15-21 – Filing fees payable by councils for Court and Tribunal matters
The NSW Department of Justice has received advice from the Crown Solicitor that, pursuant to the provisions of the Civil Procedure Regulation 2012, the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) and the Local Government Act 1993, councils must pay the corporate fee when filing a matter in a court or tribunal. Courts and tribunals have been instructed to charge councils the corporate fee, as opposed to the standard fee, from 1 July 2015. This fee will not be back-dated.
15-18 – 2015/16 Calendar of Compliance and Reporting Requirements
The 2015/16 Calendar of Compliance and Reporting Requirements is now available for councils. The Calendar includes key statutory and other reporting deadlines for all general purpose councils.
15-16 – Reporting of Rates Permissible Income for 2015/16
On 2 December 2014, the Independent Regulatory and Pricing Tribunal announced the 2015/16 rate-peg limit of 2.4%. The Special Schedule 9 Permissible Income Workpapers have been updated accordingly. The rate-peg for 2015/16 will be used to calculate the Permissible Income that will be reported and audited with the Financial Statements for 2014/15.
15-14 – Information About Rating 2015/16
The Minister for Local Government, the Hon Paul Toole MP, has determined the maximum Boarding House Tariffs and maximum interest rate chargeable on overdue rates and charges for 2015/16.
15-09 – Changes to the land acquisition process for acquiring authorities in NSW
The process for acquiring privately owned land by compulsory process has been changed to improve fairness and transparency. The new requirements apply to all acquiring authorities in NSW, including local councils. Compliance with the requirements is mandatory.
12-09 Fair Valuation, infrastructure, property, plant and equipment
In July 2006, the former Department of Local Government mandated that NSW councils commence valuing infrastructure, property, plant and equipment at fair value, in accordance with Australian Accounting Standard AASB 116, "Property, Plant and Equipment". This valuation requirement was introduced using a staged approach. The first asset class to be revalued at fair value was water supply and sewerage services assets.
11-23 – GST Certificate – Revised Requirements
Category: Circular to CouncilsStatus: ActiveCircular Details: 11-23 / 12 September 2011 / A244632Contact: Finance Policy Section / 02 4428 4100Previous Circular: 05-26Attachments: NilWho should read this: NilAction required: NilPDF Version:Council Circular 11-23 - PDF The purpose of this circular is to advise councils...
11-27 Findings from review of councillor expenses and facilities policies
A sample of 47 councillor expenses and facilities policies, prepared under sections 252 and 253 of the Local Government Act 1993 and the Guidelines for
the payment of expenses and the provision of facilities for Mayors and Councillors in NSW, have been reviewed to assess compliance with the legislation and Guidelines.
The Guidelines were first released in September 2006 to promote accountability and transparency in the payment of expenses and provision of facilities to mayors and councillors to meet community expectations.
11-01 – Revised Ministerial Investment Order
A revised Investment Order pursuant to section 625 of the Local Government Act 1993 has been issued. The Minister for Local Government signed the
revised Order on 12 January 2011 and it was published in the NSW Government Gazette on 11 February 2011. It replaces the Order dated 31 July
10-34 Capital Expenditure Guidelines
The Guidelines have been issued pursuant to section 23A of the Local Government Act 1993. As such, councils must consider these Guidelines before
committing to capital projects. It should be noted that councils are expected to undertake the processes outlined in the Guidelines, irrespective of the funding sources of projects.