Collins, Clr Les Cooper, Clr David Graham, Clr Gil Kelly, Clr Penny Nicholson, Clr Ethan Ryan, Clr Danyal Syed Senior Staff General Manager Mr Steve McGrath Interim General Manager Mr Steve McGrath Public Officer Mr Steve McGrath Auditors The Audit Office of NSW Cowra Shire Council 116 Kendal Street, , Cowra NSW 2794 Private Bag 342, , COWRA NSW 2794 P 02 6340 2000 F 0 E council@cowra.nsw.gov.au W http://www.cowracouncil.com.au Area/sq.Km 2809 Population 12694 Wards 0 ABN 26 739 454 579 Meetings 4th Monday of each month Councillors (9) Mayor Clr Paul Smith Deputy Clr Nikki Kiss Clr Cheryl Downing, Clr Ruth Fagan, Clr Tony Horton, Clr Cheryl Speechley, Clr Erin Watt, Clr Peter Wright Senior Staff General Manager Mr Paul Devery Public Officer Mr Michael Jones Auditors Alan Morse & Co (Orange) Cumberland Council 16 Memorial Avenue, , Merrylands NSW 2160 PO Box 42, , MERRYLANDS NSW 2160 P 02 8757 9000 F 02 9840 9734 E council@cumberland.nsw.gov.au W http://www.cumberland.nsw.gov.au Area/sq.Km 72 Population 231443 Wards 5 ABN 22 798 563 329 Meetings 1st & 3rd Wed 6:30pm (nil Jan) Councillors (15) Mayor Clr Ola Hamed Deputy Clr Michael Zaiter Clr Steve Christou, Clr Diane Colman, Clr Glenn Elmore, Clr Paul Garrard, Clr Helen Hughes, Clr Nadima Kafrouni-Saba, Clr Ahmed Ouf, Clr Joseph Rahme, Clr Suman Saha, Clr Eddy Sarkis, Clr Sujan Selventhiran, Clr Steve Yang, Clr Enver Yasar Senior Staff General Manager Mr Peter J Fitzgerald Public Officer Mr Colin McFadzean Auditors Dubbo Regional Council Cnr Church & Darling Streets, , DUBBO NSW 2830 PO Box 81, , DUBBO NSW 2830 P 02 6801 4000 F 02 6801 4259 E council@dubbo.nsw.gov.au W http://www.dubbo.nsw.gov.au Area/sq.Km 7535 Population 52090 Wards 0 ABN 53 539 070 928 Meetings 4th Mon 5:30pm (except in Jan) Councillors (11) Mayor Clr Josh Black Deputy Clr Phillip Toynton Clr Lukas Butler, Clr Shibli Chowdhury, Clr Jennifer Cowley, Clr Mathew Dickerson, Clr Richard Ivey, Clr Kate Richardson, Clr Adam Ryan, Clr Pamella Wells, Clr Matthew Wright Senior Staff General Manager Mr Murray Wood Public Officer Ms Abbey Rouse Auditors Dungog Shire Council 198 Dowling Street, , Dungog NSW 2420 PO Box 95, , DUNGOG NSW 2420 P 02 4995 7777 F 02 4995 7750 E shirecouncil@dungog.nsw.gov.au W http://www.dungog.nsw.gov.au Area/sq.Km 2250 Population 9188 Wards 3 ABN 62 610 350 056 Meetings 3rd Tuesday 6:00pm Councillors (7) Mayor Clr Digby Rayward (popularly elected) Deputy Clr Alexandria Carruthers Clr James Campbell, Clr Michael Dowling, Clr Liam Ley, Clr Stephen Low AM, Clr Fred Paton Senior Staff General Manager Mr Gareth Curtis Public Officer Mr Shaun Chandler Auditors Forsyths (Armidale) Edward River Council 180 Cressy Street, , Deniliquin NSW 2710 PO Box 270, , DENILIQUIN NSW 2710 P 03 5898 3000 F 03 5898 3029 E council@edwardriver.nsw.gov.au W http://www.edwardriver.nsw.gov.au Area/sq.Km 8883 Population 8949 Wards 0 ABN 90 407 359 958 Meetings 3rd Thursday 9:00am (11am Oct) Councillors (9) Mayor Clr Ashley Hall Deputy Clr Kellie Crossley Clr Ken Bates, Clr Shirlee Burge, Clr Craig Druitt, Clr Linda Fawns, Clr Leanne Mulham, Clr Shannon Sampson, Clr Frank Schofield Senior Staff General Manager Mr Gary Arnold Interim General Manager Mr Gary Arnold Public Officer Ms Shelley Jones Auditors The Audit Office of NSW Eurobodalla Shire Council Vulcan Street, , Moruya NSW 2537 PO Box 99, , MORUYA NSW 2537 P 02 4474 1000 F 02 4474 1234 E council@esc.nsw.gov.au W http://www.esc.nsw.gov.au DX 4873 Moruya Area/sq.Km 3428 Population 38083 Wards 0 ABN 47 504 455 945 Meetings 4th Tuesday 09:30AM Councillors (9) Mayor Clr Mat Hatcher (popularly elected) Deputy Clr Anthony Mayne Clr Laurence Babington, Clr Phil Constable, Clr Mick Johnson, Clr Robert J Pollock, Clr Amber Schutz, Clr Colleen Turner, Clr Sharon Winslade Senior Staff General Manager Mr Warwick Winn Public Officer Mr Warwick Winn Auditors Pitcher Partners Fairfield City Council 86 Avoca Road, , Wakeley NSW 2176 PO Box 21, , FAIRFIELD NSW 1860 P 02 9725 0222 F 02 9725 4249 E mail@fairfieldcity.nsw.gov.au W http://www.fairfieldcity.nsw.gov.au Area/sq.Km 102 Population 208468 Wards 2 ABN 83 140 439 239 Meetings 4th Tuesday 07:00PM Councillors (13) Mayor Clr Frank Carbone (popularly elected) Deputy Clr Dai Le Clr Reni Barkho, Clr Kate Hoang, Clr Milovan Karajcic, Clr Ninos Khoshaba, Clr Kevin Lam, Clr Kien Ly, Clr Michael Mijatovic, Clr Hugo Morvillo, Clr Charbel Saliba, Clr Marie Saliba, Clr Sam Yousif Senior Staff General Manager Mr Bradley Cutts Public Officer Ms Rhonda Tyne Auditors The Audit Office of NSW Federation Council 100 Edward Street, , Corowa NSW 2646 PO Box 77, , COROWA NSW 2646 P 02 6033 8999 F 02 6033 3317 E council@federationcouncil.nsw.gov.au W www.federationcouncil.nsw.gov.au Area/sq.Km 5685 Population 12444 Wards 0 ABN 30 762 048 084 Meetings Last Tuesday of month 10:00am Councillors (9) Mayor Clr Cheryl Cook Deputy Clr Rowena Black Clr David Bott, Clr Patrick Bourke, Clr David Harrison, Clr Andrew Kennedy, Clr Richard Nixon, Clr Derek Schoen, Clr Susan Wearne Senior Staff General Manager Mr Adrian Butler Public Officer Ms Jo Shannon Auditors Forbes Shire Council 2 Court Street, , Forbes NSW 2871 PO Box 333, , FORBES NSW 2871 P 02 6850 2300 F 02 6850 2399 E forbes@forbes.nsw.gov.au W http://www.forbes.nsw.gov.au Area/sq.Km 4710 Population 9859 Wards 0 ABN 86 023 614 567 Meetings 3rd Thurs 1:00pm Councillors (9) Mayor Clr Phyllis Miller OAM Deputy Clr Chris Roylance Clr Aidan Clarke, Clr Margaret Duggan, Clr Michele Herbert, Clr Steve Karaitiana, Clr Brian Mattiske, Clr Sarahlee Sweeney, Clr Jenny Webb Senior Staff General Manager Mr Steve Loane Public Officer Ms Kylie Grayson Auditors Alan Morse & Co (Orange) Georges River Council Georges River Civic Centre, Cnr MacMahon and Dora Streets, Hurstville NSW 1481 PO Box 205, , HURSTVILLE BC NSW 1481 P 02 9330 6400 F 0 E mail@georgesriver.nsw.gov.au W http://www.georgesriver.nsw.gov.au Area/sq.Km 38 Population 156293 Wards 5 ABN 57 789 014 855 Meetings 4th Mon 7:00pm Councillors (15) Mayor Clr Elise Borg Deputy Clr Nancy Liu Clr Matthew Allison, Clr Ashvini Ambihaipahar, Clr Elaina Anzellotti, Clr Tom Arthur, Clr Oliver Dimoski, Clr Thomas Gao, Clr Christina Jamieson, Clr Kathryn Landsberry, Clr Peter Mahoney, Clr Natalie Mort, Clr Leon Pun, Clr Sam Stratikopoulos, Clr Benjamin Wang Senior Staff General Manager Mr David Tuxford Public Officer Mr David Tuxford Auditors Gilgandra Shire Council Warren Road, , Gilgandra NSW 2827 PO Box 23, , GILGANDRA NSW 2827 P 02 6817 8800 F 02 6847 2521 E council@gilgandra.nsw.gov.au W http://www.gilgandra.nsw.gov.au Area/sq.Km 4832 Population 4247 Wards 0 ABN 47 979 060 715 Meetings 3rd Thurs 1.00pm Councillors (9) Mayor Clr Doug Batten Deputy Clr Ash Walker Clr Amber Bunter, Clr Madeline Foran, Clr Ian Freeth, Mr Paul Mann, Clr Brian Mockler, Clr Gregory Peart, Clr Nicholas White Senior Staff General Manager Mr David Neeves Public Officer Mr Neil Alchin Auditors Morse Group (Dubbo) Glen Innes Severn Council 265 Grey Street, , Glen Innes NSW 2370 PO Box 61, , GLEN INNES NSW 2370 P 02 6730 2300 F 02 6732 3764 E council@gisc.nsw.gov.au W http://www.gisc.nsw.gov.au Area/sq.Km 5480 Population 8919 Wards 0 ABN 81 365 002 718 Meetings 4th Thursday 09:30AM Councillors (7) Mayor Clr Margot Davis Deputy Clr Carol Sparks Clr Timothy Alt, Clr Troy Arandale, Clr Rob Banham, Clr Max Elphick, Clr Andrew Parsons Senior Staff General Manager Mr Bernard Smith Public Officer Mr Dennis McIntyre Auditors WHK (Inverell) Goulburn Mulwaree Council Civic Centre, 184-194 Bourke Street, GOULBURN NSW 2580 Locked Bag 22, , GOULBURN NSW 2580 P 02 4823 4444 F 02 4823 4456 E council@goulburn.nsw.gov.au W http://www.goulburn.nsw.gov.au Area/sq.Km 3220 Population 30556 Wards 0 ABN 84 049 849 319 Meetings 3rd Tuesday 6:00PM Councillors (9) Mayor Clr Nina Dillon Deputy Ms Caitlin Flint Clr Bob Kirk, Clr Liz Mckeon, Clr Christopher O'Mahony, Mr Michael Prevedello, Clr Jason Shepherd, Clr Keith Smith, Clr Daniel Strickland Senior Staff General Manager Mr Aaron Johansson Public Officer Mr George Angelis Auditors Pitcher Partners Greater Hume Shire Council 39 Young Street, , Holbrook NSW 2644 PO Box 99, , HOLBROOK NSW 2644 P 02 6036 0100 F 02 6036 2683 E mail@greaterhume.nsw.gov.au W http://www.greaterhume.nsw.gov.au Area/sq.Km 5750 Population 10602 Wards 3 ABN 44 970 341 154 Meetings Every 3rd Wednesday 4:30PM Councillors (9) Mayor Ms Lea Parker Deputy Clr Benjamin Hooper Clr Matt Hicks, Clr Ashley Lindner, Clr Brian Liston, Clr Kerry Morton, Clr Jenny O'Neill, Clr Tony Quinn, Clr Annette Schilg Senior Staff General Manager Ms Evelyn Arnold Public Officer Mr David Smith Auditors Hill Rogers Spencer Steer Griffith City Council 1 Benerembah Street, , Griffith NSW 2680 PO Box 485, , GRIFFITH NSW 2680 P 02 6962 8100 F 0 E admin@griffith.nsw.gov.au W http://www.griffith.nsw.gov.au Area/sq.Km 1639 Population 26586 Wards 0 ABN 81 274 100 792 Meetings 2nd & 4th Tuesday 6:00PM Councillors (9) Mayor Clr Doug Curran (popularly elected) Deputy Clr Anne Napoli Clr Shari Blumer, Clr Mark Dal Bon, Clr Jenny Ellis, Clr Scott Groat, Clr Tony O'Grady, Clr Christine Stead, Clr Laurie Testoni Senior Staff General Manager Mr Brett Stonestreet Public Officer Ms Leanne Austin Auditors Auswild & Co Gunnedah Shire Council 63 Elgin Street, , Gunnedah NSW 2380 PO Box 63, , GUNNEDAH NSW 2380 P 02 6740 2100 F 02 6740 2119 E council@infogunnedah.com.au W http://www.gunnedah.nsw.gov.au Area/sq.Km 4987 Population 12579 Wards 0 ABN 80 183 655 793 Meetings 3rd Wed 4:30PM Councillors (9) Mayor Clr Colleen Fuller Deputy Clr Kate McGrath Clr Robert Hoddle, Clr Rob Hooke, Clr Ann Luke, Clr Tammey McAllan, Clr Juliana McArthur, Clr Cameron Moore, Clr Linda Newell Senior Staff General Manager Mr Eric Groth Public Officer Mr Craig Jurd Auditors UHY Haines Norton Gwydir Shire Council 33 Maitland Street, , Bingara NSW 2404 Locked Bag 5, , BINGARA NSW 2404 P 02 6724 2000 F 02 6724 1771 E mail@gwydir.nsw.gov.au W http://www.gwydirshire.com