Calendar of Compliance

JRA – Quarter 1, 2020-21 financial year claims due (for payments made in August 2020)

Lodge completed written returns of interest for councillors and designated persons [MCC cl 4.21(b)]. General Manager to table returns at next council meeting [MCC cl 4.25]

Last day for councils to divide their area into wards, abolish all wards, alter ward boundaries or change ward names [LGReg cl 277A]

Last day to determine the number of councillors [LGA s224]

Electronic lodgement of Grants Commission Roads and Bridges Data Return due

Last due date for rates instalments (single instalment or first quarterly) [LGA s562(3); LGReg cl 413I(1)]

Last day for rates to be levied by service of rates and charges notice [LGA s562(4); LGReg cl 413I(2)]

Survey of seizures of cats and dogs 2019-20 due to be lodged

Six monthly New Council Implementation Fund and Stronger Communities Fund (Round 1 & 2) reports due for Varied Agreements

JRA – Quarter 1, 2020-21 financial year claims due (for payments made in July 2020)