18-02 – Supporting Joint Organisation success – Consultation on regulations and extension to the nomination deadline
With more than half of regional and rural NSW councils having already resolved to join a Joint Organisation (JO), results have been encouraging. A few councils have requested an extension and, to make it fair across the board, the NSW Government has decided to extend the period by which all councils must submit nominations to be part of a JO to 23 March 2018.
18-01 – Establishment of a Council Engagement Team
OLG is changing the way it engages with councils. A key step is the establishment of a Council Engagement Team. The Council Engagement Team will work closely with councils and Joint Organisations, identify, emerging issues and opportunities for OLG to address, implement programs to support improved council performance and build working relationships with State agencies.
17-43 – Boat Trailer Impounding Guidelines for councils
The Boat Trailer Impounding Guidelines (the Guidelines) provide information for authorised impounding officers about the exercise of functions under the Impounding Act 1993 regarding the enforcement of provisions relating to impounding unattended boat trailers.
17-41 – 2017-18 draft Code of Accounting Practice and Financial Reporting (Update No. 26)
The draft 2017-18 Code of Accounting Practice and Financial Reporting has been released for comment.
17-42 – Changes to Crown reserve management under the Crown Land Management Act 2016
The Office of Local Government (OLG) is partnering with the Department of Industry (DOI) – Crown Land to ensure councils are prepared for commencement of the Crown Land Management Act 2016 (CLM Act), in 2018. The CLM Act will introduce changes to the way Crown reserves are managed by councils. It is crucial that councils understand these changes and are ready for the transition.
17-38 – Update on implementation of the Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016
New applications for development consent or modifications to an approved development under Part 4 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 (EP&A Act) (not including State Significant Development) will continue to be assessed under former planning provisions until 25 February 2018 in most local government areas.
17-31 – Updated Practice Note 15 – Water Safety
Coinciding with the beginning of the 2017/18 swimming season, Practice Note 15 – Water Safety (the Practice Note) has been updated to reflect key legislative changes and the latest best practice advice.
17-29 – Investment Policy Guidelines – Interim TCorp Waiver
The NSW Government has provided a waiver to certain provisions within OLG’s Investment Policy Guidelines to allow councils to engage NSW Treasury Corporation (TCorp) in the provision of investment advice.
17-26 – 2017 “Hit the Ground Running” Councillor Workshops for councils with elections in September 2017 – promotional flyer and online registrations
A promotional flyer has been produced to provide information to general managers and councillors about the upcoming “Hit the Ground Running” councillor workshops. The promotional flyer is attached to this Circular. Online registrations opened on Monday 11 September 2017 for general managers to enrol themselves and their councillors to attend one of the workshops.
17-25 – Container Deposit Scheme and waste management contracts
The NSW Container Deposit Scheme (the Scheme) will commence on 1 December 2017, with a 10 cent refund claimable on eligible containers. Under the Scheme, operators of Material Recovery Facilities (MRFs) will be able to claim a portion of the refund on containers collected from kerbside recycling using the MRF Protocol.