Calendar of Compliance

Local Infrastructure Renewals Scheme (LIRS) portal opens for claims for the month

Public bodies to provide Council with a list of parcels of land to which rate rebate applies [LGA s 600(5)]

Fourth quarter rates instalment notices to be sent [LGA s562(5)]

Valuer General to provide estimates of changes in the value of land for which supplementary valuations are required within one (1) month of date of request (LGA s 513(2))

Third quarterly rates instalments due [LGA s562(3)(b)]

Last day for Responsible Accounting Officer to submit quarterly budget review statement to council [LGReg cl 203(1)]

First day for requests to Valuer General for estimates of changes in the value of land for which supplementary valuations are required to be furnished [LGA s513]

Low Cost Loan Initiative Reimbursement claim period opens (Initial Report or Progress Report due)

Six monthly New Council Implementation Fund and Stronger Communities Fund (Round 1 & 2) reports due for Varied Agreements

Progress Reporting due – Disaster Recovery Funding – Commonwealth Government – Councils affected by Bushfire