Area/sq.Km 9260 Population 5314 Wards 0 ABN 11 636 419 850 Meetings 4th Thursday 10:00AM Councillors (9) Mayor Clr Tiffany Galvin Deputy Clr Sean Coleman Clr John Bishton, Clr Mick Collins, Clr Scot Crispin, Clr Sarah Crump, Clr Marilyn Dixon, Clr Rachel Sherman, Clr Adrian Willmot Senior Staff General Manager Mr Max Eastcott Public Officer Ms Casey McClymont Auditors Forsyths (Armidale) Hawkesbury City Council 366 George Street, , Windsor NSW 2756 PO Box 146, , WINDSOR NSW 2756 P 02 4560 4444 F 02 4587 7740 E council@hawkesbury.nsw.gov.au W http://www.hawkesbury.nsw.gov.au DX 8601 Windsor Area/sq.Km 2775 Population 66623 Wards 0 ABN 54 659 038 834 Meetings 2nd Tuesday 6:30PM Councillors (12) Mayor Clr Les Sheather Deputy Clr Sarah McMahon Clr Tom Aczel, Clr Mike Creed, Clr Shane Djuric, Clr Eddie Dogramaci, Clr Amanda Kotlash, Clr Mary Lyons-Buckett, Clr Jill Reardon, Clr Paul Veigel, Clr Danielle Wheeler, Clr Nathan Zamprogno Senior Staff General Manager Ms Elizabeth Richardson Public Officer Mr Laurie Mifsud Auditors PricewaterhouseCoopers (Sydney) Hay Shire Council 134 Lachlan Street, , Hay NSW 2711 PO Box 141, , HAY NSW 2711 P 02 6990 1100 F 02 6993 1288 E mail@hay.nsw.gov.au W http://www.hay.nsw.gov.au Area/sq.Km 11326 Population 2979 Wards 0 ABN 84 075 604 155 Meetings 4th Tuesday 1:00PM Councillors (8) Mayor Clr Carol Oataway Deputy Clr Martyn Quinn Clr Geoff Chapman, Clr Lionel Garner, Clr Will Miller, Clr John Perry, Clr Paul Porter, Clr Darren Tapper Senior Staff General Manager Mr David Webb Public Officer Mr Mark Dowling Auditors Adams Kenneally White & Co Hilltops Council 189 Boorowa Street , , Young NSW 2594 Locked Bag 5, , YOUNG NSW 2594 P 1300 445 586 F 0 E mail@hilltops.nsw.gov.au W http://www.hilltops.nsw.gov.au Area/sq.Km 7141 Population 18753 Wards 0 ABN 33 984 256 429 Meetings 4th Wednesday 4:30pm Councillors (11) Mayor Clr Brian Ingram Deputy Clr Tony Flanery Clr James Blackwell, Clr Jake Davis, Clr Mary Dodd, Clr Fiona Douglas, Clr Alison Foreman, Clr Michelle Gallo, Clr Neil Langford, Clr Joanne Mackay, Clr Matthew Stadtmiller Senior Staff General Manager Mr Anthony O'Reilly Public Officer Mr Norman Smith Auditors The Council of the Shire of Hornsby 296 Peats Ferry Road, , Hornsby NSW 2077 PO Box 37, , HORNSBY NSW 1630 P 02 9847 6666 F 02 9847 6999 E hsc@hornsby.nsw.gov.au W http://www.hornsby.nsw.gov.au DX 9655 Hornsby Area/sq.Km 455 Population 149113 Wards 3 ABN 20 706 996 972 Meetings 1st & 3rd Wednesday 6:30PM Councillors (10) Mayor Clr Warren Waddell (popularly elected) Deputy Clr Janelle McIntosh Clr Monika Ball, Clr Matthew Conley, Clr Verity Greenwood, Clr Sallianne McClelland, Clr Ben McSweeney, Clr Jane Seaglove, Clr Olivia Simons, Clr Nathan Tilbury Senior Staff General Manager Mr Steven Head Public Officer Mr Stephen Colburt Auditors PricewaterhouseCoopers (Sydney) The Council of the Municipality of Hunters Hill Town Hall, 22 Alexandra Street, Hunters Hill NSW 2110 PO Box 21, , HUNTERS HILL NSW 2110 P 02 9879 9400 F 0 E customerservice@huntershill.nsw.gov.au W http://www.huntershill.nsw.gov.au Area/sq.Km 6 Population 14747 Wards 2 ABN 75 570 316 011 Meetings 2nd & 4th Monday 7:30PM Councillors (7) Mayor Clr Zac Miles (popularly elected) Deputy Clr Julia Prieston Clr Carla Kassab, Clr Marc Lane, Clr Carol Tannous-Sleiman, Clr Tayna (Tatyana) Virgara, Clr Ross Williams Senior Staff General Manager Mr Mitchell Murphy Public Officer Auditors Spencer Steer & Associates Inner West Council 260 Liverpool Road, , Ashfield NSW 2131 PO Box 14, , PETERSHAM NSW 2049 P 02 9392 5000 F 02 9392 5911 E council@innerwest.nsw.gov.au W http://www.innerwest.nsw.gov.au Area/sq.Km 35 Population 194564 Wards 5 ABN 19 488 017 987 Meetings 2nd & 4th Tues 6:30pm Councillors (15) Mayor Clr Darcy Byrne Deputy Clr Mat Howard Clr Izabella Antoniou, Clr Liz Atkins, Clr Olivia Barlow, Clr Andrew Blake, Clr Jo Carlisle, Clr Vicki Clay, Clr Jessica D'Arienzo, Clr Kerrie Fergusson, Clr Victor Macri, Clr Vittoria Raciti, Clr Philippa Scott, Clr Chloe Smith, Clr Ismet Tastan Senior Staff General Manager Mr Peter Gainsford Public Officer Auditors Inverell Shire Council 144 Otho Street, , Inverell NSW 2360 PO Box 138, , INVERELL NSW 2360 P 02 6728 8288 F 02 6728 8277 E council@inverell.nsw.gov.au W http://www.inverell.nsw.gov.au DX 6159 Inverell Area/sq.Km 8597 Population 16815 Wards 0 ABN 72 695 204 530 Meetings 4th Wed 3:00pm Councillors (9) Mayor Clr Kate Dight Deputy Clr Jo Williams Clr Fiona Brown, Clr Paul Harmon, Clr Ian Hooker, Clr Greg Kachel, Clr Paul King, Clr John (Jacko) Ross, Clr Wendy Wilks Senior Staff General Manager Mr Brett McInnes Public Officer Mr Paul Pay Auditors Forsyths (Armidale) Junee Shire Council 29 Belmore Street, , Junee NSW 2663 PO Box 93, , JUNEE NSW 2663 P 02 6924 8100 F 02 6924 2497 E customerserviceteam@junee.nsw.gov.au W http://www.junee.nsw.gov.au Area/sq.Km 2030 Population 6511 Wards 0 ABN 62 621 799 578 Meetings 3rd Tue 4:00pm Councillors (9) Mayor Clr Bob Callow Deputy Clr Marie Knight Clr Robin Asmus, Clr Matt Austin, Clr David Carter, Clr Andrew Clinton, Clr Ingrid Eyding, Clr Pam Halliburton Senior Staff General Manager Mr James Davis Public Officer Mr James Davis Auditors Crowe Horwath Auswild (Albury) Kempsey Shire Council 22 Tozer Street, , West Kempsey NSW 2440 PO Box 3078, , WEST KEMPSEY NSW 2440 P 02 6566 3200 F 02 6566 3205 E ksc@kempsey.nsw.gov.au W http://www.kempsey.nsw.gov.au Area/sq.Km 3376 Population 29534 Wards 0 ABN 70 705 618 663 Meetings 3rd Tuesday 9:00AM Councillors (9) Mayor Clr Kinne Ring (popularly elected) Deputy Clr Julie Coburn Clr Arthur Bain, Clr Annette Lawrence, Clr Adam Matchett, Clr Ben Paix, Clr Dean Saul, Clr Noel Selby, Clr Alexandra Wyatt Senior Staff General Manager Mr Craig Milburn Public Officer Mr Stephen Mitchell Auditors PricewaterhouseCoopers (Newcastle) The Council of the Municipality of Kiama 11 Manning St, , Kiama NSW 2533 PO Box 75, , KIAMA NSW 2533 P 02 4232 0444 F 02 4232 0555 E council@kiama.nsw.gov.au W http://www.kiama.nsw.gov.au Area/sq.Km 258 Population 22450 Wards 0 ABN 22 379 679 108 Meetings 3rd Tuesday 5:00PM Councillors (9) Mayor Clr Cameron McDonald Deputy Clr Melissa Matters Clr Matt Brown, Clr Mike Cains, Clr Imogen Draisma, Clr Stuart Larkins, Clr Melinda Lawton, Clr Yasmin Tatrai, Clr Erica Warren Senior Staff General Manager Mrs Jane Stroud Public Officer Mr Mike Dowd Auditors Pitcher Partners Ku-ring-gai Council 818 Pacific Highway, , Gordon NSW 2072 Locked Bag 1006, , GORDON NSW 2072 P 02 9424 0000 F 02 9424 0001 E krg@krg.nsw.gov.au W https://www.krg.nsw.gov.au/Home DX 8703 Gordon Area/sq.Km 85 Population 124444 Wards 5 ABN 86 408 856 411 Meetings 2nd & 4th Tuesday 07:00PM Councillors (10) Mayor Ms Christine Kay Deputy Clr Kim Wheatley Clr Indu Balachandran, Clr Matt Devlin, Clr Sam Ngai, Clr Jeff Pettett, Clr Martin Smith, Clr Cedric Spencer, Clr Alec Taylor, Clr Barbara Ward Senior Staff General Manager Mr David Marshall Public Officer Mr Christopher Jones Auditors Spencer Steer & Associates Kyogle Council 1 Stratheden Street, , Kyogle NSW 2474 PO Box 11, , KYOGLE NSW 2474 P 02 6632 1611 F 02 6632 2228 E council@kyogle.nsw.gov.au W http://www.kyogle.nsw.gov.au Area/sq.Km 3584 Population 8979 Wards 3 ABN 15 726 771 237 Meetings 2nd Monday 2:00PM Councillors (9) Mayor Clr Danielle Mulholland Deputy Clr John Burley Clr Tom Cooper, Clr Robert Cullen, Clr Robin Harley, Clr Brett McNamara, Clr Kieran Somerville, Clr Olivia Taylor, Clr Janet Wilson Senior Staff General Manager Mr Chris White Acting General Manager Mr Chris White Public Officer Mr Marcus Schintler Auditors Thomas Noble & Russell Lachlan Shire Council 58-64 Molong Street, , Condobolin NSW 2877 PO Box 216, , CONDOBOLIN NSW 2877 P 02 6895 1900 F 02 6895 3478 E council@lachlan.nsw.gov.au W http://www.lachlan.nsw.gov.au Area/sq.Km 14964 Population 6225 Wards 5 ABN 82 815 250 829 Meetings 2nd and 4th Wed 10:00am Councillors (10) Mayor Clr John Medcalf OAM Deputy Clr Megan Mortimer Clr Melissa Blewitt, Clr Dennis Brady, Clr Peter Harris, Clr Paul Phillips, Clr Melissa Rees, Clr Robyn Turner, Clr Juanita Wighton Senior Staff General Manager Mr Greg Tory Public Officer Ms Karen Pegler Auditors Intentus Chartered Accountants Lake Macquarie City Council 126 - 138 Main Road, , Speers Point NSW 2284 Box 1906, , HUNTER REG MAIL CENTRE NSW 2310 P 02 4921 0333 F 02 4958 7257 E council@lakemac.nsw.gov.au W http://www.lakemac.com.au DX 7869 Newcastle Area/sq.Km 649 Population 203376 Wards 3 ABN 81 065 027 868 Meetings 2nd and 4th Monday 06:30PM Councillors (13) Mayor Clr Adam Shultz (popularly elected) Deputy Clr Jack Antcliff Clr Brian Adamthwaite, Clr Madeline Bishop, Clr Christine Buckley, Clr Keara Conroy, Clr Colin Grigg, Clr Michael Hannah, Clr Jason Pauling, Clr Stacey Radcliffe, Clr Matt Schultz, Clr Anthony Swinsburg, Clr Katie Warner Senior Staff General Manager Ms Morven Cameron Public Officer Ms Martene Archer Auditors Pitcher Partners (Newcastle) Lane Cove Municipal Council 48 Longueville Road, , Lane Cove NSW 2066 PO Box 20, , LANE COVE NSW 1595 P 02 9911 3555 F 02 9911 3600 E service@lanecove.nsw.gov.au W http://www.lanecove.nsw.gov.au Area/sq.Km 11 Population 38742 Wards 3 ABN 42 062 211 626 Meetings Thurs following 3rd Mon 7pm Councillors (9) Mayor Clr Merri Southwood Deputy Clr Bridget Kennedy Clr Scott Bennison, Clr Kathy Bryla, Clr Rochelle Flood, Clr Helena Greenwell, Clr Katie Little, Clr David Roenfeldt, Clr Caleb Taylor Senior Staff General Manager Mr Craig Wrightson Public Officer Ms Rachel Hensman Auditors PricewaterhouseCoopers (Sydney) Leeton Shire Council 23-25 Chelmsford Place, , Leeton NSW 2705 23-25 Chelmsford Place, , LEETON NSW 2705 P 02 6953 0911 F 02 6953 0977 E council@leeton.nsw.gov.au W http://www.leeton.nsw.gov.au Area/sq.Km 1167 Population 11417 Wards 0 ABN 59 217 957 665 Meetings 4th Wednesday 7:00PM Councillors (9) Mayor Clr George Weston Deputy Clr Michael Kidd Clr Boston Edwards, Clr Krystal Maytom, Clr Tracey Morris, Clr Sandra