Mutual Recognition

The Office of Local Government is developing an approvals process for mobile vendors to operate across multiple council areas. A survey was conducted of mobile businesses, councils, and other interested parties on mutual recognition for six weeks and closed on 24 October 2024.

Thank you to those who took the time to provide valuable feedback. The Office of Local Government has carefully considered all responses from the survey and prepared a proposed Mutual Recognition framework.

You can read a summary of the feedback received and the proposal in the Mutual Recognition Framework for Local Approvals Proposed Framework Report


If you have any enquiries please contact the Policy Team at


What is Mutual Recognition?

The NSW Government is introducing reforms to create more vibrant public spaces and increase economic opportunity. Mutual Recognition will help achieve this by reducing red tape and streamlining approval processes.

Currently a range of businesses must seek separate approval from councils in each council area they wish to operate, as required under Section 68 of the Local Government Act 1993.

Mutual Recognition will allow certain mobile businesses to operate across multiple council areas by seeking approval once and having that approval recognised by other councils.


What types of businesses will the Mutual Recognition framework be available to?

This new framework will be available to the following business types:

  • food trucks
  • buskers
  • outdoor fitness, and
  • market stalls

It may be rolled out to additional mobile business types in the future.


Who is involved in developing the Mutual Recognition framework?

The Office of Local Government is leading on this work and collaborating with NSW Government agencies, councils, mobile businesses and with the public.

Relevant agencies include the Office of the 24-Hour Economy Commissioner and the Small Business Commissioner.


For further information on the Government’s Vibrancy Reforms: Vibrancy Reforms | NSW Government.


Who is involved in developing the Mutual Recognition framework?

The Office of Local Government is leading on this work and collaborating with NSW Government agencies, councils, mobile businesses and with the public.

Relevant agencies include the Office of the 24-Hour Economy Commissioner and the Small Business Commissioner.



For further information on the Government’s Vibrancy Reforms: Vibrancy Reforms | NSW Government.