
11-08 Collaborative Arrangements between Councils – Survey Report

In January 2010, the Division of Local Government, Department of Premier and Cabinet issued a survey to all councils and council managed collaborative arrangements to update its database. The Division also sought to obtain councils’ views on factors supporting collaborative arrangements as a means of meeting community needs.

08-27 – Stormwater Harvesting And Reuse

The NSW Government supports stormwater harvesting and reuse schemes that effectively manage health and environmental risks. The purpose of this Circular is to highlight the benefits of stormwater harvesting and the importance of managing health and environmental risks from stormwater harvesting schemes.

08-07 – Valuation Of Property, Plant & Equipment At Fair Value

In preparing and planning for this process, several questions have arisen in relation to the fair value of these asset classes. This circular proposes to address these issues for councils.

07-49 – Criteria For Applications Under Section 358 Of The Local Government Act 1993 – Formation Of Corporations Or Other Entities

This circular is to replace Circular No. 56 of 2006. An additional fourth administrative criteria for assessing applications has now been adopted. Section 358 of the Local Government Act 1993 restricts councils in forming or participating in the formation of a corporation or other entity without first obtaining the consent of the Minister for Local Government. This restriction also extends to acquiring a controlling interest in a corporation or other entity.

07-27 – Approval Of Water Recycling Projects And Private Water Supplies

The purpose of this Circular is to provide local councils with information about the standards and approvals applying to water recycling projects and private water supplies. NSW Health developed this information in consultation with Sydney Water and the Departments of: Local Government; Water and Energy, Environment & Climate Change; and Planning.

06-52 – Standard Contract of Employment General Managers of Local Councils in NSW and Standard Contract of Employment

Councils were recently notified by Circular No 06-37 regarding my approval of the Standard Contract of Employment for General Managers of Local Councils in New South Wales. I have by Order under section 338(4) of the Local Government Act 1993 now approved the Standard Contract of Employment for Senior Staff (other than General Managers) of Local Councils in New South Wales to be in force from 1 September 2006. This contract represents the standard documentation that general managers must use when appointing senior staff.

06-47 – Stormwater Management Services Charge Guidelines

This Circular is to advise councils of the release of the Stormwater Management Services Guidelines (attached). The Guidelines have been developed to assist councils that wish to levy a stormwater management services charge. They describe in detail the requirements associated with levying the charge.

06-32 – Provision of financial assistance under Section 356

The department’s Local Government Reform - Promoting Better Practice reviews of councils have identified evidence that some councils are providing financial assistance without complying with their obligations under this section and are failing to make considered and transparent decisions on grants of financial assistance.

05-26 – GST – Council compliance requirements from 2004/05

Category: Circular to CouncilsStatus: ActiveCircular Details: 05-26Contact: Susan Glasson - 02 4428 4135Previous Circular: NilAttachments: NilWho should read this: NilAction required: NilPDF Version:Council Circular 05-26 - PDF The purpose of this circular is to advise councils of changes to the requirements for GST...