Nardi, Clr Sarah Tiffen, Clr Stephen Tynan, Clr Nicholas Wright Senior Staff General Manager Ms Jacqueline Kruger Public Officer Ms Mandy Rogers Auditors Crowe Horwath Auswild (Albury) Lismore City Council 43 Oliver Avenue, , Goonellabah NSW 2480 PO Box 23A, , LISMORE NSW 2480 P 02 6625 0500 F 0 E council@lismore.nsw.gov.au W http://www.lismore.nsw.gov.au DX 7761 Lismore Area/sq.Km 1288 Population 43905 Wards 0 ABN 60 080 932 837 Meetings 2nd Tuesday 6:00PM Councillors (11) Mayor Clr Steve Krieg (popularly elected) Deputy Clr Jeri Hall Clr Gianpiero Battista, Clr Andrew Bing, Clr Harper Dalton-Earls, Clr Andrew Gordon, Clr Adam Guise, Clr Electra Jensen, Clr Jasmine Knight-Smith, Clr Big Rob, Clr Virginia Waters Senior Staff General Manager Mr Jon Gibbons Public Officer Ms Christine Cotterill Auditors Thomas Noble & Russell City of Lithgow Council 180 Mort Street, , Lithgow NSW 2790 PO Box 19, , LITHGOW NSW 2790 P 02 6354 9999 F 02 6351 4259 E council@lithgow.nsw.gov.au W http://www.council.lithgow.com Area/sq.Km 4512 Population 21565 Wards 0 ABN 59 986 092 492 Meetings 4th Mon 7:00pm Councillors (9) Mayor Clr Cass Coleman Deputy Clr Steven Ring Clr Tommy Evangelidis, Clr Elizabeth Fredericks, Clr Darryl Goodwin, Clr Eric Mahony, Clr Ray Smith, Clr Maree Statham, Clr Martin Ticehurst Senior Staff General Manager Mr Ross Gurney Public Officer Mr Ross Gurney Auditors Crowe Horwath (Lithgow) Liverpool City Council 50 Scott Street, , Liverpool NSW 2170 Locked Bag 7064, , LIVERPOOL BC NSW 1871 P 1300 362 170 F 02 9821 9333 E lcc@liverpool.nsw.gov.au W http://www.liverpool.nsw.gov.au DX 5030 Liverpool Area/sq.Km 306 Population 217586 Wards 2 ABN 84 181 182 472 Meetings Once a month (Wed) 6:00PM Councillors (11) Mayor Clr Ned Mannoun (popularly elected) Deputy Clr Peter Harle Clr Emmanuel Adjei, Clr Richard Ammoun, Clr Betty Green, Clr Matthew Harte, Clr Mira Ibrahim, Clr Sam Karnib, Clr Fiona Macnaught, Clr Ethan Monaghan, Clr Peter Ristevski Senior Staff General Manager Mr Jason Breton Acting General Manager Mr Jason Breton Public Officer Auditors PricewaterhouseCoopers (Sydney) Liverpool Plains Shire Council 60 Station Street, , Quirindi NSW 2343 PO Box 152, , QUIRINDI NSW 2343 P 02 6746 1755 F 02 6746 3255 E council@liverpoolplains.nsw.gov.au W http://www.lpsc.nsw.gov.au Area/sq.Km 5082 Population 7867 Wards 0 ABN 97 810 717 370 Meetings 4th Wednesday 02:30PM Councillors (7) Mayor Clr Ken Cudmore Deputy Clr Donna Lawson Clr Jason Allan, Clr Shawn Cain, Clr Terry Cohen, Clr James Robertson, Clr Charlie Simkin Senior Staff General Manager Mr Gary Murphy Public Officer Mr Chris Weber Auditors Forsyths (Armidale) Lockhart Shire Council 65 Green Street, , Lockhart NSW 2656 PO Box 21, , LOCKHART NSW 2656 P 02 6920 5305 F 02 6920 5247 E mail@lockhart.nsw.gov.au W http://www.lockhart.nsw.gov.au Area/sq.Km 2896 Population 3237 Wards 3 ABN 82 002 584 082 Meetings 3rd Mon 5:00pm Councillors (9) Mayor Clr Peter Sharp Deputy Clr Gail Driscoll Clr Francis Day, Clr Jane Hunter, Clr Erica Jones, Clr Ian Marston, Clr Robert Mathews, Clr Bobby Rushby, Clr James Walker Senior Staff General Manager Mr Gavin Rhodes Public Officer Mr Craig Fletcher Auditors Auswild & Co Maitland City Council 263 High Street, , Maitland NSW 2320 PO Box 220, , MAITLAND NSW 2320 P 02 4934 9700 F 02 4933 3209 E info@maitland.nsw.gov.au W http://www.maitland.nsw.gov.au DX 21613 Maitland Area/sq.Km 392 Population 80989 Wards 4 ABN 11 596 310 805 Meetings 2nd & 4th Tuesdays 5:30PM Councillors (13) Mayor Clr Philip Penfold (popularly elected) Deputy Clr Bill Hackney Clr Amelia Atkinson, Clr Rachel (Race) Barstow, Clr Donald Ferris, Clr Kristy-Lee Flannery, Clr Mitchell Griffin, Clr Sally Halliday, Clr Ken Jordan, Clr Warrick Penfold, Clr Ben Whiting, Clr Ben Worth, Clr Mike Yarrington Senior Staff General Manager Mr Jeff Smith Public Officer Mr Stephen McDonald Auditors PricewaterhouseCoopers (Newcastle) Mid-Coast Council Yalawanyi Ganya, 2 Biripi Way, , TAREE NSW 2430 PO Box 482, , TAREE NSW 2430 P 02 6591 7777 F 02 6591 7200 E council@midcoast.nsw.gov.au W http://www.midcoast.nsw.gov.au Area/sq.Km 10053 Population 92462 Wards 0 ABN 44 961 208 161 Meetings 2nd & 4th Wednesday 2:00pm Councillors (11) Mayor Clr Claire Pontin Deputy Clr Jeremy Miller Clr Phillip Beazley, Clr Michael Graham, Clr Peter Howard, Clr Hugh (Mal) Mckenzie, Clr Thomas O'Keefe, Clr Dheera Smith, Clr Alan Tickle, Clr Nicole Turnbull, Clr Digby Wilson Senior Staff General Manager Mr Adrian Panuccio Public Officer Mr Rob Griffiths Auditors Mid-Western Regional Council 86 Market Street, , Mudgee NSW 2850 PO Box 156, , MUDGEE NSW 2850 P 1300 765 002 F 02 6378 2815 E council@midwestern.nsw.gov.au W http://www.midwestern.nsw.gov.au Area/sq.Km 8752 Population 24815 Wards 0 ABN 96 149 391 332 Meetings 3rd Wed 5:30PM Councillors (9) Mayor Clr Des Kennedy Deputy Clr Alex Karavas Clr Marcus Cornish, Clr Katie Dicker, Clr Sharelle Fellows, Clr Elwyn Lang, Clr Robbie Palmer, Clr Peter A Shelley, Clr Percy Thompson Senior Staff General Manager Mr Brad Cam Public Officer Mr Simon Jones Auditors Intentus Chartered Accountants Moree Plains Shire Council Level 2, Max Centre, 30 Heber Street, Moree NSW 2400 PO Box 420, , MOREE NSW 2400 P 02 6757 3222 F 02 6752 3934 E council@mpsc.nsw.gov.au W http://www.mpsc.nsw.gov.au Area/sq.Km 17907 Population 13451 Wards 0 ABN 46 566 790 582 Meetings 1st & 3rd Thurs each month 4pm Councillors (9) Mayor Clr Susannah Pearse Deputy Clr Wayne Tighe Clr Kerry Cassells, Clr Dominique Hodgkinson, Clr Kelly James, Clr Peter Mailler, Clr Frederick Mcgrady, Clr Brooke Sauer, Clr Debra Williams Senior Staff General Manager Mr Kelvin Tytherleigh Public Officer Mr Mitchell Johnson Auditors Morse Group (Dubbo) Mosman Municipal Council 573 Military Road, , SPIT JUNCTION NSW 2088 PO Box 211, , SPIT JUNCTION NSW 2088 P 02 9978 4000 F 02 9978 4132 E council@mosman.nsw.gov.au W http://www.mosman.nsw.gov.au DX 9301 Mosman Area/sq.Km 9 Population 30564 Wards 0 ABN 94 414 022 939 Meetings 1st Tuesday 07:00PM Councillors (7) Mayor Clr Ann Marie Kimber (popularly elected) Deputy Clr Michael Randall Clr Roy Bendall, Clr Carolyn Corrigan, Clr Phillipa Friedrich, Clr Colleen Godsell, Clr Simon Menzies Senior Staff General Manager Mr Dominic Johnson Public Officer Mr Ben Wicks Auditors Spencer Steer & Associates Murray River Council 52 Perricoota Road , , Moama NSW 2731 PO Box 906, , MOAMA NSW 2731 P 1300 087 004 F 03 5884 3417 E admin@murrayriver.nsw.gov.au W http://www.murrayriver.nsw.gov.au Area/sq.Km 11864 Population 11956 Wards 3 ABN 30 308 161 484 Meetings 4th Tuesday Councillors (9) Mayor Mr John Harvie Deputy Clr Neil Gorey Clr Joy Lorraine Allan, Clr Kylie Berryman, Clr Gen Campbell, Clr Dennis Gleeson, Clr Bianca Hurn, Clr Gary Pappin, Clr Geoff Wise Senior Staff General Manager Mr Terry Dodds Public Officer Ms Sandra Gordon Auditors Murrumbidgee Council 35 Jerilderie Street, , Jerilderie NSW 2716 PO Box 96, , JERILDERIE NSW 2716 P 1300 676 243 F 03 5886 1701 E mail@murrumbidgee.nsw.gov.au W http://www.murrumbidgee.nsw.gov.au Area/sq.Km 6883 Population 3952 Wards 3 ABN 53 573 617 925 Meetings 4th Tuesday 1:00PM Councillors (9) Mayor Clr Ruth McRae Deputy Clr Robert Black Clr Faith Bryce, Clr Christine Chirgwin, Clr Robert Curphey, Clr Hayley Heath, Clr Troy Mauger, Clr Judith Saxvik, Clr Timothy Strachan Senior Staff General Manager Mr John Scarce Public Officer Mrs Sue Mitchell Auditors Muswellbrook Shire Council Administration Centre, Campbell's Corner 60-82 Bridge Street, Muswellbrook NSW 2333 PO Box 122, , MUSWELLBROOK NSW 2333 P 02 6549 3700 F 02 6549 3701 E council@muswellbrook.nsw.gov.au W http://www.muswellbrook.nsw.gov.au Area/sq.Km 3405 Population 16431 Wards 0 ABN 86 864 180 944 Meetings 4th Tues 6:00pm Councillors (12) Mayor Clr Jeff Drayton Deputy Clr De-Anne Douglas Clr Clare Bailey, Clr Amanda Barry, Clr Louise Dunn, Clr David Hartley, Clr Rohit Mahajan, Clr Darryl Marshall, Clr Graeme McNeill, Clr Max Morris, Clr Rod Scholes, Clr Stephen Ward Senior Staff General Manager Mr Derek Finnigan Public Officer Mr Matthew Lysaught Auditors Spencer Steer & Associates Nambucca Valley Council 44 Princess Street, , Macksville NSW 2447 PO Box 177, , MACKSVILLE NSW 2447 P 02 6568 2555 F 02 6568 2201 E council@nambucca.nsw.gov.au W http://www.nambucca.nsw.gov.au Area/sq.Km 1491 Population 19688 Wards 0 ABN 71 323 535 981 Meetings 1st & 3rd Thurs 5:30pm Councillors (9) Mayor Clr Gary Lee (popularly elected) Deputy Clr James Angel Clr Martin Ballangarry OAM, Clr Tamara Castle, Clr Susan Jenvey, Clr David Jones, Clr Ljubov Simson, Clr Jane Smith, Clr Troy Vance Senior Staff General Manager Mr Bede Spannagle Public Officer Mr Matthew Sykes Auditors Forsyths (Armidale) Narrabri Shire Council 46-48 Maitland Street, , Narrabri NSW 2390 PO Box 261, , NARRABRI NSW 2390 P 02 6799 6866 F 02 6799 6888 E council@narrabri.nsw.gov.au W http://www.narrabri.nsw.gov.au Area/sq.Km 13015 Population 13278 Wards 0 ABN 95 717 801 656 Meetings 4th Tuesday 1:00PM Councillors (9) Mayor Clr Darrell Tiemens Deputy Clr Brett Dickinson Clr Amanda Brown, Clr Navin Erathnage, Clr Jocellin Jansson, Mr Greg Lamont, Clr Brett Nolan, Clr Joshua Roberts-Garnsey, Clr Ethan Towns Senior Staff General Manager Ms Eloise Chaplain Acting General Manager Ms Eloise Chaplain Public Officer Mr Jason Townsend Auditors Crowe Horwath Auswild (Dubbo) Narrandera Shire Council 141 East Street, , Narrandera NSW 2700 141 East Street, , NARRANDERA NSW 2700 P 02 6959 5510 F 02 6959 1884 E council@narrandera.nsw.gov.au W http://www.narrandera.nsw.gov.au Area/sq.Km 4116 Population 5931 Wards 0 ABN 96 547 765 569 Meetings 3rd Tuesday 2:00PM Councillors (9) Mayor Clr Neville Kschenka Deputy Clr Sue Ruffles Clr Jenny Clarke, Clr Peter Dawson, Clr Cameron Lander, Clr Tracey Lewis, Clr Braden Lyons, Clr Bob Manning, Clr Cameron Rouse Senior Staff General Manager Mr George Cowan Public Officer Mr Martin Hiscox Auditors Auswild & Co Narromine Shire Council 118 