
Council Circular 25-04 Draft Quarterly Budget Review Statement Guidelines

Financial reporting is an important part of a transparent and accountable local government. To ensure councillors have effective oversight and are in control of the financial performance of their council, the Office of Local Government (OLG) has revised the Quarterly Budget Review Statement Guidelines for Local Government (the draft Guidelines).

Council Circular 25-03 Review of the NSW Companion Animal Laws – Discussion Paper

The NSW Government has committed to a comprehensive review of the Companion Animals Act 1998 (Companion Animals Act). The Minister for Local Government, the Hon. Ron Hoenig MP, is commencing the review by inviting public submissions on a discussion paper.

Council Circular 25-02 Time Series Data 2023-24

The Time Series data for 2023-24 has been released. Councils will be able to monitor their performance against similar or neighbouring councils.

Council Circular 25-01 Cyber Security Guidelines for Councils

The updated Cyber Security Guidelines – Local Government (the Guidelines) allow councils to assess their cyber security maturity and plan their maturity uplift.

Council Circular 24-23 Consultation on reforms to council meeting practices

The Office of Local Government (OLG) is inviting feedback from the local government sector and others on proposed amendments to the Model Code of Meeting Practice for Local Councils in NSW (Model Meeting Code). A consultation draft of the new Model Meeting Code and accompanying paper has been published on OLG’s website at The proposed amendments to the Model Meeting Code are indicated in track changes.

Council Circular 24-22 Mandatory Notification of Data Breach Scheme Trends Report 2023-2024

The Acting Privacy Commissioner has released the first Mandatory Notification of Data Breach Scheme (MNDB Scheme) Trends Report (the Report) for November 2023 to June 2024. The Report provides preliminary insights into the operation of the MNDB Scheme following its commencement in November 2023. It draws from the statistical data from notifications received and the Information and Privacy Commission’s (IPC) broader engagement with agencies.

Council Circular 24-21 Fresh Start Toolkit for Councils

The Office of Local Government (OLG) has issued a Stakeholder Toolkit for councils to aid their engagement around the Fresh start for local government apprentices, trainees and cadets (Fresh Start) program. The Toolkit provides text, graphics, videos and communication scripts to guide councils engaging with the public about the Fresh Start program and its purpose. Councils can use the Toolkit to update websites, produce newsletters and social media updates, and keep their community engaged on the Fresh Start program.

Council Circular 24-20 A Fresh Start for Local Government Apprentices, Trainees and Cadets Grants Program

The NSW Government has committed $252.2 million over 6 years to directly support local councils and the local government sector to developing sustainable workforces. The Office of Local Government has developed the ‘A fresh start for local government apprentices, trainees and cadets’ grant program to provide funding support to local government organisations hiring new apprentices, trainees and cadets in their community.

Council Circular 24-19 2024/25 “Hit the Ground Running” Webinars

To assist councils in the delivery of councillor induction and refresher training, the Office of Local Government (OLG) will be holding a series of “Hit the Ground Running” webinars beginning in October 2024 and continuing into early 2025. These webinars will provide councillors with essential information to serve their community and fulfil their civic responsibilities. “Hit the Ground Running” webinars will be held online once a week on Thursdays from 4.00 – 6.00 pm. The webinar on the Governing Body and Financial Management will start at 4.30 pm. Recordings of the webinars will be made available on OLG’s website.

Council Circular 24-18 Mutual Recognition – Councils’ Local Approvals for mobile businesses

As part of the NSW Vibrancy Reforms, the Office of Local Government (OLG) is developing a mutual recognition framework. This will allow an approval granted to a business under Section 68 of the Local Government Act 1993 by one council to be recognised across multiple local government areas. This will initially apply to approvals granted for the following mobile businesses: o food trucks o market stall holders o buskers o outdoor fitness trainers