NSW Government appoints new Grants Commissioners
Friday, 7 March 2025
NSW Government has announced three new Commissioners have been appointed to the Local Government Grants Commission, including former Australian Local Government Association (ALGA) president Linda Scott as chair.
The appointments reflect a refresh of the Grants Commission with the appointees having substantial experience in local government covering metropolitan and regional areas.
The Grants Commission makes recommendations to the Minister for Local Government on the allocation of Commonwealth Financial Assistance grants to councils. The new appointments are:
• Linda Scott – former Australian Local Government Association president and former City of Sydney Councillor and Deputy Lord Mayor, appointed as commissioner and chairperson
• Brett Whitworth – Deputy Secretary, Office of Local Government, appointed as commissioner and deputy chairperson
• Jason Hamling – former Mayor of Orange, appointed as commissioner
The new appointees join existing commissioner Leanne Barnes PSM OAM, the former General Manager of Bega Valley Shire Council, whose term has been renewed.
The Grants Commissioners are appointed by Her Excellency the Honourable Margaret Beazley, Governor of NSW. Three of the appointments were nominated by the Minister for Local Government, while the fourth is an employee of the Office of Local Government.
All commissioners have been appointed for a term of three years and commence in their roles from 6 March, 2025.
Minister for Local Government Ron Hoenig said:
“Each of the new commissioners has a proven track record either serving or working in local government and I congratulate them on their appointments.
“While NSW continues to advocate for a greater share from the Commonwealth for Financial Assistance grants there is an opportunity to refresh the Commission to ensure the equitable distribution of Federal grants across the state.
“I would also like to thank the former commissioners for their dedication over a number of years.”
MEDIA: Clare Dowswell | Minister Hoenig | 0448 540 073
PDF Version | Ministerial Media Release – 7 March 2025 |