A fresh start for local government apprentices, trainees and cadets
The NSW Government is providing $252.2 million over 6 years to directly support local councils to develop sustainable workforces through the recruitment of trainees, apprentices and cadets..
Local government currently employs more than 50,000 people across the state’s 128 councils and many trainees and apprentices who start their career at councils also go on to work in local industry.
The fresh start for local government apprentices, trainees and cadets program is part of the Government’s goal of increasing the local government workforce by 15%, with new apprentice and trainee roles, focusing on in-demand trades including electricians, plumbers, engineers, civil construction workers, mechanics, planning cadets and many more.
Grant Guidelines
The program’s Grant Guidelines provide detailed information on its purpose and objective, how funding is determined and distributed, and the criteria against which grant applications will be considered.
Applications for the first round of grant funding have closed and successful applicants have been notified. There will be further rounds of funding in 2025.
Information for jobseekers and school leavers
Jobseekers and school leavers
Looking for an apprenticeship, traineeship or cadetship? Councils are now hiring for positions to start in early 2025.
You could:
- Be paid while you learn from experienced mentors
- Gain hands-on experience
- Experience a diverse range of tasks and projects
- Earn a recognised qualification that’s valued in the job market
- Make a positive difference in your community
- Kickstart your future career in local government
Contact your local council today to learn more about opportunities in 2025.
How to apply for an apprenticeship, traineeship or cadetship
If you’re a jobseeker or school leaver and you’re interested in starting an apprenticeship, traineeship or cadetship in local government, contact your local council.
Contact details for councils can be found in the Local Government Directory
You can also look for job ads on council websites and Seek.
The following local government organisations have been successful in the first round of grant funding and are currently or soon to be recruiting for various positions
Hear from some current council apprentices, trainees and cadets
FAQ for Councils
The following are frequently asked questions about the Government’s A fresh start for local government apprentices, trainees and cadets program
Why is the NSW Government providing funding for councils to hire apprentices, trainees and cadets?
The NSW Government is investing $252.2 million over six years to employ an additional 1,300 apprentices, trainees and cadets in the local government sector across the state.
This investment will train up the next generation of skilled labour while keeping jobs within local councils, reversing the trend of councils outsourcing jobs to contractors.
This funding through the A fresh start for local government apprentices, trainees and cadets program will provide a boost for councils, which are responsible for providing the services and facilities that communities use every day.
Where can I find the grant guidelines?
The program grant guidelines are available at: Apprentice, Trainee and Cadet Guidelines
How do I apply?
Applications are submitted through SmartyGrants at: https://olg.smartygrants.com.au/Fresh-Start-Program-Round2
How can I register to use SmartyGrants?
You can get more information and support for SmartyGrants here: https://olg.smartygrants.com.au/Fresh-Start-Program-Round2
Who is eligible to apply for the grant funding?
All NSW local councils, county councils and joint organisations are eligible to apply for the funding. Applicants that were successful in Round 1 may also apply for funding in Round 2.
When will round two grant applications open and what is the timeline?
Applications for the second round of grants open on 17 March 2025 and will close on 31 March 2025. Applicants will be notified of the outcome of their application on 1 May 2025 with new apprentices, trainees and cadets to start work from 1 July 2025.
How many roles will be funded in the second round?
The program’s round two funding will support up to 650 positions.
Can councils share a recruit?
Apprentices, trainees and cadets funded by the program can only be employed by one organisation.
Eligible organisations can choose to transfer a recruit to another eligible organisation where there is mutual agreement to do so. More information on transfers can be found in the grant guidelines.
How do I calculate the cost of the trainee/apprentice/cadet wage?
Appropriate wages can be calculated using the Australian Government’s online tool: https://www.fairwork.gov.au/pay-and-wages/minimum-wages/apprentice-and-trainee-pay-rates.
Will the program funding cover the costs for the training course?
No, program funding is solely to pay the trainee, apprentice or cadet’s wage and 15 per cent of on-costs. The on-costs include the minimum superannuation guarantee and any increase in workers compensation costs as a result of employing the new recruit.
Can the new apprentices, trainees and cadets be employed through a group training organisation?
The apprentices, trainees and cadets funded by the program must be directly employed by the organisation receiving the grant funding.
Organisations may use Group Training Organisations (GTO) to assist in their recruitment of new staff but cannot use funding from the program to meet the costs of the GTO.
