Policy and Legislation

19-08 Consultation on revised IPC Guideline 1 Returns of Interests

The draft revised Guideline provides that councillors’ and designated persons’ returns of interests must be made publicly available free of charge on a website maintained by councils, unless there is an overriding public interest against disclosure of the information.

19-06 – Changes to emergency services funding arrangements

The NSW Government has made changes to workers’ compensation to provide better protection for volunteer and career firefighters affected by work-related cancers. The reforms reflect existing arrangements in other States and will ensure those who provide vital community services receive adequate medical care and support. This will result in an increase in the cost of providing emergency services across the State, which will be shared, as per the usual funding arrangements between insurance providers, the State Government and local councils.

19-05 – Information about Rating 2019-20

Councils should incorporate these determinations into their 2019-20 rating structures and Operational Plan Statement of Revenue Policies.

19-04 – Final Code of Accounting Practice and Financial Reporting (update 27) including Joint Organisations Supplement

The final Code of Accounting Practice and Financial Reporting (Code) (update 27) is available for preparing councils’ 2018-19 financial statements.

19-03 – 2018-19 and 2019-20 Joint Organisation Calendar of Compliance and Reporting Requirements

The 2018-19 Calendar of Compliance and Reporting Requirements for Joint Organisations is now available. Joint Organisations should use the Calendar to assist in planning strategic and operational tasks for 2018-19 and 2019-20 as applicable.

18-40 – Expanded powers under the Impounding Act 1993 to manage shared bicycles

Councils and other impounding authorities now have expanded powers to manage shared bicycles that cause obstructions, pose safety risks or are left unused in one place for too long based on clear, risk-based time limits.

18-38 – 2018-19 draft Code of Accounting Practice and Financial Reporting (Update No. 27)

The draft 2018-19 Code of Accounting Practice and Financial Reporting has been released for comment.

18-36 – Promoting Water Safety during the 2018-19 Swimming Season

Councils play a crucial role in promoting water safety and in minimising risks associated with aquatic locations under their care and control. Councils are encouraged to promote water safety awareness at key times during the swimming season to help reduce drowning risks in backyard swimming pools, public pools, beaches and other public waterways.

18-34 – Reminder of 1 December 2018 deadline for councils to finalise a refund sharing agreement to share in Container Deposit Scheme (CDS) kerbside revenue

Councils must notify the NSW Environment Protection Authority (EPA) that they have reached a refund sharing agreement with their Material Recovery Facility (MRF) operator before 1 December 2018 to enable the MRF to continue to claim refunds for eligible containers and to enable councils to receive a share of CDS revenue from their kerbside recycling stream.

18-28 – Annual Report Checklist

Council can use the checklist to ensure that it has included all of the information required under the Local Government Act 1993 (the Act), the Local Government (General) Regulation 2005 and other relevant legislation and guidelines in its annual report.