Dandaloo Street, , Narromine NSW 2821 PO Box 115, , NARROMINE NSW 2821 P 02 6889 9999 F 02 6889 9998 E mail@narromine.nsw.gov.au W http://www.narromine.nsw.gov.au Area/sq.Km 5262 Population 6578 Wards 0 ABN 99 352 328 405 Meetings 2nd Wednesday 05:30PM Councillors (9) Mayor Clr Ewen Jones Deputy Clr Stacey Bohm Clr Craig Davies, Clr Adine Hoey, Clr Peter Howe, Clr Leslie E Lambert, Clr Brian Leak, Clr Lachlan Roberts, Clr Judy Smith Senior Staff General Manager Mrs Jane Redden Public Officer Mrs Marion Truscott Auditors The Audit Office of NSW Newcastle City Council 12 Stewart Avenue, , Newcastle NSW 2300 PO Box 489, , NEWCASTLE NSW 2300 P 02 4974 2000 F 02 4974 2001 W http://www.newcastle.nsw.gov.au Area/sq.Km 187 Population 162358 Wards 4 ABN 25 242 068 129 Meetings Weekly on a Tuesday - 5:30PM Councillors (13) Lord Mayor Clr Ross Kerridge (popularly elected) Deputy Clr Callum Pull Clr Elizabeth Adamczyk, Clr Jenny Barrie, Clr Mark Brooker, Clr Declan Clausen, Clr Sinead Francis-Coan, Clr Peter Gittins, Clr Paige Johnson, Clr Charlotte McCabe, Clr Nuatali Nelmes, Clr Joel Pringle, Clr Deahnna Richardson Senior Staff General Manager Mr Jeremy Bath Public Officer Ms Emily Kolatchew Auditors PricewaterhouseCoopers (Newcastle) North Sydney Council 200 Miller Street, , North Sydney NSW 2060 PO Box 12, , NORTH SYDNEY NSW 2059 P 02 9936 8100 F 02 9936 8177 E council@northsydney.nsw.gov.au W http://www.northsydney.nsw.gov.au DX 10587 North Sydney Area/sq.Km 11 Population 73032 Wards 2 ABN 32 353 260 317 Meetings Monday (2 week cycle) Councillors (10) Mayor Clr Zoe Baker Deputy Clr Godfrey Santer Clr Nicole Antonini, Clr Maryann Beregi, Clr Efi Carr, Clr Christopher Holding, Clr Angus Hoy, Clr Jessica Keen, Clr James Spenceley, Clr Shannon Welch Senior Staff General Manager Ms Therese Cole Public Officer Mr Luke Harvey Auditors Spencer Steer & Associates Northern Beaches Council Civic Centre, 725 Pittwater Road, Dee Why NSW 2099 PO Box 82, , MANLY NSW 1655 P 1300 434 434 F 0 E council@northernbeaches.nsw.gov.au W http://www.northernbeaches.nsw.gov.au Area/sq.Km 254 Population 268666 Wards 5 ABN 57 284 295 198 Meetings 4th Tuesday 6:00pm Councillors (15) Mayor Clr Sue Heins Deputy Clr Ruth Robins Clr Nicholas Beaugeard, Clr Candy Bingham, Clr Vincent De Luca, Clr Rowie Dillon, Clr Bob Giltinan, Clr Kristyn Glanville, Clr Sarah Grattan, Clr Joeline Hackman, Clr Bonnie Harvey, Clr Ethan Hrnjak, Clr Miranda Korzy, Clr Mandeep Singh, Clr Jody Williams Senior Staff General Manager Mr Scott Phillips Public Officer Ms Sarah Dunstan Auditors Oberon Council 137 Oberon Street, , Oberon NSW 2787 PO Box 84, , OBERON NSW 2787 P 02 6329 8100 F 0 E council@oberon.nsw.gov.au W http://www.oberon.nsw.gov.au Area/sq.Km 3625 Population 5382 Wards 0 ABN 13 632 416 736 Meetings 3rd Tuesday 5:30PM Councillors (9) Mayor Clr Andrew McKibbin Deputy Clr Katie Graham Clr Anthony Alevras, Clr Helen Haydon, Clr Clive McCarthy, Clr Francis O'Connor, Clr Jill O'Grady, Clr Lauren Trembath, Clr Ian Tucker Senior Staff General Manager Mr Gary Wallace Public Officer Mr Matthew Webb Auditors Alan Morse & Co Orange City Council Civic Centre, 135 Byng St, Orange NSW 2800 PO Box 35, , ORANGE NSW 2800 P 02 6393 8000 F 02 6393 8199 E council@orange.nsw.gov.au W http://www.orange.nsw.gov.au Area/sq.Km 284 Population 41468 Wards 0 ABN 85 985 402 386 Meetings 1st, 3rd Thursdays 07:00PM Councillors (12) Mayor Clr Tony Mileto (popularly elected) Deputy Clr Tammy Greenhalgh Clr Kevin Duffy, Clr Graeme Judge, Clr Frances Kinghorne, Clr David Mallard, Clr Melanie McDonnell, Clr Steven Peterson, Clr Gerald Power, Clr Marea Ruddy, Clr Jamie Stedman, Clr Jeff Whitton Senior Staff General Manager Mr David Waddell Public Officer Ms Janessa Constantine Auditors Alan Morse & Co (Orange) Parkes Shire Council 2 Cecile Street, , Parkes NSW 2870 PO Box 337, , PARKES NSW 2870 P 02 6861 2333 F 02 6862 3946 E council@parkes.nsw.gov.au W http://www.parkes.nsw.gov.au Area/sq.Km 5958 Population 14906 Wards 0 ABN 96 299 629 630 Meetings 3rd Tue 2:00PM Councillors (10) Mayor Clr Neil Westcott Deputy Clr Marg Applebee Clr Bill Jayet, Clr Ken McGrath, Clr Louise O'Leary, Clr Joy Paddison, Clr Douglas Pout, Clr George Pratt, Clr Matthew Scherer, Clr Glenn Wilson Senior Staff General Manager Mr Kent Boyd Public Officer Mr Cian Middleton Auditors Intentus Chartered Accountants Council of the City of Parramatta 126 Church Street, , Parramatta NSW 2150 PO Box 32, , PARRAMATTA NSW 2124 P 1300 617 058 F 02 9806 5917 E council@cityofparramatta.nsw.gov.au W http://www.cityofparramatta.nsw.gov.au Area/sq.Km 84 Population 243276 Wards 5 ABN 49907174773 Meetings 2nd & 4th Mon 6:30pm (nil Jan) Councillors (15) Lord Mayor Clr Martin Zaiter Deputy Clr Cameron Maclean Clr Charles Chen, Clr Kellie Darley, Clr Anthony Ellard, Clr Hayley French, Clr Judy Greenwood, Clr Steven Issa, Clr Manning Jeffrey, Clr Michael Ng, Clr Sameer Pandey, Clr Sreeni Pillamarri, Clr Patricia Prociv, Clr Tanya Raffoul, Clr Georgina Valjak Senior Staff General Manager Ms Gail Connolly Public Officer Mr Ian Woodward Auditors Penrith City Council Civic Centre, 601 High Street, Penrith NSW 2750 PO Box 60, , PENRITH NSW 2751 P 02 4732 7777 F 02 4732 7958 E council@penrith.city W http://www.penrithcity.nsw.gov.au Area/sq.Km 405 Population 205043 Wards 3 ABN 43 794 422 563 Meetings Mondays once a month at 7:00PM Councillors (15) Mayor Clr Todd Carney Deputy Clr Ross Fowler OAM Clr Libby Austin, Clr Kirstie Boerst, Mrs Robin Cook, Clr Sue Day, Clr Glenn Gardiner, Clr Thain Garion, Clr Sarbjeet Kaur, Clr Hollie Mclean, Clr Edwin Mifsud, Clr Reece Nuttall, Clr Vanessa Pollak, Clr Faithe Skinner, Clr John Thain Senior Staff General Manager Mr Andrew Moore Public Officer Mr Glenn McCarthy Auditors PricewaterhouseCoopers (Sydney) Port Macquarie-Hastings Council Cnr Lord & Burrawan Streets, , Port Macquarie NSW 2444 PO Box 84, , PORT MACQUARIE NSW 2444 P 02 6581 8111 F 02 6581 8123 E council@pmhc.nsw.gov.au W http://www.pmhc.nsw.gov.au DX 7415 Port Macquarie Area/sq.Km 3683 Population 81404 Wards 0 ABN 11 236 901 601 Meetings 3rd Wednesday 5.30PM Councillors (9) Mayor Clr Adam Roberts (popularly elected) Deputy Clr Lauren Edwards Clr Mark Hornshaw, Clr Lisa Intemann, Clr Chris Kirkman, Clr Nik Lipovac, Clr Danielle Maltman, Clr Rachel Sheppard, Clr Hamish Tubman Senior Staff General Manager Dr Clare Allen Public Officer Mr Michael Ferguson Auditors Thomas Noble & Russell Port Stephens Council 116 Adelaide St, , Raymond Terrace NSW 2324 PO Box 42, , RAYMOND TERRACE NSW 2324 P 02 4988 0255 F 02 4987 3612 E council@portstephens.nsw.gov.au W http://www.portstephens.nsw.gov.au DX 21406 Raymond Terrace Area/sq.Km 858 Population 71736 Wards 3 ABN 16 744 377 876 Meetings 2nd & 4th Tuesday 5:30PM Councillors (10) Mayor Clr Leah Anderson (popularly elected) Deputy Clr Jason Wells Clr Roz Armstrong, Clr Giacomo Arnott, Clr Chris Doohan, Clr Nathan Errington, Clr Peter Francis, Clr Paul Le Mottee, Clr Ben Niland, Clr Mark Watson Senior Staff General Manager Mr Tim Crosdale Public Officer Mr Tony Wickham Auditors Pitcher Partners Queanbeyan-Palerang Regional Council 257 Crawford Street, , Queanbeyan NSW 2620 PO Box 90, , QUEANBEYAN NSW 2620 P 1300 735 025 F 0 E council@qprc.nsw.gov.au W http://www.qprc.nsw.gov.au Area/sq.Km 5319 Population 58771 Wards 0 ABN 12 842 195 133 Meetings 2nd & 4th Wednesday 5:30pm Councillors (11) Mayor Clr Kenrick Winchester Deputy Clr Esma Livermore Clr Morgan Broadbent, Clr Mareeta Grundy, Clr Ross Macdonald, Clr John Preston, Clr Mark Schweikert, Clr Steve Taskovski, Clr Bill Waterhouse, Clr Katrina Willis, Clr Bryce Wilson Senior Staff General Manager Mrs Rebecca Ryan Public Officer Ms Caitlin Flint Auditors Randwick City Council 30 Frances Street, , Randwick NSW 2031 30 Frances Street, , RANDWICK NSW 2031 P 1300 722 542 F 02 9319 1510 E council@randwick.nsw.gov.au W http://www.randwick.nsw.gov.au DX 4121 Maroubra Junction Area/sq.Km 36 Population 151996 Wards 5 ABN 77 362 844 121 Meetings 4th Tuesday 6:00PM Councillors (15) Mayor Clr Dylan Parker Deputy Clr Marea Wilson Clr Masoomeh Asgari, Clr Bill Burst, Clr Noel D'Souza, Clr Dexter Gordon, Clr Christie Hamilton, Clr Andrew Hay, Clr Alexandra Luxford, Clr Aaron Magner, Clr Carolyn Martin, Clr Daniel Rosenfeld, Clr Danny Said, Clr Philipa Veitch, Clr Clare Willington Senior Staff General Manager Mr Ray Brownlee Public Officer Mr David Kelly Auditors Spencer Steer & Associates Richmond Valley Council 10 Graham Place, , Casino NSW 2470 Locked Bag 10, , CASINO NSW 2470 P 02 6660 0300 F 02 6660 1300 E council@richmondvalley.nsw.gov.au W http://www.richmondvalley.nsw.gov.au Area/sq.Km 3047 Population 23317 Wards 0 ABN 54 145 907 009 Meetings 3rd Tuesday 5:00PM Councillors (7) Mayor Clr Robert Mustow (popularly elected) Deputy Clr Stephen Morrissey Clr Sam Cornish, Clr Sandra Duncan-Humphrys, Clr Robert Hayes, Clr Lyndall Murray, Mr John Walker Senior Staff General Manager Mr Vaughan Macdonald Public Officer Mr Ryan Gaiter Auditors Thomas Noble & Russell Council of the City of Ryde 1 Pope Street, , Ryde NSW 2112 Locked Bag 2069, , NORTH RYDE NSW 1670 P 02 9952 8222 F 02 9952 8070 E cityofryde@ryde.nsw.gov.au W http://www.ryde.nsw.gov.au Area/sq.Km 41 Population 124497 Wards 3 ABN 81 621 292 610 Meetings 2nd & 4th Tue 7:30pm Councillors (13) Mayor Clr Trenton Brown (popularly elected) Deputy Clr Sophie Lara-Watson Clr Keanu Arya, Clr Shweta Deshpande, Clr Daniel Han, Clr Lyndal Howison, Clr Tina Kordrostami, Clr Cameron Last, Clr Justin Li, Clr Felix Lo, Clr Roy Maggio, Clr Penny Pedersen, Clr Kathy Tracey Senior Staff General Manager Mr Wayne Rylands Public Officer Mr Paul Kapetas Auditors Price Waterhouse Coopers (Penrith) Shellharbour City Council Shellharbour Civic Centre, 76 Cygnet Avenue, SHELLHARBOUR CITY CENTRE NSW 2529 Locked Bag 155, , SHELLHARBOUR CITY CENTRE NSW 2529 P 02 4221 6111 F 02 4221 6016 E council@shellharbour.nsw.gov.au W http://www.shellharbour.nsw.gov.au DX 26402 