
15-39 – GIPA Guideline 1 – Disclosure of information in returns of interests submitted by councillors and designated persons

What’s new or changing Councils are reminded of GIPA Guideline 1 - Local Councils on the disclosure of information (returns disclosing the interest of councillors and designated persons) (Guideline 1). What this will mean for your council This guideline was issued by...

15-24 – 2015/16 Determination of the Local Government Remuneration Tribunal

The Local Government Remuneration Tribunal has determined an increase to mayoral and councillor fees of 2.5% for the 2015/16 financial year, with effect from 1 July 2015.

15-22 – Public Interest Disclosure Obligations

1 March 2015 marked the 20th anniversary of the Public Interest Disclosures Act 1994 (PID Act), an important milestone for integrity and accountability of the NSW public sector. This milestone presents a timely opportunity for General Managers to increase staff awareness by promoting their Councils’ internal reporting policy and procedures.

15-07 – Misuse of Council Resources – 2015 State Election

In the lead up to the 2015 State election, council officials need to be aware of their obligations under the Model Code of Conduct regarding the use of council resources.

15-06 – Information and Privacy Commission – Privacy Governance Framework

The Information and Privacy Commission NSW (IPC) has launched the Privacy Governance Framework (PGF), a new resource to help councils manage their responsibilities under the NSW privacy regime.

15-02 – Disclosure of Information by Councils to NBN Co Limited for the delivery of the National Broadband Network

The Attorney General has approved the making of a public interest direction under section 41 of the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998 (the PPIP Act), titled 'Direction on the Disclosure of Information by Councils to NBN Co Limited for the delivery of the National Broadband Network'. The public interest direction was signed by the NSW Privacy Commissioner on 7 November 2014 and has effect for a period of 18 months.

15-01 – Local Government Amendment (Elections) Bill 2014

The Local Government Amendment (Elections) Bill 2014 has now passed the NSW Parliament. The amendments give effect to recommendations made by the NSW Parliament’s Joint Standing Committee on Electoral Matters in its inquiry into the 2012 Local Government Elections. They are designed to improve the administration of council elections, give councils more choice in the administration of their elections, reduce costs and improve voter participation.

13-23 Model Asbestos Policy for NSW Councils – S23a Guideline

The ‘Model Asbestos Policy for NSW Councils’ has now been released as a guideline under section 23A of the Local Government Act 1993. This means that councils must consider the Policy when developing, adopting and implementing asbestos policies for their local government areas.

12-20 September 2012 Local government elections – Use of council resources and electoral material

With the upcoming local government elections in September 2012 this circular provides a reminder of the obligations of council officials in relation to the use of council resources and the potential for council publications to be considered ‘electoral material’.

12-14 Candidate diversity strategy and thinking about becoming a councillor?

A guide for candidates, stand for your community, and other resources have been prepared by the Office of Local Government, in collaboration with Local Government NSW, to ensure candidates reflect the diverse communities they represent. The resources will also assist prospective candidates in making informed decisions about standing for local government elections in September 2016.