15-08 – New NSW Online Registry for court services to save time and money
Councils can now access court services more cheaply and quickly via a new NSW Online Registry.
15-04 – Release of Fit for the Future Template 3 (Rural Council Proposal)
The Fit for the Future Template 3 (Rural Council Proposal) and guidance material has been finalised, following consultation with the sector, and is now available to councils.
15-03 – Disability Inclusion Action Planning requirements of local councils
The Disability Inclusion Act requires all local government organisations to produce a Disability Inclusion Action Plan (DIAP) setting out measures enabling people with a disability to access general support and services and fully participate in the community.
13-50 Building a New Local Government Performance Measurement Framework
The Division of Local Government, with local government sector representatives, has commenced work on a new Local Government Performance Measurement Framework and would like feedback on a Discussion Paper. A supporting survey will also be issued to General Managers for completion.
11-42 Developing a Council Community Events Policy – A Toolkit for NSW Councils
The purpose of this Circular is to advise that Developing a Council Community Events Policy - A Toolkit for NSW Councils is now available on the Division’s
website at www.dlg.nsw.gov.au (see ‘Publications’ and ‘Directory of Policy Advice for Councils’ under ‘Events Management and Filming’).
09-11 Local Government Filming Protocol
The purpose of this Circular is to advise councils of the release of the revised Local Government Filming Protocol (the Protocol).
07-27 – Approval Of Water Recycling Projects And Private Water Supplies
The purpose of this Circular is to provide local councils with information about the standards and approvals applying to water recycling projects and private water supplies. NSW Health developed this information in consultation with Sydney Water and the Departments of: Local Government; Water and Energy, Environment & Climate Change; and Planning.