Shellharbour Square Area/sq.Km 147 Population 70994 Wards 4 ABN 78 392 627 134 Meetings 3rd Tuesday 6:30PM Councillors (9) Mayor Clr Chris Homer (popularly elected) Deputy Clr Kellie Marsh Clr John Davey, Clr Mitch Ellis, Clr Moira Hamilton, Clr Kane Murphy, Clr Robert Petreski, Clr Craig Ridding, Clr Ljupco (Lou) Stefanovski Senior Staff General Manager Mr Mike Archer Public Officer Ms Flora Lepouras Auditors Crowe Horwath Auswild (Dubbo) Shoalhaven City Council Bridge Road, , Nowra NSW 2541 PO Box 42, , NOWRA NSW 2541 P 02 4429 3111 F 02 4422 1816 E council@shoalhaven.nsw.gov.au W http://www.shoalhaven.nsw.gov.au DX 5323 Nowra Area/sq.Km 4567 Population 103012 Wards 3 ABN 59 855 182 344 Meetings 2nd/4th Monday 5:30pm Councillors (13) Mayor Clr Patricia White (popularly elected) Deputy Clr Peter Wilkins Clr Gillian Boyd, Clr Luciano Casmiri, Clr Selena Clancy, Clr Jason Cox, Clr Karlee Dunn, Clr Natalee Johnston, Clr Ben Krikstolaitis, Clr Matthew Norris, Clr Mitchell Pakes, Clr Robert Proudfoot, Clr Jemma Tribe Senior Staff General Manager Ms Robyn Stevens Public Officer Ms Sara McMahon Auditors Pitcher Partners Singleton Council Queen Street, , Singleton NSW 2330 PO Box 314, , SINGLETON NSW 2330 P 02 6578 7290 F 02 6572 4197 E council@singleton.nsw.gov.au W http://www.singleton.nsw.gov.au Area/sq.Km 4893 Population 23482 Wards 0 ABN 52 877 492 396 Meetings 3rd Mon 5:30pm Councillors (10) Mayor Clr Sue Moore (popularly elected) Deputy Clr Sue George Clr Godfrey Adamthwaite, Clr Hollee Jenkins, Clr Anne McGowan, Clr Malinda (Mel) McLachlan, Clr Danny Thompson, Clr Patrick Thompson, Clr Peree Watson, Clr Scott Yeomans Senior Staff General Manager Mr Jason Linnane Public Officer Ms Melinda Curtis Auditors Hill Rogers Spencer Steer Snowy Monaro Regional Council 81 Commissioner Street, , COOMA NSW 2630 PO Box 714, , COOMA NSW 2630 P 1300 345 345 F 0 E council@snowymonaro.nsw.gov.au W http://www.snowymonaro.nsw.gov.au Area/sq.Km 15164 Population 20655 Wards 0 ABN 72 906 802 034 Meetings 3rd Thursday 5:00pm Councillors (11) Mayor Clr Christopher Hanna Deputy Clr Tricia Hopkins Clr Narelle Davis, Clr Nick Elliott, Clr Tanya Higgins, Clr John Rooney, Clr Reuben Rose, Clr Robert Stewart, Clr Lynda Summers, Clr Andrew Thaler, Clr Luke Williamson Senior Staff General Manager Mr David Hogan Public Officer Mr Luke O'Sullivan Auditors Snowy Valleys Council 76 Capper Street, , TUMUT NSW 2720 P 1300 275 782 F 02 6941 2678 E info@svc.nsw.gov.au W http://www.snowyvalleys.nsw.gov.au Area/sq.Km 8959 Population 14552 Wards 0 ABN 53 558 891 887 Meetings mostly 3rd Thurs 2:00pm Councillors (9) Mayor Clr Julia Ham Deputy Clr Hugh Packard Clr Grant Hardwick, Clr James Hayes, Clr Michael Inglis, Clr John Larter, Clr David Sheldon, Clr Trina Thomson, Clr Andrew Wortes Senior Staff General Manager Mr Steven Pinnuck Public Officer Ms Jessica Quilty Auditors Strathfield Municipal Council 65 Homebush Road, , Strathfield NSW 2135 PO Box 120, , STRATHFIELD NSW 2135 P 02 9748 9999 F 02 9764 1034 E council@strathfield.nsw.gov.au W http://www.strathfield.nsw.gov.au Area/sq.Km 14 Population 43803 Wards 0 ABN 52 719 940 263 Meetings 1st Tuesday 6:30PM Councillors (7) Mayor Clr John-Paul Baladi Deputy Clr Benjamin Cai Clr Matthew Blackmore, Clr Hye Young (Esther) Kim, Clr Rory Nosworthy, Clr Karen Pensabene, Clr Sandy Reddy Senior Staff General Manager Mr Michael Mamo Public Officer Ms Melissa Mallos Auditors Hill Rogers Spencer Steer Sutherland Shire Council 4-20 Eton Street, , Sutherland NSW 2232 Locked Bag 17, , SUTHERLAND NSW 1499 P 02 9710 0333 F 02 9710 0265 E ssc@ssc.nsw.gov.au W http://www.sutherlandshire.nsw.gov.au DX 4511 Sutherland Area/sq.Km 334 Population 227546 Wards 5 ABN 52 018 204 808 Meetings 3rd Monday 6.30PM Councillors (15) Mayor Clr Jack Boyd Deputy Clr Laura Cowell Clr Jen Armstrong, Clr Marcelle Elzerman, Ms Melanie R Gibbons, Clr Kal Glanznig, Clr Meredith Laverty, Clr Mick Maroney, Clr Joanne Nicholls, Clr Stephen Nikolovski, Clr Carmelo Pesce, Clr Carol Provan, Clr Diedree Steinwall, Clr Harris Strangas, Clr Peter Tsambalas Senior Staff General Manager Ms Clare Phelan Public Officer Mr Anton Usher Auditors Council of the City of Sydney 456 Kent Street, , Sydney NSW 2000 GPO Box 1591, , SYDNEY NSW 2001 P 02 9265 9333 F 02 9265 9222 E council@cityofsydney.nsw.gov.au W http://www.cityofsydney.nsw.gov.au DX 1251 Sydney Area/sq.Km 27 Population 232926 Wards 0 ABN 22 636 550 790 Meetings Every 3rd Monday 5:00PM Councillors (10) Lord Mayor Clr Clover Moore (popularly elected) Deputy Clr Zann Maxwell Clr Sylvie Ellsmore, Clr Lyndon Gannon, Clr Robert Kok, Clr Jess Miller, Clr Matthew Thompson, Clr Yvonne Weldon, Clr Mitch Wilson, Clr Adam Worling Senior Staff General Manager Ms Monica Barone Public Officer Ms Kirsten Morrin Auditors PricewaterhouseCoopers (Sydney) Tamworth Regional Council Ray Walsh House, 437 Peel Street, Tamworth NSW 2340 PO Box 555, , TAMWORTH NSW 2340 P 02 6767 5555 F 02 6767 5499 E trc@tamworth.nsw.gov.au W http://www.tamworth.nsw.gov.au DX 6125 Tamworth Area/sq.Km 9884 Population 61571 Wards 0 ABN 52 631 074 450 Meetings 2nd and 4th Tuesday 6:30PM Councillors (9) Mayor Clr Russell Webb Deputy Clr Jeffrey Budd Clr Ryan Brooke, Clr Charles Impey, Clr Stephen Mears, Clr Brendon North, Clr Mark Rodda, Clr Matt Sharpham, Clr Marc Sutherland Senior Staff General Manager Mr Paul Bennett Public Officer Mr Jason Collins Auditors Prosperity Advisers (Newcastle) Temora Shire Council 105 Loftus Street, , Temora NSW 2666 PO Box 262, , TEMORA NSW 2666 P 02 6980 1100 F 02 6980 1138 E temshire@temora.nsw.gov.au W http://www.temora.nsw.gov.au DX 5994 Temora Area/sq.Km 2802 Population 6236 Wards 0 ABN 55 048 860 109 Meetings 3rd Thursday 4:00PM Councillors (9) Mayor Clr Rick Firman OAM Deputy Clr Graham P Sinclair Clr Belinda Bushell, Clr Narelle Djukic, Clr Brenton Hawken, Clr Anthony Irvine, Clr Nigel Judd, Clr Paul Mahon, Clr Kenneth G Smith Senior Staff General Manager Ms Melissa Boxall Public Officer Mrs Elizabeth Smith Auditors Auswild & Co Tenterfield Shire Council 247 Rouse Street, , Tenterfield NSW 2372 PO Box 214, , TENTERFIELD NSW 2372 P 02 6736 6000 F 02 6736 6005 E council@tenterfield.nsw.gov.au W http://www.tenterfield.nsw.gov.au Area/sq.Km 7323 Population 6656 Wards 5 ABN 85 010 810 083 Meetings 4th Wednesday 9:30 AM Councillors (10) Mayor Clr Bronwyn Petrie Deputy Clr Greg Sauer Clr Owen Bancroft, Clr Tim Bonner , Clr Peter Murphy, Clr Tom Peters, Clr Peter Petty, Clr Gregory Purcell, Clr Kim Rhodes, Clr Roger Turner Senior Staff General Manager Mr Hein Basson Public Officer Ms Kylie Smith Auditors Forsyths (Armidale) The Hills Shire Council 3 Columbia Court, , Norwest NSW 2153 PO Box 7064, , NORWEST NSW 2153 P 02 9843 0555 F 02 9843 0409 E council@thehills.nsw.gov.au W http://www.thehills.nsw.gov.au DX 9966 Norwest Area/sq.Km 386 Population 167847 Wards 4 ABN 25 034 494 656 Meetings 2nd & 4th Tuesday 7:00pm Councillors (13) Mayor Clr Dr Michelle Byrne (popularly elected) Deputy Clr Frank De Masi Clr Mitchell Blue, Clr Rosemarie Boneham, Clr Tina Cartwright, Clr Jerome Cox, Clr Jane Grevtseva, Clr Alan Haselden, Clr Jacob Jackson, Clr Reena Jethi, Clr Mila Kasby, Clr Immanuel Selvaraj, Clr Samuel Uno Senior Staff General Manager Mr Michael Edgar Public Officer Mr Michael Spence Auditors PricewaterhouseCoopers (Sydney) Tweed Shire Council Civic and Cultural Centre, 10-14 Tumbulgum Road, Murwillumbah NSW 2484 PO Box 816, , MURWILLUMBAH NSW 2484 P 02 6670 2400 F 02 6670 2429 E tsc@tweed.nsw.gov.au W http://www.tweed.nsw.gov.au Area/sq.Km 1308 Population 94857 Wards 0 ABN 90 178 732 496 Meetings 3rd Tuesday 3:30PM Councillors (7) Mayor Clr Chris Cherry Deputy Clr Meredith Dennis OAM Clr Rhiannon Brinsmead, Clr Reece Byrnes, Clr Nola Firth, Clr Kimberly Hone, Clr James Owen Senior Staff General Manager Mr Troy Green Public Officer Ms Stephanie Papadopoulos Auditors Thomas Noble & Russell Upper Hunter Shire Council 135 Liverpool Street, , Scone NSW 2337 PO Box 208, , SCONE NSW 2337 P 02 6540 1100 F 0 E council@upperhunter.nsw.gov.au W http://www.upperhunter.nsw.gov.au Area/sq.Km 8096 Population 14265 Wards 0 ABN 17 261 839 740 Meetings Last Monday of month 5:00PM Councillors (9) Mayor Clr Maurice Collison Deputy Clr Pat Ryan Clr Tayah Clout, Clr George Fraser, Clr Peter McGill, Clr Allison Mcphee, Clr Earle Shields, Clr Troy Stolz, Mr Adam Williamson Senior Staff General Manager Mr Greg McDonald Public Officer Mr Ian Roberts Auditors Forsyths (Armidale) Upper Lachlan Shire Council 44 Spring Street, , Crookwell NSW 2583 PO Box 42, , GUNNING NSW 2581 P 02 4830 1000 F 02 4845 1426 E council@upperlachlan.nsw.gov.au W http://www.upperlachlan.nsw.gov.au Area/sq.Km 7127 Population 7909 Wards 0 ABN 81 011 241 552 Meetings 3rd Thursday 9:00AM Councillors (9) Mayor Clr Paul Culhane Deputy Clr Rob Cameron Clr Vivienne Flanagan, Clr Gregory Harris, Clr Alexandra Meggitt, Clr Simon Peirce, Clr Susan Reynolds, Clr John Searl, Clr Terry Yallouris Senior Staff General Manager Ms Alexandra Waldron Public Officer Ms Alexandra Waldron Auditors Alan Morse & Co (Bathurst) Uralla Shire Council 32 Salisbury Street, , Uralla NSW 2358 PO Box 106, , URALLA NSW 2358 P 02 6778 6300 F 02 6778 5073 E council@uralla.nsw.gov.au W http://www.uralla.nsw.gov.au Area/sq.Km 3227 Population 6103 Wards 2 ABN 55 868 272 018 Meetings 4th Tuesday 12:00 Noon Councillors (9) Mayor Mr Robert Bell (popularly elected) Deputy Mr Tom O'Connor Clr Kathrine Arnold, Clr Adam Blakester, Clr Sarah Burrows, Clr Leanne Doran, Clr David Mailler, Clr Leonie (Lone) Petrov, Clr Jen Philp Senior Staff General Manager Ms Toni Averay Public Officer Mr Steven Williams Auditors Forsyths (Armidale) Wagga Wagga City Council Wagga Wagga Civic Centre, 243 Baylis Street, Wagga Wagga NSW 2650 PO Box 20, , WAGGA WAGGA NSW 2650 P 1300 292 442 F 02 6926 9199 E Council@wagga.nsw.gov.au W http://www.wagga.nsw.gov.au Area/sq.Km 4825 Population 64265 Wards 0 ABN 56 044 159 537 Meetings 2nd & 4th Mondays 