Policy and Legislation

21-29 Release of the Guideline on the Use and Management of Credit Cards

Circular Details21-29 / 13 September 2021 / A778846Who should read thisCouncillors / General Managers / Finance staffContactPolicy Team / (02) 4428 4100 / olg@olg.nsw.gov.auAction requiredCouncil to ImplementPDF Version21-29 Release of the Guideline on the Use and Management of Credit Cards...

21-21 Accounting and Financial Reporting Fundamentals – Information session

Circular Details21-21 / 6 August 2021 / A773025Who should read thisCouncillors / General Managers / All council staffContactPolicy Team / (02) 4428 4100 / code@olg.nsw.gov.auAction requiredInformationPDF version21-21 Accounting and Financial Reporting Fundamentals – Information session What’s new or changing The...

20-42 Release of Exposure Draft Bill on local government rating reform

Circular Details20-42 / 22 December 2020 / A749067Who should read thisCouncillors / General Managers / Finance & Rating Staff / Corporate Governance & Legal StaffContactPolicy Team / 02 4428 4100 / olg@olg.nsw.gov.auAction requiredResponse to OLGPDF Version20-42 Release of Exposure Draft...

20-40 Local Government Code of Accounting Practice and Financial Reporting 2020-21

Circular Details20-40 / 11 December 2020 / A750864Who should read thisGeneral Managers / Financial accounting business areasContactPolicy Team / (02) 4428 4100 / code@olg.nsw.gov.auAction requiredCouncil/Joint Organisations to implementPDF VersionCouncil Circular 20-40 - PDF What’s new or changing The final Code...

20-27 Amendments to the Companion Animals Regulation 2018

Category: Circular to CouncilsStatus: ActiveCircular Details: 20-27 / 1 July 2020/ A708906Contact: Policy Team / 02 4428 4100 / olg@olg.nsw.gov.auPrevious Circular: NilAttachments: Summary of amendments to the Companion Animals Regulation 2018 (the Regulation) - PDFWho should read this: General Managers / Companion Animals...

20-07 Department of Premier and Cabinet circulars on employment arrangements and international and domestic travel in relation to novel coronavirus (COVID-19)

Category: Circular to Councils Status: Active Circular Details: 20-07 / 13 March 2020 / A695480 Contact:  Council Governance Team/ 02 4428 4100/ olg@olg.nsw.gov.au Previous Circular: 20-06 - PDF Attachments: Nil Who should read this: General Managers / Human Resources staff Action required:...

20-06 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Development Updates

Category: Circular to Councils Status: Active Circular Details:  20-06 / 10 March 2020 / A694616 Contact: Mr Chris Allen, Director Sector Performance and Intervention / 02 4428 4100 / olg@olg.nsw.gov.au Previous Circular: Nil Attachments: Nil Who should read this: Councillors / General...

20-04 Land use planning changes to assist communities recover from NSW bushfires

Category: Circular to Councils Status: Active Circular Details:  20-04 / 21 February 2020 / A692152 Contact: Bushfire Response Advice Line on 13 77 88 or codes@planning.nsw.gov.au Previous Circular: Nil Attachments: Nil Who should read this: Councillors / General Managers / Council Land...

20-03 Amendments to the Local Government (General) Regulation 2005 to increase the tendering exemption threshold for contracts for bushfire recovery and operations

The NSW Government is committed to helping local councils and their communities recover and rebuild in the wake of the recent bushfire emergencies including cutting red tape. Many councils are having to undertake urgent bushfire protection, recovery, and remediation operations to assist their communities.

20-02 Exemption for activities under Part 3 of the Commonwealth Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act)

This exemption means that councils can continue to undertake these necessary firefighting, prevention and recovery activities which would usually require approval from the Commonwealth without seeking and obtaining that approval. Councils are reminded that, in undertaking these activities they must continue to comply with all applicable State legislation and requirements of relevant NSW agencies (eg: obtaining a Bush Fire Hazard Reduction certificate from the NSW Rural Fire Service).