20-19 Information about Ratings 2020-21

Category: Circular to Councils Status: Active Circular Details: 20-19 / 26 May 2020 / A702258 Contact: Performance Team (02) 4428 4100 / olg@olg.nsw.gov.au Previous Circular: 19-05 Attachments:  Nil Who should read this:  Councillors / General Managers / Council staff Action required:  Information...

20-18 Important changes for all councils made by the COVID-19 Legislative Amendment (Emergency Measures-Miscellaneous) Act No.2

Category: Circular to Councils Status: Active Circular Details: 20-18 / 19 May 2020 / A703512 Contact: Policy Team / 02 4428 4100 / olg@olg.nsw.gov.au Previous Circular:  Nil Attachments: Nil Who should read this: Councillors / General Managers / All council staff Action...

20-17 Relaxation of some restrictions on the attendance by councillors and staff at council and committee meetings during the COVID-19 pandemic

Category: Circular to Councils Status: Active Circular Details: 20-17 / 19 May 2020 / A703212 Contact: Council Governance Team/ 02 4428 4100/ olg@olg.nsw.gov.au Previous Circular:  20-14 Attachments: Nil Who should read this: Councillors / General Managers / Council governance staff Action required:...

20-16 COVID-19 Economic Stimulus Package

Category: Circular to Councils Status: Active Circular Details: 20-16 / 13 May 2020 / A702650 Contact: Performance Team and Council Engagement Team / 02 4428 4100 / olg@olg.nsw.gov.au Previous Circular: Nil Attachments: Nil Who should read this: General Managers and Responsible Accounting...

20-15 New Integrated Planning and Reporting requirements for NSW councils

Category: Circular to Councils Status: Active Circular Details: 20-15 / 1 May 2020 / A700190 Contact: Council Engagement Team / 02 4428 4100 Previous Circular: Nil Attachments: Nil Who should read this: General Managers, Governance and Integrated Planning and Reporting staff Action...

20-14 Updated guidance on attendance by councillors and others at council and committee meetings during the COVID-19 pandemic

Category: Circular to Councils Status: Active Circular Details: 20-14 / 27 April 2020 / A700129 Contact: Council Governance Team/ 02 4428 4100/ olg@olg.nsw.gov.au Previous Circular: 20-09 Attachments: Nil Who should read this: Councillors / General Managers / Council governance staff Action required:...

20-13 Managing fraud and corruption risks during the COVID-19 pandemic

Category: Circular to Councils Status: Active Circular Details: 20-13 / 22 April 2020 / A698229 Contact: Council Governance Team / (02) 4428 4100 / olg@olg.nsw.gov.au Previous Circular: 20-06 Attachments: Nil Who should read this: General Managers / Council governance staff Action required:...

20-12 Modification of statutory requirements in response to the COVID-19 pandemic

Category: Circular to Councils Status: Active Circular Details: 20-12/ 17 April 2020 / A696830 Contact: Council Performance Team / 02 4428 4100 / olg@olg.nsw.gov.au Previous Circular: 20-06 Novel Coronavirus COVID-19 Development Updates Attachments: Nil Who should read this: General Managers / Finance,...

20-11 Final Code of Accounting Practice and Financial Reporting (update 28) including Joint Organisations Supplement

Category: Circular to Councils Status: Active Circular Details: 20-11 / 30 March 2020 / A691689 Contact: Policy Team / (02) 4428 4100 / code@olg.nsw.gov.au Previous Circular: 19-04 – Final Code of Accounting Practice and Financial Reporting (update 27) including Joint Organisations Supplement...

20-10 Postponement of the September 2020 Local Government Elections

Category: Circular to Councils Status: Active Circular Details: 20-10 / 25 March 2020 / A696536 Contact: Council Governance Team/ 02 4428 4100/ olg@olg.nsw.gov.au Previous Circular: 20-06 - PDF Attachments: Nil Who should read this: Councillors / General Managers / All council staff Action required: Information...