06:00PM Councillors (9) Mayor Clr Dallas Tout Deputy Clr Georgie Davis Clr Allana Condron, Clr Richard Foley, Clr Tim Koschel, Clr Jenny McKinnon, Clr Amelia Parkins, Clr Karissa Subedi, Mr Lindsay Tanner Senior Staff General Manager Mr Peter Thompson Public Officer Ms Ingrid Hensley Auditors Crowe Horwath (Lithgow) Walcha Council 2W Hamilton Street, , Walcha NSW 2354 PO Box 2, , WALCHA NSW 2354 P 02 6774 2500 F 0 E council@walcha.nsw.gov.au W http://www.walcha.nsw.gov.au Area/sq.Km 6261 Population 3144 Wards 0 ABN 24 780 320 847 Meetings last Wednesday of Month 2:00PM Councillors (8) Mayor Clr Eric Noakes Deputy Clr Glen O'Brien Clr Rachel Greig, Clr Adam Iuston, Mr Steve McCoy, Clr Gary Olrich, Clr Ann-Marie Pointing, Clr Hyde Thomson Senior Staff General Manager Mr Phillip Hood Interim General Manager Mr Phillip Hood Public Officer Mr Phillip Hood Auditors Forsyths (Armidale) Walgett Shire Council 77 Fox Street, , Walgett NSW 2832 PO Box 31, , WALGETT NSW 2832 P 02 6828 1399 F 02 6828 1608 E admin@walgett.nsw.gov.au W http://www.walgett.nsw.gov.au Area/sq.Km 22308 Population 6190 Wards 0 ABN 88 769 076 385 Meetings 4th Tuesday 10:00AM Councillors (9) Mayor Clr Jasen Ramien Deputy Clr Greg Rummery Clr Scott Bailey, Clr Jo Coleman, Clr Michael Cooke, Clr Pauline Kearl, Clr Jane Keir, Clr Alf Seaton, Clr Daniel Walford Senior Staff General Manager Ms Megan Dixon Public Officer Mr Hafiz Malik Auditors Spencer Steer & Associates Warren Shire Council 115 Dubbo Street, , Warren NSW 2824 PO Box 6, , WARREN NSW 2824 P 02 6847 6600 F 02 6847 6633 E Council@warren.nsw.gov.au W http://www.warren.nsw.gov.au Area/sq.Km 10754 Population 2763 Wards 4 ABN 87 198 932 652 Meetings 4th Thur 8:30am Councillors (12) Mayor Clr Greg Whiteley Deputy Clr Sarah Derrett Clr Andrew Brewer, Clr David Cleasby, Clr Penelope Heuston, Clr Ros Jackson, Clr Mark Kelly, Clr Noel Kinsey, Clr Dirk McCloskey, Clr Robert McKay, Clr Pauline Serdity, Clr Anthony Edward Wass Senior Staff General Manager Mr Gary Woodman Public Officer Mr Bradley Pascoe Auditors Hill Rogers Spencer Steer Warrumbungle Shire Council 14-22 John Street, , Coonabarabran NSW 2357 PO Box 191, , COONABARABRAN NSW 2357 P 02 6849 2000 F 02 6842 1337 E info@warrumbungle.nsw.gov.au W http://www.warrumbungle.nsw.gov.au Area/sq.Km 12372 Population 9451 Wards 0 ABN 63 348 671 239 Meetings 3rd Thursday 5.00PM Councillors (9) Mayor Clr Kathryn Rindfleish Deputy Clr Jason Newton Clr Debra Bell, Clr Kodi Brady, Clr Dale Hogden, Clr Zoe Holcombe, Clr Ray Lewis, Clr Naomi Taylor, Clr Denis Todd Senior Staff General Manager Mr Roger Bailey Public Officer Auditors Forsyths (Armidale) Waverley Council 55 Spring Street, , Bondi Junction NSW 2022 PO Box 9, , BONDI JUNCTION NSW 1355 P 02 9083 8000 F 0 E info@waverley.nsw.gov.au W http://www.waverley.nsw.gov.au DX 12006 Bondi Jn Area/sq.Km 9 Population 73300 Wards 4 ABN 12 502 583 608 Meetings 3rd Tuesday - 6:30pm Councillors (12) Mayor Clr Will Nemesh Deputy Clr Keri Spooner Clr Ludovico Fabiano, Clr Dov Frazer, Clr Dominic Kanak, Clr Steven Lewis, Clr Paula Masselos, Clr Margaret Merten, Clr Joshua Spicer, Clr Michelle Stephenson, Clr Lauren Townsend, Clr Katherine Westwood Senior Staff General Manager Ms Emily Scott Public Officer Mr Richard Coelho Auditors Hill Rogers Spencer Steer Weddin Shire Council Camp Street, , Grenfell NSW 2810 PO Box 125, , GRENFELL NSW 2810 P 02 6343 1212 F 0 E mail@weddin.nsw.gov.au W http://www.weddin.nsw.gov.au Area/sq.Km 3415 Population 3641 Wards 0 ABN 73 819 323 291 Meetings 3rd Thursday 05:00PM Councillors (9) Mayor Clr Paul Best Deputy Clr Colleen Gorman Clr Wezley Makin, Clr Jeanne Montgomery, Clr Michael Neill, Clr John Niven, Clr Jan Parlett, Clr Simon Rolls, Clr Chad White Senior Staff General Manager Ms Noreen Vu Public Officer Mr Michael Chalmers Auditors Alan Morse & Co (Orange) Wentworth Shire Council 26 - 28 Adelaide Street, , Wentworth NSW 2648 PO Box 81, , WENTWORTH NSW 2648 P 03 5027 5027 F 0 E council@wentworth.nsw.gov.au W http://www.wentworth.nsw.gov.au Area/sq.Km 26256 Population 6972 Wards 0 ABN 96 283 886 815 Meetings 3rd Wed 9:00am/6.30pm Councillors (9) Mayor Clr Daniel Linklater Deputy Clr Peter Crisp Clr Jon Armstrong, Clr Tim Elstone, Clr Greg Evans, Clr Susan Nichols, Clr Jo Rodda, Clr Jody Starick, Clr Michael Weeding Senior Staff General Manager Mr Ken Ross Public Officer Mr Simon Rule Auditors Thomsons Accountants & Advisers Willoughby City Council Administrative Building, 31-37 Victor Street, Chatswood NSW 2067 PO Box 57, , CHATSWOOD NSW 2057 P 02 9777 1000 F 0 E email@willoughby.nsw.gov.au W http://www.willoughby.nsw.gov.au Area/sq.Km 22 Population 79681 Wards 4 ABN 47 974 826 099 Meetings Every 2nd & 4th Monday 7:00PM Councillors (13) Mayor Clr Tanya Taylor (popularly elected) Deputy Clr Angelo Rozos Clr Craig Campbell, Clr Michelle Chuang, Clr Kristina Dodds, Clr Anna Greco, Clr Roy McCullagh, Clr John Moratelli, Clr Andrew Nelson, Clr Georgie Roussac, Clr Sarah Royds, Clr Robert Samuel, Clr Nic Wright Senior Staff General Manager Mr Hugh Phemister Interim General Manager Mr Hugh Phemister Public Officer Ms Samantha Connor Auditors PricewaterhouseCoopers (Sydney) Wingecarribee Shire Council Civic Centre, 68 Elizabeth Street, Moss Vale NSW 2577 PO Box 141, , MOSS VALE NSW 2577 P 02 4868 0888 F 02 4869 1203 E mail@wsc.nsw.gov.au W http://www.wsc.nsw.gov.au DX 4961 Bowral Area/sq.Km 2689 Population 49649 Wards 0 ABN 49 546 344 354 Meetings 3rd Wed 3:30pm Councillors (9) Lord Mayor Clr Jesse Fitzpatrick Deputy Clr Erin Foley Clr Heather Champion, Clr Therese Duffy, Clr James Farrell, Clr David Kent, Clr Sara Moylan, Clr Rachel Russell, Clr Nicole Smith Senior Staff General Manager Ms Lisa Miscamble Public Officer Ms Danielle Lidgard Auditors Warton Thompson & Co Wollondilly Shire Council 62-64 Menangle Street, , Picton NSW 2571 PO Box 21, , PICTON NSW 2571 P 02 4677 1100 F 0 E council@wollondilly.nsw.gov.au W http://www.wollondilly.nsw.gov.au DX 26052 Picton Area/sq.Km 2555 Population 51002 Wards 2 ABN 93 723 245 808 Meetings 4th Tuesday 06:30PM Councillors (9) Mayor Clr Matthew Gould (popularly elected) Deputy Clr Matthew Deeth Clr Benn Banasik, Clr Suzy Brandstater, Ms Ally Dench, Clr Hilton Gibbs, Clr Trish Hill, Clr Jacqueline Jenson, Clr Paul Rogers Senior Staff General Manager Mr Ben Taylor Public Officer Mr Eric Imbs Auditors The Audit Office of NSW Wollongong City Council 41 Burelli Street, , Wollongong NSW 2500 Locked Bag 8821, , WOLLONGONG DC NSW 2500 P 02 4227 7111 F 02 4227 7277 E council@wollongong.nsw.gov.au W http://www.wollongong.nsw.gov.au Area/sq.Km 684 Population 213132 Wards 3 ABN 63 139 525 939 Meetings 3rd Monday @ 6PM Councillors (13) Lord Mayor Clr Tania Brown (popularly elected) Deputy Clr Linda Campbell Clr Andrew Anthony, Clr David F Brown, Clr Kit Docker, Clr Dan Hayes, Clr Ann Martin, Clr Richard Martin, Clr Ryan Morris, Clr Tiana Myers, Clr Thomas Quinn, Clr Deidre Stuart, Clr Jess Whittaker Senior Staff General Manager Mr Greg Doyle Public Officer Mr Todd Hopwood Auditors PricewaterhouseCoopers (Sydney) Woollahra Municipal Council 536 New South Head Road, , Double Bay NSW 2028 PO Box 61, , DOUBLE BAY NSW 1360 P 02 9391 7000 F 02 9391 7044 E records@woollahra.nsw.gov.au W http://www.woollahra.nsw.gov.au DX 3607 Double Bay Area/sq.Km 12 Population 58456 Wards 5 ABN 32 218 483 245 Meetings 2nd & 4th Monday 6:30PM Councillors (15) Mayor Clr Sarah Swan Deputy Clr Sean Carmichael Clr Alexander Andruska, Clr James Ardouin, Clr Torsten Blackwood, Clr Merrill Halkerston Witt, Clr Mary-Lou Jarvis, Clr Jeanette Mitchell, Clr Julian Parmegiani, Clr Harriet Price, Clr Lucinda Regan, Clr Matthew Robertson, Clr Mark Silcocks, Clr Hugh Woodgate, Clr Toni Zeltzer Senior Staff General Manager Mr Craig Swift-McNair Public Officer Ms Sue Meekin Auditors Spencer Steer & Associates Yass Valley Council 209 Comur Street, , YASS NSW 2582 Locked Bag 6, , YASS NSW 2582 P 02 6226 1477 F 02 6226 2598 E council@yass.nsw.gov.au W http://www.yassvalley.nsw.gov.au Area/sq.Km 3995 Population 16739 Wards 0 ABN 50 119 744 650 Meetings 4th Wednesday 04:00PM Councillors (9) Mayor Clr Jasmin Jones Deputy Clr Kristin Butler Clr Cecil Burgess, Clr Adrian Cameron, Clr David Carter, Clr Alvaro Charry, Clr Fleur Flanery, Clr Allan McGrath, Clr David Rothwell Senior Staff General Manager Mr Chris Berry Public Officer Ms Lynette Safranek Auditors Crowe Horwath Auswild (Dubbo) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COUNTY COUNCIL -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Castlereagh-Macquarie County Council Purpose Eradication of Noxious Weeds 77 Fox Street, , WALGETT NSW 2832 , PO Box 664, WALGETT NSW 2832 P 02 6828 6151 F 02 6828 1608 E enquiries@cmcc.nsw.gov.au W http://cmcc.nsw.gov.au Delegates (2) Councils (6) Chair Clr Doug Batten Deputy Clr Bill Fisher Coonamble Gilgandra Clr Doug Batten Walgett Warren Warrumbungle General Manager Mr Michael Urquhart Member Clr Gregory Peart Member Clr Ian J Woodcock OAM Member Clr Greg Whiteley Member Clr Noel Kinsey Member Ms Zoe Holcome Member Clr Pat Cullen Member Clr Michael Cooke Auditors Spencer Steer & Associates Meetings 3rd Wednesday of Each Month Central Tablelands Water Purpose Water Supply 30 Church Street, , Blayney NSW 2799 PO Box 61, , BLAYNEY NSW 2799 P 02 6391 7200 F E water@ctw.nsw.gov.au W http://www.ctw.nsw.gov.au Delegates (1) Councils (3) Chair Deputy Clr Andrew Rawson Blayney Cabonne Clr Andrew Rawson Weddin General Manager Mr Gavin Rhodes Chairman Clr David Somervaille Member Clr Paul Best Member Clr Michelle Cook Member Clr Marlene Nash Member Clr Allan Ewin Auditors Intentus Chartered Accountants Meetings 2nd Wed. alt. months from Feb. Goldenfields Water County Council Purpose Water Supply 84 Parkes Street, , Temora NSW 2666 PO Box 220, , TEMORA NSW 2666 P 02 6977 3200 F 02 6977 3299 E office@gwcc.nsw.gov.au W http://www.gwcc.nsw.gov.au Delegates (2) Councils (10) Chair Clr Matthew Stadtmiller Deputy Clr Bob Callow Bland