15-23 – Code of Accounting Practice and Financial Reporting (version 23)
The final Code of Accounting Practice and Financial Reporting (version 23) is released for use by councils in preparation of their 2014/15 financial statements.
15-22 – Public Interest Disclosure Obligations
1 March 2015 marked the 20th anniversary of the Public Interest Disclosures Act 1994 (PID Act), an important milestone for integrity and accountability of the NSW public sector. This milestone presents a timely opportunity for General Managers to increase staff awareness by promoting their Councils’ internal reporting policy and procedures.
15-20 – Your Council – Profile & Performance of the NSW Local Government Sector 2013/14
Your Council – Profile & Performance of the NSW Local Government Sector 2013/14 report and supporting data has been released. The report provides councils and their community with information on key measures of local government performance.
15-21 – Filing fees payable by councils for Court and Tribunal matters
The NSW Department of Justice has received advice from the Crown Solicitor that, pursuant to the provisions of the Civil Procedure Regulation 2012, the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) and the Local Government Act 1993, councils must pay the corporate fee when filing a matter in a court or tribunal. Courts and tribunals have been instructed to charge councils the corporate fee, as opposed to the standard fee, from 1 July 2015. This fee will not be back-dated.
15-18 – 2015/16 Calendar of Compliance and Reporting Requirements
The 2015/16 Calendar of Compliance and Reporting Requirements is now available for councils. The Calendar includes key statutory and other reporting deadlines for all general purpose councils.
15-19 – Fixing Country Roads – Grant Writing Workshops
The next rounds of the NSW Government’s Fixing Country Roads grants program are expected to award up to $500 million over a ten year period. This will be complemented by a $400 million Fixing Country Rail program, targeting upgrades to the rail network connecting country NSW to ports.
15-17 – Fit for the Future – Methodology and templates
IPART has issued the final methodology for its assessment of councils’ Fit for the Future proposals, as well as details about the proposal submission that will be through an online portal.
15-16 – Reporting of Rates Permissible Income for 2015/16
On 2 December 2014, the Independent Regulatory and Pricing Tribunal announced the 2015/16 rate-peg limit of 2.4%. The Special Schedule 9 Permissible Income Workpapers have been updated accordingly. The rate-peg for 2015/16 will be used to calculate the Permissible Income that will be reported and audited with the Financial Statements for 2014/15.
15-15 – Responsible Pet Ownership Grants Program – Year 2 (2015/16) – Call for applications
The NSW Government has committed $900,000 over 3 years to the Responsible Pet Ownership Grants Program (2014-15 through to 2016-17). Applications for the second year of funding for the program can now be
15-14 – Information About Rating 2015/16
The Minister for Local Government, the Hon Paul Toole MP, has determined the maximum Boarding House Tariffs and maximum interest rate chargeable on overdue rates and charges for 2015/16.