
Council Circular 24-03 Performance and suspension orders

Circular Details24-03 / 27 February 2024 / A889340
Who should read thisCouncillors / General Managers
ContactInvestigations Team / 02 4428 4100 /
Action requiredInformation
PDF Version24-03 Performance and suspension orders -PDF

What’s new or changing

  • The Office of Local Government (OLG) has published a revised framework for issuing performance and suspension orders
  • The revised framework has been updated so that it is consistent with current statutory requirements.

What this will mean for your council

  • The framework provides information for councils on the process that will be followed when performance improvement orders and/or suspension orders are being considered or issued.
  • The information provided includes details in relation to the appointment of temporary advisors, financial controllers and interim administrators.

Key points

  • The revised framework, and information sheets for councils and members of the public are available on OLG’s website here.
  • Councils are responsible for their own performance.
  • The Minister for Local Government and OLG continues to encourage and support councils to voluntarily take actions to improve.
  • Performance improvement, compliance, and suspension orders may be used to ensure councils and individual councillors take the actions required to address the performance issues.
  • Decision on what action should be taken will be based on the nature and seriousness of the performance issue and the response of the council.

Where to go for further information

  • For further information please contact the Investigations Team on 02 4428 4100 or by email at

Brett Whitworth
Deputy Secretary, Local Government