Coolamon Cootamundra-Gundagai Regional Hilltops Clr Matthew Stadtmiller Junee Clr Bob Callow Narrandera Temora General Manager Mr Aaron Drenovski Corporate Services Manager Ms Michele Curran Engineering Manager Ms Samantha Jung General Manger Mr Aaron Drenovski Member Clr Alan White Member Clr Graham P Sinclair Member Clr Kevin Morris Member Clr Liz McGlynn Member Clr Abb McAlister Member Clr John Piper Operations Manager Mr Tony Goodyer Production and Services Manager Mr Geoffrey Veneris Auditors Auswild & Co Meetings Bi-Monthly Hawkesbury River County Council Purpose Eradication of Noxious Weeds 6 Walker Street, , South Windsor NSW 2756 PO Box 6021, , SOUTH WINDSOR DC NSW 2756 P 02 4574 9600 F E council@hrcc.nsw.gov.au W http://www.hrcc.nsw.gov.au Delegates (3) Councils (4) Chair Ms Karen McKeown OAM MP Deputy Clr Amanda Kotlash Blacktown Hawkesbury Clr Amanda Kotlash Penrith The Hills Clr Jerome Cox General Manager Mr Chris Dewhurst Member Clr Julie Griffiths Member Clr Brad Bunting Member Clr Jessica Brazier Member Clr Danielle Wheeler Member Clr Marlene Shipley Weed Control Manager Ms Natalie James Auditors Truman & Co Meetings 2nd Thursday of even months New England County Council Purpose Eradication of Noxious Weeds 2/129 Rusden Street, , Armidale NSW 2350 PO Box 881, , ARMIDALE NSW 2350 P 02 5775 9700 F E newa@newa.nsw.gov.au W http://www.newa.com.au Delegates (2) Councils (5) Chair Clr Dorothy Robinson Deputy Clr Tim Bower Armidale Dumaresq Glen Innes Severn Guyra Uralla Walcha General Manager Mr Tim Weeks Member Clr Margaret O'Connor Member Clr Laura Gresham Member Clr Paul Packham Auditors Forsyths (Armidale) Meetings 3rd Wednesday, Feb May Jun Oct Riverina Water County Council Purpose Water Supply 91 - 93 Hammond Avenue, , Wagga Wagga NSW 2650 PO Box 456, , WAGGA WAGGA NSW 2650 P 02 6922 0608 F 02 6921 2241 E admin@rwcc.com.au W http://www.rwcc.nsw.gov.au Delegates (2) Councils (7) Chair Clr Tim Koschel Deputy Clr Doug Meyer OAM Federation Greater Hume Lockhart Wagga Wagga Clr Tim Koschel General Manager Mr Andrew Crakanthorp Member Clr Dan Hayes Member Clr Patrick Bourke Member Clr Tony Quinn Member Clr Georgie Davis Member Clr Gail Driscoll Member Clr Jenny McKinnon Member Clr Michael Henderson Auditors John L Bush & Campbell Meetings Bi-monthly Rous County Council Purpose Bulk Water Supply, Weed Biosecurity, Flood Mitigaton 218-232 Molesworth Street, , Lismore NSW 2480 PO Box 230, , LISMORE NSW 2480 P 02 6623 3800 F 02 6622 1181 E council@rous.nsw.gov.au W http://www.rous.nsw.gov.au Delegates (0) Councils (4) Chair Deputy Ballina Byron Lismore Richmond Valley General Manager Ballina Shire Council Clr Rob Bruem Byron Shire Council Rep Clr Michael Lyon Byron Shire Council Rep Clr Sarah Ndiaye Chair- Richmond Valley Council nominee Clr Robert Mustow Deputy Chair - Ballina Shire Council nominee Clr Sharon Cadwallader Group Manager Operations Mr Adam Nesbitt Group Manager People and Performance Ms Helen McNeil Group Manager Planning and Delivery Mr Andrew Logan Lismore City Council Representative Clr Andrew Gordon Member - Richmond Valley Council nominee Clr Sandra Humphrys Auditors Thomas Noble & Russell Meetings Feb, Apr, June, Aug, Oct, Dec Upper Hunter County Council Purpose Eradication of Noxious Weeds 2/13 Thomas Mitchell Drive, , Muswellbrook NSW 2333 PO Box 6, , MUSWELLBROOK NSW 2333 P 02 6541 0323 F 02 6549 3701 E admin@uhwa.org.au W www.uhwa.org.au Delegates (2) Councils (3) Chair Clr Tony McNamara Deputy Clr Maurice Collison Muswellbrook Singleton Upper Hunter (old) General Manager Mr Doug Campbell Member Clr Ron Campbell Member Clr Tayah Clout Member Clr Darryl Marshall Member Clr Sue Moore Member Clr Graeme McNeill Auditors Spencer Steer & Associates Meetings Feb May Aug Nov 3rd Tues 4PM Upper Macquarie County Council Purpose Eradication of Noxious Weeds 7 Lee Street, , Kelso NSW 2795 PO Box 703, , BATHURST NSW 2795 P 02 6305 6388 F 02 6331 9620 E admin@umcc.nsw.gov.au W https://www.umcc.nsw.gov.au Delegates (2) Councils (8) Chair Clr Andrew McKibbin Deputy Clr Bruce Reynolds Bathurst Regional Blayney Clr Bruce Reynolds Lithgow Oberon Clr Andrew McKibbin General Manager Member Clr Stephen Lesslie Member Clr Bruce Watt Member Clr Ben Fry Member Clr Allan Ewin Member Clr Col O'Connor Member Clr Andrew Smith Auditors Bennett & Keogh Meetings 1st Friday, 2:30PM -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- REGIONAL ORGANISATION OF COUNCILS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Border Regional Organisation of Councils (BROC) CONSTITUENT COUNCILS Balonne Shire Council, Goondiwindi Regional Council, Gwydir, Inverell, Moree Plains, Southern Downs Regional Council, Tenterfield Chair Clr Peter Petty C/- Tenterfield Shire Council, PO Box 214, TENTERFIELD NSW 2373 P 02 6736 6040 F 02 6752 3934 E broc@gwydir.nsw.gov.au Mid North Coast Regional Organisation of Councils (MIDROC) CONSTITUENT COUNCILS Bellingen, Clarence Valley, Coffs Harbour, Nambucca Valley Chair Chair Clr Rhonda Hoban OAM Deputy Chair Clr Denise Knight General Manager Representative Mr Steve McGrath Secretary Mr Michael Coulter Treasurer Mr Steve McGrath C/- Coffs Harbour City Council, Corner of Coff and Castle Streets, COFFS HARBOUR NSW 2450 P 02 6648 4000 F E coffs.council@chcc.nsw.gov.au W http://www.midroc.nsw.gov.au Northern Sydney Regional Organisation of Councils (NSROC) CONSTITUENT COUNCILS Hornsby, Hunters Hill, Ku-ring-gai, Lane Cove, Mosman, North Sydney, Ryde, Willoughby Chair Executive Director Dr Meg Montgomery President Clr Carolyn Corrigan PO Box 20, , LANE COVE NSW 1595 P 02 9911 3660 F E info@nsroc.com.au W http://www.nsroc.com.au Riverina Eastern Regional Organisation of Councils (REROC) CONSTITUENT COUNCILS Bland, Coolamon, Cootamundra-Gundagai Regional, Goldenfields Water County, Greater Hume, Junee, Lockhart, Riverina Water County, Temora Chair Chairman Clr Rick Firman OAM Deputy Chair Clr Neil Smith Executive Officer Mrs Julie Briggs PO Box 646, , WAGGA WAGGA NSW 2650 P 02 6931 9050 F 02 6931 9040 E mail@reroc.com.au W http://www.reroc.com.au Southern Sydney Regional Organisation of Councils (SSROC) CONSTITUENT COUNCILS Bayside, Burwood, Canada Bay, Canterbury Bankstown, Georges River, Inner West, Randwick, Strathfield, Sutherland, Sydney, Waverley, Woollahra Chair Chief Executive Officer Ms Helen Sloan Junior Vice President Clr Susan Wynne President Clr John Faker Secretary/Treasurer Mr Matthew Stewart Senior Vice President Clr Christina Curry PO Box 176, , CAMPSIE NSW 2194 P 02 8396 3800 F 02 8396 3816 E ssroc@ssroc.nsw.gov.au W http://www.ssroc.nsw.gov.au Sydney Coastal Councils Group Inc (SCCG) CONSTITUENT COUNCILS Bayside, Inner West, North Sydney, Northern Beaches, Randwick, Sutherland, Waverley, Willoughby, Woollahra Chair Chair Clr Jack Boyd Executive Officer Ms Sarah Joyce PO Box 999, , MANLY NSW 1655 P 02 9976 1502 F E info@sydneycoastalcouncils.com.au W http://www.sydneycoastalcouncils.com.au Western Sydney Regional Organisation of Councils (WSROC) CONSTITUENT COUNCILS Blacktown, Blue Mountains, Cumberland, Fairfield, Hawkesbury, Lithgow, Liverpool, Parramatta Chair Chief Executive Officer RFD Mr Charles Casuscelli Executive Officer Ms Siobhan Andrei President Clr Barry Calvert Treasurer Clr Chris Quilkey Vice President - Central City Clr Glenn Elmore Vice President - Western City Clr Karress Rhodes PO Box 63, , BLACKTOWN NSW 2148 P 02 9671 4333 F E info@wsroc.com.au W http://www.wsroc.com.au -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LOCAL GOVERNMENT & SHIRES ASSOCIATIONS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Australian Local Government Association Chief Executive: Mr Adrian Beresford-Wylie Australian Local Government Centre, 8 Geils Court, Deakin ACT 2600 Phone: 02 6122 9400 Fax: 02 6122 9401 Australian Local Government Women's Association, NSW Branch Inc Immediate Past President: Clr Darriea Turley AM President: Ms Karen McKeown OAM MP Secretary: Clr Vicki Scott Treasurer: Clr Joyce Wheatley Vice President - City: Clr Susan Page Vice President - Country: Clr Bev Laing PO Box 937, ST MARYS NSW 2760 Phone: 1800 621 951 Fax: Local Government NSW Acting Manager, Learning and Development: Ms Jennifer James Chief Economist: Mr Shaun McBride Chief Executive: Mr Scott Phillips Executive Manager, Advocacy: Ms Kelly Kwan Executive Manager, Communications: Ms Toni Allan Executive Manager, Corporate: Ms Jennifer Trute Executive Manager, Member Central: Mr Gary O'Riordan Executive Manager, Member Services: Mrs Lillian Tiddy Manager, Events: Ms Meg Fisher President: Clr Linda Scott Strategy Manager, Environment: Ms Susy Cenedese Strategy Manager, Management Solutions: Mr Mark Anderson Strategy Manager, Planning and Transport: Ms Jane Partridge Strategy Manager, Social and Communities: Mr Damian Thomas Treasurer: Clr Jerome Laxale Vice President (Metropolitan/Urban): Clr Angelo Tsirekas Vice President (Rural/Regional): The Hon. Stephen Lawrence MLC Level 8, 28 Margaret Street, Sydney NSW 2000 GPO Box 7003, , SYDNEY NSW 2001 Phone: 02 9242 4000 Fax: 02 9242 4111 Shires Association - Division A MEMBER COUNCILS Ballina, Bellingen, Far North Coast County, Kempsey, Kyogle, Nambucca Valley, Richmond River County, Richmond Valley, Tweed ASSOCIATE MEMBER COUNCILS Clarence Valley Secretary: Mr Allan Burgess Kempsey Shire Council, PO Box 78, WEST KEMPSEY NSW 2440 Phone: 02 6566 3200 Fax: 02 6566 3205 Shires Association - Division B MEMBER COUNCILS Glen Innes Severn, Gunnedah, Guyra, Gwydir, Inverell, Liverpool Plains, Moree Plains, New England Tablelands County, Tenterfield, Uralla ASSOCIATE MEMBER COUNCILS Armidale Dumaresq Representative: Clr Barry Johnston Secretary: Mr Paul Henry Inverell Shire Council, PO Box 138, INVERELL NSW 2360 Phone: 02 6728 8288 Fax: 02 6728 8277 Shires Association - Division C MEMBER COUNCILS Bogan, Castlereagh-Macquarie County, Coonamble, Gilgandra, Narromine, Walgett, Warren, Warrumbungle, Wellington ASSOCIATE MEMBER COUNCILS Dubbo Representative: Clr Rex