In the wake of the recent floods, The Local Government Emergency Recovery Support Group (LGERSG) is delivering council-to-council support for disaster-affected local governments in New South Wales.
This means councils responding to and recovering from disasters can now request assistance from other New South Wales councils who are able to assist.
Several matches have already been made – with councils across the state providing flood clean-up, machinery, development assessment and customer service support.
Affected councils can request staff, the loaning of machinery and equipment or other bespoke requests, where appropriate.
The LGERSG makes meaningful contributions to councils who desperately need to free up their resources so they can focus on the issues on the ground.
Thank you to everyone who has already been in touch to provide help. We encourage councils to continue to direct offers of support through the Local Government Emergency Recovery Support Group, so that assistance can be tracked and the best matches can be made.
Offering or requesting assistance
To request or offer assistance, please reach out to your OLG council engagement manager.
OLG’s council engagement team will then follow up and, where possible, match requests for assistance to offers of help.
Where possible, affected councils are encouraged to request work that can be done remotely from unaffected councils, to free up local resources for other tasks and relieve pressures on accommodation.
If you have questions about the LGERSG process, please email
If you or your communities are affected by the unfolding floods, please visit the NSW Government’s floods information and support services webpage.