Council Circular 25-01 Cyber Security Guidelines for Councils

The updated Cyber Security Guidelines – Local Government (the Guidelines) allow councils to assess their cyber security maturity and plan their maturity uplift.

Council Circular 24-17 Councillor conduct and meeting practices – a discussion paper

The Councillor Conduct Framework is under review with the aim to facilitate and support local decision making. The Councillor conduct and meeting practices – A new framework discussion paper (discussion paper) has been prepared to seek the views of the community, key stakeholders, and the local government sector about the proposed changes.

GC-153 2024-25 Financial Assistance Grants (FA Grants) – advance payment

The Commonwealth Government has announced the advance payment of the preliminary 2024-25 FA Grants will represent approximately 85% of the amount councils are entitled to.

Empowering women to run for council

With voters heading to the polls for local government elections in September, the NSW Government is providing support to encourage more women to consider running for their local council.

Investigation to be launched into Liverpool City Council

The Minister for Local Government Ron Hoenig has requested the Office of Local Government to undertake an investigation into Liverpool City Council.

Council Circular 24-01 Constitutional referendums and council polls

Councils are reminded to inform the NSW Electoral Commissioner (NSWEC) if they have resolved for the NSWEC to administer a constitutional referendum or poll in conjunction with the September 2024 local government elections.

23-16 Regulation amendments to protect the employment of waste workers

Amendments have been made to the Local Government (General) Regulation 2021 (the Regulation) to strengthen employment protections where councils tender for domestic or other waste management services

New measures to strengthen transparency and financial sustainability of councils

Elected councillors will be better informed about how their councils are performing and be in a stronger position to exercise more effective oversight of council operations under new regulations governing the operation of Audit, Risk and Improvement Committees (ARICs) and internal audit within NSW councils.

23-11 Effect of the NSW Government’s policy on executive office holders’ and senior executives’ remuneration on general managers’, executive officers’ and senior staff remuneration

The Statutory and Other Offices Remuneration (Executive Office Holders and Senior Executives) Regulation 2023 (SOORT Regulation) has been prescribed. Clause 4(1) of the SOORT Regulation states that the Statutory and Other Offices Remuneration Tribunal (the SOORT Tribunal) is not to award an increase in remuneration for NSW Government executive officeholders and senior executives before 1 July 2025.

23-09 September 2023 mayoral elections

Circular DetailsCircular No 23-09 / 01 August 2023 / A869189Previous Circular21-24 September 2021 Mayoral electionsWho should read thisCouncillors / General Managers / Governance staffContactCouncil Governance Team / 02 4428 4100 / requiredCouncil to ImplementPDF version23-09 September 2023 mayoral elections...