
24-13 Annual Reporting of Labour Statistics

Subject/titleAnnual Reporting of Labour Statistics
Circular DetailsCircular No 24-* / 23 July 2024 / A907664
Previous Circular23-08 Annual Reporting of Labour Statistics
Who should read thisCouncillors / General Managers / Human Resources
ContactCouncil Governance Team / 02 4428 4100 /
Action requiredCouncil to Implement
PDF Version24-13 Annual Reporting of Labour Statistics

What’s new or changing?

  • Wednesday, 14 February 2024 has been chosen as the “relevant day” for councils to report on their labour statistics in their annual reports under section 217 of the Local Government (General) Regulation 2021 (the Regulation).

What will this mean for council?

  • In their 2023/24 annual reports, councils must publish a statement of the total number of persons who performed paid work for them on Wednesday, 14 February 2024 including, in separate statements, the total number of the following:
    • the number of persons directly employed by the council:
      • on a permanent full-time basis
      • on a permanent part-time basis
      • on a casual basis
      • under a fixed-term contract
    • the number of persons employed by the council who are “senior staff” for the purposes of the Local Government Act 1993
    • the number of persons engaged by the council, under a contract or other arrangement with the person’s employer, that is wholly or principally for the labour of the person
    • the number of persons supplied to the council, under a contract or other arrangement with the person’s employer, as an apprentice or trainee.

Key points

  • The “relevant day” for the purpose of reporting labour statistics under section 217 of the Regulation is required to be fixed by the Secretary of the Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure after the end of each financial year. This date is to be a different day to the one fixed by the Secretary for the previous year.
  • This information assists in the compilation of labour force data across the sector, including understanding the numbers of apprentices and trainees.
  • The data will also assist in developing programs to deliver on the Government’s election commitment of increasing the numbers of apprentices and trainees.

Where to go for further information

  • For further information please contact the Council Governance Team on 02 4428 4100 or by email at

Brett Whitworth

Deputy Secretary

Office of Local Government