Complaint statistics for the July 2010 to June 2011 comparison against the July 2009 to June 2010 period.

The actual number of complaints is not necessarily an effective indicator of the seriousness of the matters raised. In some cases the council may be the subject of campaigns, usually about a single controversial issue. This can distort the council’s reputation if there is in fact no maladministration on the council’s part and the issues relate more to concerns about a particular decision. We generally will not investigate such issues, provided the council’s decision is lawful and proper processes are followed.

July 2010 to June 2011 NSW report

Below is a chart showing details of the complaints received during the July 2010 to June 2011 period by keyword


We received 1130 complaints in 2010–11, compared to 1029 in 2009–10. These complaints were spread over 119 councils. Over half of all complaints/allegations related to 21 councils, or just 14% of all general purpose councils in NSW. We did not receive any complaints about 33 councils.

The total number of complaints received this year represents an increase over the number received last year (in the order of 8.9%).

City of Sydney Council received the most complaints. Of these more than half related to parking provision and parking enforcement.

The Division also received 5 complaints which did not specify the name of the council that the matter related to.

Pecuniary interest

In 2010–11 we received 43 informal allegations of breaches of the pecuniary interest provisions of the Local Government Act 1993. 1 complaint was received that met the requirements set out for a formal pecuniary interest complaint.

There were 2 formal investigations of a pecuniary interest complaint under section 462 of the Local Government Act 1993 commenced in the period.

The Pecuniary Interest and Disciplinary Tribunal determined no matters during 2010–11.

Councillor misbehaviour and political donation complaints

In 2010–11 we received 7 complaints alleging misbehaviour by councillors. Four formal investigations under the misbehaviour provisions were commenced during this period.

The Pecuniary Interest and Disciplinary Tribunal determined 1 misbehaviour matter during 2010–11.