How many positions can each council, county council and joint organisation apply for in round two?
There is no restriction on the number of positions an applicant can apply for. Where the program is over-subscribed, the Assessment Panel may consider broader factors to decide which positions are recommended for funding.
Is there a deadline for submitting applications?
Applications for round 2 close on Friday 31 March 2025 at 11pm.
Are school-based trainees considered as part of this program?
Yes, roles for school-based trainees can be funded by the program.
When will successful applicants receive the funding for the roles?
The first payment will be made when the recruit’s training contract or training plan is approved. Payments will then be made in arrears quarterly, on confirmation that training has continued.
Will the funding cover the entire duration of the apprenticeship, traineeship or cadetship?
The duration of funding will vary depending on the type of role, apprenticeship, traineeship or cadetship.
Funding is provided for the nominal term of the apprenticeship, traineeship or cadetship as prescribed in the Funding Deed between the Office of Local Government and the successful applicant organisation.
Can cadetships be structured as part-time?
Cadetships can be part-time or full-time.
Are university fees for cadets covered under the program funding?
University fees are not covered under the program funding.
Is there a standard Training Plan template for cadets?
Councils are encouraged to make use of the Training Plan Template for Cadetships Only available on OLG’s Council Portal.
What is the process for establishing a trainee or apprentice?
A council is required to engage an Apprentice Connect Australia Provider to help with the preparation and registration and the completion of a Training Contract. This is a free service. For an apprenticeship or traineeship to be legal in NSW, the employer and apprentice/trainee must sign a Training Contract and have it approved by Training Services.
Can an existing apprentice or trainee be eligible under this program?
Apprentices and trainees can be new or those who have completed 50% or less of the nominal duration of their apprenticeship or traineeship and are not currently employed by the organisation as an apprentice or trainee.
What happens to the funding if a trainee decides to leave the program early? Can we replace them and still receive funding?
Funding is linked to the individual new recruit, not the position. If the recruit discontinues their training the funding will cease.
Can we engage a Training Provider that is not listed on the Smart and Skilled Provider List?
Organisations are strongly encouraged to identify subsidised training providers available on the Smart and Skilled Provider List. These are Registered Training Organisations (RTO) that deliver NSW Government subsidised training for the 2025-2026 period. Should a council decide to engage a non-Smart and Skilled provider there may be costs associated to training delivery.
Can we adjust the length of the approved courses?
Funding is for the nominal training term of the apprenticeship or traineeship and 2 years for cadetships.
Can we change Registered Training Organisation during the apprenticeship or traineeship term?
Any amendment to the Approved Training Contract and Approved Training Plan would need to be resubmitted to OLG for re-approval within 5 Business Days of the amendment date and further approvals would be required from Training Services.
What are the reporting requirements if my application is successful?
Reporting will be via SmartyGrants and will involve administrative reporting and acquittal throughout the funding term. Details are provided in the Funding Agreement.
Can I make changes to my application after it has been submitted?
Council can request OLG to re-open the Application Form in SmartyGrants before the closing date of 31 March 2025. No changes will be allowed after the round has closed.
How do I access the grant funds once my application is approved?
The first payment will be an advance of six months wages, made after Council submits an approved Training Contract and Letter for each recruit. Further payments will be made quarterly in arrears on submission of quarterly reporting.
What should I do if I encounter issues or delays in my project?
Councils can apply to OLG to temporarily suspend the provision of training to a funded employee for a period of time. OLG must be notified of this in the next reporting period of the suspension occurring.
What happens with the funding if a trainee decides to leave a couple of months into the program? Can we employ another trainee and still receive funding?
Funding is linked to the individual new recruit, not the position. If an individual does not continue the program, the funding for the position will end. Council may apply to recruit the same position in the next round of funding.
Will there be further rounds of grants available?
The program will run over six years and further rounds of grant funding are planned.
When will round 3 applications open?
Round 3 applications are planned to open in mid-July 2025 (TBC), with employment of new recruits to commence from 1 January 2026.
How can we get in touch if we have any questions?
Contact the Fresh Start Program team at freshstart@olg.nsw.gov.au.
Stakeholder resources
Fresh start – Communication toolkit for stakeholders – Powerpoint – 7.2MB
EDM Banners
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Website Tiles
Social Media Tiles
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