Wilson Secretary: Mr Ashley Wielinga PSM Warren Shire Council, PO Box 6, WARREN NSW 2824 Phone: Fax: Shires Association - Division D MEMBER COUNCILS Dungog, Gloucester, Singleton, Upper Hunter, Walcha ASSOCIATE MEMBER COUNCILS Tamworth Regional Representative: Clr Stephen Low AM Secretary: Mr Craig Deasey Dungog Shire Council, PO Box 95, DUNGOG NSW 2420 Phone: 02 4995 7777 Fax: 02 4995 7750 Shires Association - Division E MEMBER COUNCILS Blayney, Cabonne, Central Tablelands County, Cowra, Forbes, Lachlan, Oberon, Parkes, Upper Macquarie County, Weddin ASSOCIATE MEMBER COUNCILS Bathurst Regional, Mid-Western Regional, Orange Representative: Clr Ken Keith Secretary: Mr Alan McCormack Parkes Shire Council, PO Box 337, PARKES NSW 2870 Phone: 02 6861 2333 Fax: 02 6862 3946 Shires Association - Division F MEMBER COUNCILS Berrigan, Carrathool, Central Murray County, Conargo, Deniliquin, Griffith, Hay, Jerilderie, Leeton, Murray, Murrumbidgee, Narrandera, Wakool Director, Corporate & Community Services: Mrs Leanne Neist Representative: Clr Brian M Sharp OAM Secretary: Mr Greg Murdoch Murray Shire Council, PO Box 21, MATHOURA NSW 2710 Phone: 03 5884 3303 Fax: 03 5884 3417 Shires Association - Division G MEMBER COUNCILS Bland, Coolamon, Cootamundra, Goldenfields Water County, Greater Hume, Gundagai, Junee, Lockhart, Riverina Water County, Temora, Tumbarumba, Tumut, Urana ASSOCIATE MEMBER COUNCILS Wagga Wagga Representative/Treasurer: Clr Paul Braybrooks OAM Secretary: Mr Ken Trethewey Cootamundra Shire Council, PO Box 420, COOTAMUNDRA NSW 2590 Phone: 02 6940 2100 Fax: 02 6940 2127 Shires Association - Division H MEMBER COUNCILS Bega Valley, Bombala, Boorowa, Cooma-Monaro, Eurobodalla, Harden, Palerang, Snowy River, Upper Lachlan, Yass Valley, Young ASSOCIATE MEMBER COUNCILS Goulburn Mulwaree, Queanbeyan Representative: Clr Chris Manchester Secretary: Ms Annabell Miller Harden Shire Council, PO Box 110, HARDEN NSW 2587 Phone: 02 6386 2305 Fax: 02 6386 2083 Shires Association - Division J MEMBER COUNCILS Balranald, Bourke, Brewarrina, Central Darling, Cobar, Wentworth ASSOCIATE MEMBER COUNCILS Broken Hill Representative: Clr Raymond J Longfellow Secretary: Mr Tim Hazell Central Darling Shire Council, PO Box 165, WILCANNIA NSW 2836 Phone: 08 8083 8900 Fax: 08 8091 5994 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OTHER LOCAL GOVERNMENT ORGANISATION -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Association of Mining Related Councils Executive Officer: Mr Don Tydd , , PO Box 1418, , ARMIDALE NSW 2350 Phone: 02 6775 3844 Fax: EMail: info@miningrelatedcouncils.asn.au Web: http://www.miningrelatedcouncils.asn.au/ CLAIR Sydney (Japan Local Government Centre) Level 42, Gateway, 1 Macquarie Place, Sydney NSW 2000 Phone: 02 9241 5033 Fax: 02 9241 5014 EMail: mailbox@jlgc.org.au Web: http://www.jlgc.org.au Health and Building Surveyors Association Secretary: Mr Ian Robertson 106/118 Great North Road, Five Dock NSW 2046 Phone: 02 9712 5255 Fax: 02 9712 5427 EMail: habsa@labor.net.au Institute of Public Works Engineering Australia NSW Executive Manager: Mr Mark Turner Level 12, 447 Kent Street, Sydney NSW 2000 Level 12, 447 Kent Street, SYDNEY NSW 2000 Phone: 02 8267 3011 Fax: 02 9283 5255 EMail: ipwea@ipwea.org.au Web: http://www.ipwea.org.au/info/nsw.html Local Government Auditors Association President: Mr Wayne Russell Secretary: Mr Gary Mottau C/- Hill Rogers Spencer Steer, Level 5, 1 Chifley Square, Sydney NSW 2000 GPO Box 7066, SYDNEY NSW 2001 Phone: 02 9232 5111 Fax: 02 9233 7950 Local Government Engineers Association President: Mr Lewis Oldfield Level 1 , 491 Kent Street, , Sydney NSW 2000 Level 1, 491 Kent Street, , SYDNEY NSW 2000 Phone: 02 9263 6555 Fax: 02 9264 1224 EMail: lgea@apesma.asn.au Web: http://www.apesma.asn.au Local Government Professionals Australia, NSW Level 10, 22 Market Street, SYDNEY NSW 2000 , , Phone: 02 8297 1200 Fax: 02 9262 6705 EMail: nsw@lgprofessionals.com.au Web: http://www.lgprofessionals.com.au Local Government Recycling Co-operative Ltd 82-84 Queen Street, Concord West NSW 2138 PO Box 173, Concord West NSW 2138 Phone: 02 9736 1841 Fax: 02 9736 3241 NSW Country Mayors Association MEMBER COUNCILS Albury, Armidale Dumaresq, Ballina, Bathurst Regional, Broken Hill, Clarence Valley, Coffs Harbour, Deniliquin, Dubbo, Eurobodalla, Forbes, Glen Innes Severn, Goulburn Mulwaree, Greater Taree, Griffith, Gunnedah, Inverell, Kempsey, Lismore, Lithgow (old), Moree Plains, Narrabri, Orange, Parkes, Queanbeyan, Tamworth Regional, Wagga Wagga Secretary: Mr Allan Burgess C/- Wagga Wagga City Council, Cnr Bayliss & Morrow Streets, WAGGA WAGGA NSW 2650 PO Box 20, , WAGGA WAGGA NSW 2650 Phone: 0418 249 147 Fax: NSW Local Government Boundaries Commission : Clr Rick Firman OAM : Clr Lesley Furneaux-Cook : Mr Jeremy Scott Chairman: Mr Bob Sendt 5 O'Keefe Avenue, , NOWRA NSW 2541 Locked Bag 3015, , NOWRA NSW 2541 Phone: 02 4428 4100 Fax: 02 4428 4199 EMail: boundaries@dlg.nsw.gov.au Web: http://www.olg.nsw.gov.au/commissions-and-tribunals/boundaries-commission NSW Local Government Community Services Association Inc Executive Officer: Ms Marina Hines President: Mr Kevin Maloney 1st Floor, Burwood Council Offices, 2 Condor Street, Burwood NSW 2134 PO Box 403, Burwood NSW 1805 Phone: 02 9911 9803 Fax: 02 9911 9905 EMail: lgcsa@lgcsa.org.au Web: http://www.lgcsa.org.au NSW Local Government Grants Commission Deputy Chairperson: Mr Grahame Gibbs Executive Officer: Mr Bruce Wright Member: Dr Elizabeth Coombs Member: Clr Frank Pangallo MBE 5 O'Keefe Avenue, Nowra NSW 2541 Locked Bag 3015, NOWRA NSW 2541 Phone: 02 4428 4132 Fax: 02 4428 4199 EMail: grants@dlg.nsw.gov.au Web: http://www.dlg.nsw.gov.au NSW Local Govt, Clerical, Administrative, Energy, Airlines & Utilities Union Level 7, 321 Pitt Street, Sydney NSW 2000 Level 7, 321 Pitt Street, SYDNEY NSW 2000 Phone: 02 9265 8211 Fax: 02 9261 2265 EMail: united@usu.org.au Web: http://www.usu.org.au -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- JOINT ORGANISATION -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Canberra Region Joint Organisation MEMBERS Bega Valley, Eurobodalla, Goulburn Mulwaree, Hilltops, Queanbeyan-Palerang Regional, Snowy Monaro Regional, Snowy Valleys, Upper Lachlan, Wingecarribee, Yass Valley Chair Clr Russell Fitzpatrick Executive Officer Ms Sharon Houlihan PO Box 66, , QUEANBEYAN NSW 2620 P 0456 261 676 F E reception@crjo.nsw.gov.au W http://www.crjo.nsw.gov.au Central NSW Joint Organisation MEMBERS Bathurst Regional, Blayney, Cabonne, Cowra, Forbes, Lachlan, Oberon, Orange, Parkes, Weddin Chair Clr Kevin Beatty Deputy Chairperson Clr Mark Kellam Executive Officer Ms Jenny Bennett PO Box 333, , FORBES NSW 2871 P 02 6850 2323 F E jenny.bennett@centraljo.nsw.gov.au W https://www.centraljo.nsw.gov.au/ Far North West Joint Organisation MEMBERS Bourke, Cobar, Walgett Chair Clr Barry Hollman Executive Officer Mr Ross Earl PO Box 223, , COBAR NSW 2835 P 02 6836 5888 F W http://www.farnorthwestjo.nsw.gov.au Far South West Joint Organisation MEMBERS Balranald, Broken Hill, Central Darling, Wentworth Chair Clr Darriea Turley AM Deputy Chairperson Mr Bob Stewart Executive Officer Mr Jay Nankivell PO Box 353, , BROKEN HILL NSW 2880 P 03 5027 5027 F W http://www.fwjo.nsw.gov.au Hunter Joint Organisation of Councils MEMBERS Cessnock, Dungog, Lake Macquarie, Maitland, Mid-Coast, Muswellbrook, Newcastle, Port Stephens, Singleton, Upper Hunter Chair Clr Sue Moore Acting Executive Officer Mr Stephen Wilson PO Box 3137, , THORNTON NSW 2322 P 02 4978 4040 F E stevew@huntercouncils.com.au W https://www.hunterjo.com.au/ Illawarra Shoalhaven Joint Organisation MEMBERS Kiama, Shellharbour, Shoalhaven, Wollongong Chair Clr Gordon Bradbery AM Executive Officer Mr Roger Stephan PO Box 148, , KIAMA NSW 2533 P 02 4232 3200 F E info@isjo.org.au W https://isjo.nsw.gov.au Mid North Coast Joint Organisation MEMBERS Bellingen, Kempsey, Port Macquarie-Hastings Chair Clr Peta Pinson Executive Officer Ms Elizabeth Fairweather PO Box 84, , PORT MACQUARIE NSW 2444 P 0409 343 676 F E Executive.Officer@mncjo.nsw.gov.au W http://www.mncjo.nsw.gov.au Namoi Joint Organisation MEMBERS Gunnedah, Gwydir, Liverpool Plains, Tamworth Regional, Walcha Chair Clr Russell Webb Acting Executive Officer Mr Paul Bennett PO Box 555, , TAMWORTH NSW 2340 P 02 6767 5267 F E info@namoiunlimited.nsw.gov.au W http://www.namoiunlimited.nsw.gov.au New England Joint Organisation MEMBERS Armidale Regional, Glen Innes Severn, Inverell, Moree Plains, Narrabri, Tenterfield, Uralla Chair Clr Paul Harmon Acting Executive Officer Mr Paul Henry PO Box 261, , NARRABRI NSW 2390 P 0448 219 208 F E executiveofficer@nejo.nsw.gov.au W http://www.nejo.nsw.gov.au Northern Rivers Joint Organisation MEMBERS Ballina, Byron, Kyogle, Lismore, Richmond Valley, Tweed Chair Clr Michael Lyon Deputy Chairperson Clr Sharon Cadwallader Executive Officer Mr Phillip Rudd PO Box 239, , LISMORE NSW 2480 P 0427 073 440 F E admin@northernriversjo.nsw.gov.au W http://www.northernriversjo.nsw.gov.au Orana Joint Organisation MEMBERS Bogan, Gilgandra, Mid-Western Regional, Narromine, Warren, Warrumbungle Chair Clr Craig Davies Interim Executive Officer Mr Brad Cam PO Box 115, , NARROMINE NSW 2821 P 02 6889 9999 F 0408 381 474 E jsevil@narromine.nsw.gov.au W http://www.oranajointorganisation.nsw.gov.au Riverina and Murray Joint Organisation MEMBERS Albury, Berrigan, Carrathool, Edward River, Federation, Griffith, Hay, Leeton, Murray River, Murrumbidgee, Narrandera Chair Clr Patrick Bourke Executive Officer Ms Yvonne Lingua PO Box 3572, , ALBURY NSW 2640 P 02 6023 8791 F 0408 498 534 E admin@ramjo.nsw.gov.au W http://www.ramjo.nsw.gov.au/ Riverina Joint Organisation MEMBERS Bland, Coolamon, Cootamundra-Gundagai Regional, Greater Hume, Junee, Lockhart, Temora, Wagga Wagga Chair Clr Rick Firman OAM Executive Officer Mrs Julie Briggs PO Box 646, , WAGGA WAGGA NSW 2650 P 02 6931 9050 F E eo@riverinajo.nsw.gov.au W http://www.riverinajo.nsw.gov.au