
15-10 – More time to get pools safe before selling or leasing

What’s new or changing Provisions requiring a property with a swimming pool to have a certificate of compliance before it can be sold or leased will now commence on 29 April 2016. What this will mean for your council Councils should use...

15-09 – Changes to the land acquisition process for acquiring authorities in NSW

The process for acquiring privately owned land by compulsory process has been changed to improve fairness and transparency. The new requirements apply to all acquiring authorities in NSW, including local councils. Compliance with the requirements is mandatory.

15-08 – New NSW Online Registry for court services to save time and money

Councils can now access court services more cheaply and quickly via a new NSW Online Registry.

15-07 – Misuse of Council Resources – 2015 State Election

In the lead up to the 2015 State election, council officials need to be aware of their obligations under the Model Code of Conduct regarding the use of council resources.

15-06 – Information and Privacy Commission – Privacy Governance Framework

The Information and Privacy Commission NSW (IPC) has launched the Privacy Governance Framework (PGF), a new resource to help councils manage their responsibilities under the NSW privacy regime.

15-05 – Responsible Pet Ownership Grants Program – Successful Applicants in Year One

Commencing in 2014/15, the NSW Government has committed $900,000 over 3 years to the Responsible Pet Ownership Grants Program. Applications for year one of the program have now been assessed and 24 projects with a total project value of $303,375 have been approved.

15-04 – Release of Fit for the Future Template 3 (Rural Council Proposal)

The Fit for the Future Template 3 (Rural Council Proposal) and guidance material has been finalised, following consultation with the sector, and is now available to councils.

15-03 – Disability Inclusion Action Planning requirements of local councils

The Disability Inclusion Act requires all local government organisations to produce a Disability Inclusion Action Plan (DIAP) setting out measures enabling people with a disability to access general support and services and fully participate in the community.

15-02 – Disclosure of Information by Councils to NBN Co Limited for the delivery of the National Broadband Network

The Attorney General has approved the making of a public interest direction under section 41 of the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998 (the PPIP Act), titled 'Direction on the Disclosure of Information by Councils to NBN Co Limited for the delivery of the National Broadband Network'. The public interest direction was signed by the NSW Privacy Commissioner on 7 November 2014 and has effect for a period of 18 months.

15-01 – Local Government Amendment (Elections) Bill 2014

The Local Government Amendment (Elections) Bill 2014 has now passed the NSW Parliament. The amendments give effect to recommendations made by the NSW Parliament’s Joint Standing Committee on Electoral Matters in its inquiry into the 2012 Local Government Elections. They are designed to improve the administration of council elections, give councils more choice in the administration of their elections, reduce costs and improve voter participation.