
15-28 – Joint Organisation Pilot: progress and upcoming consultation

What’s new or changing

  • On 10 July 2015 representatives from the five pilot Joint Organisations (JOs), and other key stakeholders, participated in a workshop to mark the midpoint in the JO pilot process.
  • The workshop was an opportunity to reflect on the successes, challenges and learning from the pilot to date and to input into the policy framework for the enablement of JOs.
  • A report will shortly be released on the Fit for the Future website which will provide an overview of the pilot process and the outcomes from the workshop.
  • In August, councils and the broader local government sector will have the opportunity to comment on the Joint Organisations Emerging Directions Paper.
  • This Paper will highlight the early thinking on the Joint Organisation Model, including purpose and functions, entity and powers, collaboration and communication, and governance and resourcing for Joint Organisations.

What this will mean for your council

  • The Joint Organisation Model is being developed collaboratively and councils will have an opportunity to provide input by responding to the Emerging Directions Paper.

Key points

  • The policy work on the Joint Organisation Model is occurring concurrently with the Pilot process in order to implement Joint Organisations by September 2016.
  • The Emerging Directions Paper will be the first opportunity for the broader local government sector to provide input to the Joint Organisation Model.
  • Further consultation opportunities will be made available from October 2015.
  • The final model will be determined in early 2016.

Where to go for further information

Marcia Doheny
Chief Executive